Drops of Memory

Yes the RNA Enpp6 is a swiss army knife of brain gain possibility.


Stack this release.

With this as a tool - BrainScale.net Training App

Thank me later ;)


Hereā€™s an unfiltered review. In about 10 days of listening about 2-3 hours everyday I can say my study definitely flows much better and my memorization has improved at least 30% (subjective) in terms of time it takes me to memorize and review, also one thing I noticed is that I now have much better sound memorization which I didnā€™t have before, practically non existent unless I did many many reviews (which basically means hearing the same thing a lot of times). Itā€™s pretty cool because this field seems to be the one that Iā€™m noticing more of the three Iā€™m using, probably because itā€™s more quantifiable, you either memorize or you donā€™t :laughing:. The only bad aspect (which isnā€™t really so bad because u wouldnā€™t have it if you didnā€™t use it that much), is that it makes me really tired fast and overwhelmed, of the three (babel, Manhattan and drops) this seems to be the one which makes me most tired or overwhelmed fastest. Overwhelmed solved by plasma brain, but tiredness no other choice but sleeping :joy:. I wonder if fields like MK8 could help in that aspect :thinking:


It does. Without it I probably would have needed a break by now.

Congrats and good luck with your studies :slight_smile:


Bought this audio today during the sale.

Dream :rose:

Peppy music
Felt sensations in my brain
Made sure I played MK8 before this one.
And also Brain Key.


Iā€™d say this


Iā€™m new to brain fields and there are so many to choose from. Which one will be most suitable for someone with mild dementia?


Already receiving working memory results. I was reading a post while also hearing a youtube video simultaneously (I know multitasking is bad) and I was able to keep both of the contents of information in my brain at the same time. Something my adhd brain has never done. Thr craziest part about it isā€¦ itā€™s only been used 4 times and because itā€™s a wiring field Iā€™m sure after 2500 times the change will be astounding.


Hi, @Earthkeeper
Could you give us more information ?
Dementia is a rather vague term that can cover any type of cognitive impairment to memory, thinking, decision making etcā€¦ It conveys the concept of impairment well, but is not very useful as far as treatments are concerned.

Alzheimerā€™s for example is a specific type of dementia. Each different aspect, symptoms or diagnosis will warrant a different response.

If talking in public makes you uncomfortable, you can always sent me a private message and Iā€™ll see it through with you


It is for my father. If Iā€™m not wrong, it is a beginning stage of Alzheimerā€™s.



In that case, there is an Alzheimer field on youtube/patreon, you can combine it with Plasma brain. That would be the basic stater pack.

On top of that Manhattan 8k RES would cover some aspect at the molecular pathway level to improve memory and strengthen some connections, then at the end Drops of memory would provide the final restoration.

That could be expensive, in that case Alzheimer, plasma brain and if possible Drops of memory


It can be inconvenient to shop around, but I didnā€™t organize the brain fields around certain pathologies, just making coherent augmentations for above average results.


If it is helpful, heā€™s perfectly fine after taking Aricep (donepezil). But if he stops for whatever reasons, the symptoms return. So drops of memory will help? Iā€™ll buy it right away while the sale is still active.


Oh, itā€™s an Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, meaning that itā€™s prevents the break down of acetylcholine.

If you wish to go with this, you can go with Manhattan 8k RES which boosts the permanent production of acetylcholine by synthesising more permanent Phosphatidylcholine into the cellular membranes. It would be a more permanent solution to alleviate his symptoms.

If you do get M8K, loop it on him.


Excellent! Iā€™ll go that route. Thank you so much for your help! :pray:


One last question: how many loops of M8K per day. Thank you again!

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Iā€™m leaning toward more is better

If you can make him eat Omega3 pills, even better


@Dr_Manhattan in my study, itā€™s going to require intense memorization, so I know this field is straightforward but I only have enough money to get one brain field until a couple months later so, will this field help with memorization of about 3000-5000 terms that I have to get through by 4 months or do you recommend any other brain fields with straight memorization?

I have Manhattan method which will help with connecting concepts together. Now I just need a memorization based field which will set me for good. Thank you.

This will most likely help me but I just want to hear it from you.


Appreciate it bro, this helped me narrow down my choices.


Will this field stave off alzheimers if used consistently? A preventive measure I mean

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