Dragón and server

what is the difference between dragon and server? how are they created? could someone guide me? What is a dragon and a server for and what is it not for? Thank you for your answers.


you surely mean servitor… :roll_eyes: :sweat_smile:

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If you mean Dreamweaver’s dragon it is a servitor :slight_smile: It is created (as far as I know) with the instructions in the PDF available on Patreon.

In my experience the possibilities are endless, they are only limited by our beliefs and imagination.

You might want to use the search function to look for threads on servitors, there has been a lot said on the forum about it, I’m sure you’ll find what you are looking for :smiley:


Now that you have a more accurate term, you can use the helpful forum Search tool (that magnifying glass icon that’s in the upper right corner of every page of this forum) to find the information that you’re wanting.

For example, when I type “dragon” into the Search tool, it gives me more than 50 gold mines of information which could provide to you the information you’re wanting, including:

Now, thanks to @Sarumann33, you can do the same thing for “servitor.”

When you go to The Dragon Golem thread, you might see that at least one of the important links (just under the original post) are broken. That link leads to additional information from the Enlightened States blog. (If you don’t already know, Enlightened States is the website of Sapien as well as the host for this forum.) Here is the updated link:

While you’re there, scroll through that blog. You’ll find more gold mines of helpful information for you to mine.

Enjoy your treasure hunt!


good that the servitors cannot be insulted… :innocent: i ve imagine calling one of my fae: Hi ya server, whats da upload rate today… :no_mouth:

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In my native language servitor is serveur, it might just be a translation issue. They respond to intent anyway, so it’s all good :smiley:


bad humor from my side then…but how do you say in your language server then? :slightly_smiling_face:

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…serveur hahahahah French is one of the most illogical and impractical languages but it is absolutely lovely :joy:

ok :blush: taking notes.

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Shouldn’t it be “serviteur” ?
C’est peut être horrible.

« Un servant », c’est sûrement mieux

Faut pas pousser non plus :sweat_smile:

French #1 :point_up:


The case could definitely be made!

According to the intarweeb the literal translation of serviteur to english is servant, but when checking the definition, that’s what happens :joy: :

Servitor: a person who is in or at the service of another; attendant.

Serveur: Homme ou femme chargé de servir les clients dans un bar, dans un restaurant

Serviteur: Celui qui a des devoirs, des obligations envers un souverain, un État, une collectivité, qui est à leur service; Celui qui a voué sa vie au service de Dieu (prêtre, religieux, etc.)

Servant: Qui est soumis à une servitude; Homme chargé d’exécuter des travaux domestiques ou assurant le service de la table; Clerc ou laïque assistant le prêtre dans la célébration de la messe

I guess from then on it’s a bit of a game of pick and choose hahaha.

The point I wanted to make is that perhaps the use of the word server was just something lost in translation :slight_smile: Case in point I guess :rofl:

I absolutely LOVE french but it’s not exactly a rational language with its myriad exceptions that make it quite hard as another language. It being illogical in my opinion is somewhat part of its charm :laughing:

Edited to add: but then again, most languages have their quirks

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C’est celle-là

J’aime bien le côté médiéval :european_castle: lol

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En plus phonétiquement c’est celle qui est la plus proche :smiley:


I don’t personally call them servitors, I call them tamashii for the japanese word meaning spirit. I don’t find that they serve me, I find we have a mutually beneficial relationship. They’re free to go whenever but I’m happy that so far they choose to stay haha :heart:


I notice that GianLee (who uses a translator) often uses the word server, so I think you’re right about the translation bit.

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