Does height booster v2.0 close growth plate

Are you sure it’s safe?

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I think so. I mean, the creator of it put a detailed explanation of what the audio does and also says that you should not overuse the audio because it needs to integrate into your aura. I asked him once to make a morphic field that makes us need less sleep. Kinda similar to the one that sapien made. He said he will make it soon, so if you are skeptical about his channel, you can listen to that audio when he uploads it.

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But we should be careful playing with our aura…? Morphic fields shouldn’t work like that ain’t it? Or… he’s just saying it to sound cool? Well idk lol

Morphic fields effect your aura. That is why sapien says that the longer you listen to a field or wear a tag, the stronger the effects become.

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Oh ok thx for replying

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I am still skeptical about this channel though. This is why i asked the creator of it to make a field for less sleep. That way we can immediately know if his work is legit or not.

How do you make morphic field???

I am not sure. Not many people know how to make morphic fields.

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Really? The website said
"This happens during such experiences because people enter deep mental states (delta/epsilon) that grant them a conscious connection to this collective consciousness. This collective consciousness is a sea of informational energy that can be tapped into. It is just a matter of being able to remain conscious in deep mental states like delta/epsilon and understand the language of the subconscious mind.

With the ability to mentally tap into any informational energy in the universe, you can tap into any field such as the field that produces testosterone or someone’s energy field to determine how they feel at that moment. You can even tap into the informational field of a random rock in the beach"

Can we speak privately? @lol

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sure just message me privately.

No it does not fuse the plates,


you will grow taller with all of @El_Capitan_Nemo Releases.


I have a couple questions.

When it means it works on the growth plates does it work on all growth plates like in hands, arms, spine, etc.?

It stimulates the activation of chondrocytes, so I’m wondering does height booster help to regenerate cartilage?

It’s gone. Did it worked on you ???

I’m calling it. He will release a legendary grow taller one of these days

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These information is real?

do you have it downloaded?

Waiting for an @Rosechalice sighting.

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haha :slight_smile:

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The file mentioned by @lol is not a sapienmed field. If you want information on it, you will have to contact lol by DM. Also you can check Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube - General Discussion - Sapien Medicine