DNA repair system & Plasma light and infrasound bioactive beach

Hi! I’m new here. Hope you all are having a great day.

And I have a question regarding the DNA repair system & The Plasma light & infrasound bioactive beach field, which is Can they reverse physical results from Subliminals (like nose, hair, facial symmetry, height, etc)?

And also, if not Can I listen to the appearance Subliminals while listening to these two ?

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It is a valid question, and although I cannot say for sure, I have seen no comments or testimonies that have said that they have reversed the results of subliminals from listening to plasma beach, and I have read thousands of them. Although I believe that if you have had an unwanted result, plasma could help you return to the previous state, it is also a matter of intention, in the same way if you want to preserve any changes or you perceive that the result is currently harmonious, plasma should not interfere, plasma It is an intelligent energy, you can direct it with your intention.


Okay, Thank you for answering

Thanks! :relaxed: