Rehan's Mom Is in Urgent Need of Healing - - - Urgent Help Thread - Emergency Thread

Our friend, @anon83343177 is in trouble, she is under heavy psychic attacks from someone.

If anyone can help her, please do so.

If more members would send her help, I think that would be for the Better.


Doing what I can


Have it thanks to a friend on here for some short time. Almost forgot to create one myself. I’ll do that !!


Really? I have a marble plate but not a personal item, charged with the blessed path item. Haven’t seen much from it but also haven’t felt the energy dissipating. Always have thought the results were more of environmental and that’s why I couldn’t sense the difference.

But I know your pendulum is very intuitive and so is you, I’ll charge up mine some more and get a sense of plated one


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Requests for Healing

If you can, please send any help or pray for Yasin or for the person they are asking for help (I don’t know any details); I just Googled Jaundice (What Yasin asked for help for) and I found out that it’s serious trouble.


If anyone could send psychic protection or cleaning I’d appreciate it, feel like something is bothering me


I. Better buy dizziness is bad

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Better buy what?

Also, I hope Your Health Improves. :pray:

I can move around
Stand up with walker
The dizziness comes and I have to sit down

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I think You already loop this field?

Also, try anything which is easy on the nerves, like Fields for Chakras and Reiki (fields or some YouTube sessions - P. M. me if you want, I’ll tell you which of the free ones I have tried).

Thank you
I need all the help i,can get

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@RedCat11 I would suggest to also use/add these 2:

Use SLR3 with Affirmations, like “I Am Healthy”
“My Head is Healthy”, “I Feel Fine”
“My Nerves are healed/healthy” “my brain is healthy” etc.

Also, while playing SLR3, imagine Yourself as Perectly Healthy.

Imagine scenarios in which you are Healthy.

And Use This Servitor as Well, It’s Very Powerful:

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  1. Get rid of eyefloaters

  2. Get rid of Tinnitus

  3. One to be social and make loads of friends

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Hello, Cero.
I don’t quite understand your comment.

Are these things that you need?
Is that maybe a reply to someone?

Edit: i saw your request in the Requests for Healing thread.

This is it.

My mom is in the hospital, ready to have her second leg amputated.

If You want and if you have any Prayers, Any Good thoughts, any support for her, feel free to Help/Aid Her Tomorrow (the day the surgery takes place) and the Next few days.

But, I would kindly ask You to use Intercessions/Prayers/…, and not send direct healing in order to not overwhelm her, unless You’re a Healer Yourself/Know What You’re Doing.

Thank You for Everything.


Healing Blessings and Love


Thank You So Much!! :pray:

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YW KY Roses pink


Wishing you and your mom peace and comfort in this moment , as much as there can be. :green_heart: