anyone want to share what they’re doing with their environmental transformers?
would one be enough in a room or would more be beneficial?
anyone want to share what they’re doing with their environmental transformers?
would one be enough in a room or would more be beneficial?
Whats yours?
currently i made one for my room and the bathroom. it’s only been a few days since i thought of trying it out so i’m still observing.
i’m currently thinking about what items to use for the living room, kitchen, and my closet!
also i’m not sure what to really expect so i’m just seeing what happens and if i feel any different.
i’ve also been looping Environmental Energy Accumulator and i sometimes feel ‘fresher’. my body temperature usually runs warm and i like the cool sensation i’m currently feeling on my skin.
did someone confirm somewhere that this item is wearable? in that case, is my assumption correct that it’s just you bringing around an energy cleaner for the environment? this way it’s not directly cleaning your energy?
It is!
oh here’s an idea! has anyone tried placing the image face-first on a piece of furniture?
a chair, computer desk, or kitchen table actively transforming energy would be interesting!
oh perfect captain nemo himself clarified!
thanks @PatronSaintBiceps !
No problem brother!
If you own a car, put one in there, or turn your keys into one! Also, for the ladies, put one in your purse. For the guys, turn your wallet/money clip into one.
Good vibes with you everywhere you go, automatically.
How about the welcome mat outside your front door…
I wonder if you could get either the Fae or Energetic Support servitors to program this capability into your Merkaba/Aura. I know this is possible with other energy work modalities (I’ve done it), but I’m not sure about morphic fields. Hmm…
Who wants to start a side hustle/business selling these?
Utmost integrity required…
edited to add.
If you’re wondering what I’m talking about…here’s a company selling much much much less effective tools to supposedly help spread the good environment transformation [spoiler][/spoiler]
I will Legit perma ignore the first person who gets trapped into thinking the above products are effective or ask questions about them.
It’s the business model I’m trying to show you here.
it sounds possible since the capability is there from the books i’ve read about saints having an effect wherever they go.
this brings up an interesting question! as captain nemo provided us the tools to create this for personal use, does it also translate to commercial use? i know some creators ask not to use their creations commercially.
or what if it’s possible to give captain nemo royalties or a part of your profit like in the music industry with sampling and collaborations.
i’m new to this so i may come off as naive.
This would be the most ethical option
I honestly don’t particularly mind.
You want to start a huge business and add me in a shareholder or something that’s also pretty cool.
But I don’t mind too much.
I don’t even mind reuploading my videos, but I do not really appreciate it too much when they try to just pass it as their own work though.
I purchased their power wand a few years back and tested it out a few times, but I never use it anymore. I found the energy to be very noisy and not particularly high vibe, and all it did to negative entities was piss them off and make them fight with me more (NOT a good idea).
It wasn’t long after that when I discovered TwistedSage and their tensor rings, which are much more effective at this type of thing, and much higher vibe.
What a silly thing to say, O grumpy-grandpa of the forum. I get that you really don’t like orgonite, but you’ll ignore anyone that even asks about it? How’s anyone supposed to learn?
Personally, I’m not a fan or poorly made orgonite, as it feels just like poorly made music sounds - noisy, unpleasant, and disruptive. But, just like with any tool, when they’re made well they can be useful. Works for music, works for orgonite, and works for morphic fields.
oh yay i like your attitude towards this!
it would be really cool to have a network of energetic business partnerships.
there’s the creator of the energetic tools, the sponsors and influencers, collaborations through different media like morphic field encoded movies, and video games.
there’s already the ‘new age’ influencers on youtube who would jump on this stuff as they’ve already talked about plant medicines, meditations, and subliminal programming.
i’m definitely getting ahead of myself, and i’m sure there’ll be tons of complications and unintended consequences. still nice to visualize all this going well though!
Because this is not an orgonite thread. Capeche?
And shows, as you have now, currently, done, that they are missing the point… completely, perhaps vindictively so…
I’m not interested in that “religion”
And I guarantee when I tell people why exactly orgonite works, it will piss off everyone for various reasons.
This is the Enviromental Transformers thread… where I just so happened to give someone(s) a very lucrative business idea…in my “grand silly grumpiness” ::sigh::
“Wisdom! Wisdom! My kingdom for a wise one!”
"err. nvm… still got @El_Capitan_Nemo here… carry on. "
You know it’s not even really about the business.
It’s about spreading these envirommental transformers around the earth. But you know that already.
Some enterprising young spiritual neophyte can make some side money while making the world a better place – what the above mentioned "movement’ was trying to do all along – but for real this time.
exactly! there’s a market for this because it’s what a lot of us need!
the only way i got to the spiritual aspect of me is because of ‘business’. buying books, meditations, retreats, yoga, plant medicines etc.
there is definitely many routes that don’t use money, but that route doesn’t work for someone like me who learns spiritually by living in a monetarily influenced life.
money and business only works if there’s flow and circulation, just like the ocean, just like spirituality. money and business connects just as spirituality connects.
all my opinion.