Extreme procrastination

Hello guys! You’ve helped me a lot when I was asking about solutions for my work, and I’m still working with your advice up till this very moment
My biggest challenge is that I’m not motivated to do anything, I can’t cook or clean especially after a working day, I feel like that’s enough for me, while I play games after, and I couldn’ve used that time studying or cooking for my father and I.
The thing is I need to study, work on my projects, and of course do house chores, I’ve tried the stop being lazy but it didn’t prove its success with me.
I need to sleep less, wake up active, study, work 9 hours, cook and sleep
And I want to mention that I can’t purchase any audios in the meantime, so please recommend free ones.
I really can’t thank you enough guys.


I also wanted to mention that I feel safe st night when all the lights are out and that’s what I need to study, but it’s my bedtime too
I have anxiety, I overthink everything, and I feel overwhelmed most of the time.


Productivity mandala


I’ve had the same issue of being active all night, finally feeling like I can do what I’ve been trying to do, when everyone else is asleep. It’s not a willpower issue. I’ve found that it’s either a matter of being a true introvert having to recharge after being forced into extroversion all day, or just finally feeling free when there are no expectations from the world on you. Or adhd, lacking executive functioning.

The best solutions I’ve come across are mostly about fixing my environment so I don’t fall into negative patterns, getting out of a perfectionist mindset, and generally making it as easy as possible to fall into doing what needs to be done. Simplifying everything, getting rid of games, narrowing things down and then just doing things without a goal necessarily, with a mindset of practice.

It starts with feeling secure in your dwelling, and then clearing out the distractions and the clutter.

I tend to hyperfocus at night. All of my best work happens between 10 pm and 3 am. We might just be night people. It’s a tough life.

I’ve felt your pain many times in my life.


Yes me too. It’s a beautiful time. Serene.

Your situation isn’t easy, let’s be honest. You’re working 9 hours and need to study afterwards? And keep the house clean? And still have time to play games? Of course that’s overwhelming.

What you have to do is optimise these tasks - make them as time efficient as possible. That implies building very solid habits. And those need time to develop. For example, a house can be maintained by tidying up right afterwards. Doesn’t need to be perfect, just good enough. Do a big cleaning every weekend, for example.

For cooking, you could plan meals in advance, which means shopping in advance. Which means budgeting in advance. Etc. These are all kinds of life management skills. Once these are all established, you have a rock solid foundation wherever you go and whatever you do.

For studying, the best thing to do is optimise your environment. Ignore phones and other distractions, set a timer of 1 hour for example. With studying, most important is consistency. The daily input will rewire the brain.

And for games, you could for example optimise your sleep so that you need to sleep less and still have time to play games to relax in the late evening.

Based on all of this I wanna recommend you this field:

That field is incredible btw. It will bring you into a state of being in control, thereby eradicating procrastination


The boar animal totem from the new album might help you a lot, too.

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Overcome self sabotaging patterns and explore your full potential by PU.


I also recommend testosterone. It makes effort feel good. Maybe you could sprinkle in “fix neurotransmitter dysfunction” (PU)+ overcome any addiction on loop during the night to fix dopamine related problems.


anything on depression

In addition to those suggested

On Sapien Med YouTube

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Dopamine Fasting - 2 days :ok_hand:


I really can’t thank you enough guys, you always save me.
I already started to do something about it, you boosted me.
I will check all the videos you all suggested and tell you the effects as I always do
Stay blessed :heart:


I’m not so sure how mandalas work

I loved your suggestions about how to better manage my time, and will try this one for sure.
Thank you so much

Productivity Powerhouse

Divine timing :blush:


print it and post it on a wall in your office or room

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