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I’d be skeptical with listening to this with sapien fields.

subliminals, affirmations and frequencies will be safe and possibly game changing.

i am saying this with the assumption that quadible has been developing their abilities since their last booster 9 months ago.

That is quite the claim. i admit i haven’t given it a proper listen but i do intend on doing so while i listen to the anticoper amygdala subliminal

I agree it really is powerful, I looped it alongside a another audio for a couple hours and it knocked my ass out almost immediately. I’ve been exhausted all day and I have a 12 hour work shift in a few hours. Lesson learned lmao


What seems to be better:

Or this:


Did you listen to it simultaneously with other audio?

PU’s got something for that on Patreon if you want to resolve it before it settles. Ewfae’s get Facemaxx also dealing with this. Can’t speak on results.


In my case i use both lol
I’ve become so attractive to girls, i attracted perfect relationship, they both build massive sexual energy and libido in myself but can not say which one is really better
But i would personally chose Love and Pleasure


lol That happened to me once, that’s why now whenever I go to listen to some new energy field or experience I try to do it some day when I can have free time, to be able to rest or recover if necessary. But if you think you need a quick recharge, i recommended you listen to the dream seeds The orgone accumulator field 1 or 2 times, which should be enough for a restoration similar to having had a restful sleep.

I haven’t listen that Quadible audio boost yet, I don’t really understand it, that description is still a bit confusing. I’m waiting for some results testimonials first.

Metaphysical Boundaries Removal is a fun field btw, thanks for sharing.


Can spirituality zone be stacked with dreams fields?

It depends on what fields, if there is synergy and if your energy system can handle it. you have to do small tests

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Stacked as in, two fields at the same time?


Unless it’s Mother of all Boosters.

You can listen to them around 5-10 minutes apart.

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So let’s say I listen to slr v3 then SZs restore inner masculinity I can’t listen to another one of dreams fields for 5-10 mins after SZs finish

Let’s say I listened to dream then SZ then dream again with no breaks will that effect results ?

It would be related topic and I can handle lots of fields daily so should be fine then

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You can do what you prefer, just listen to your body and how you feel.


Are you talking about the sun exposure something from PU? I did find the ewfae one, thanks!

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Nano-Pulse Stimulation Therapy seems to be able to tackle this

Any recommendations for a subliminal creator, or perhaps specific subliminal audios?

The creator I know is very successful, and his programs work but are behavior-based. His approach is to transform the individual through changing habits, behavior, and healing. It’s great, I know, but what I am seeking is straightforward positive programming.

I have recently become aware of the negative programming that surrounds me, and I feel the need to counter it with positive programming, simple things like affirmations. However, it would take a significant amount of time and effort, which I don’t have, to sit in front of a mirror and recite 100 affirmations twice a day.

So my options are: I either create my own subliminal audios or find a good creator. DrVirtual7 seemed like an option, but if he infused his audios with energy or any other element, that means I cannot listen to them many times as I have my own energy and elements to listen to and would be using extra resources in that capacity.

Any recommendations are welcome :pray::pray:

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Fields to Object (from Patreon) from MORPHIC DOCTOR works well. I placed one Super Metabolism Boost field from Sapien into the coin, although according to the description two are possible. And he attached the coin to the body with a plaster, the action was felt as if listening to audio.


I would recommend HypnoDaddy, all of its fields work well for me. When I listen for an hour, I feel their effect is good. Many fields are felt after the first listen. In any case, if you listen regularly, you will get results. I have never seen any side effects. He doesn’t have many fields on his channel, but they do exist on his website HypnoDaddy on Audiomack. I especially like listening to Anti-Virus for the Brain before other programs, but this field is not currently available on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/@HypnoDaddy/videos