Fear of manifesting unwanted things? Is it even possible to manifest unwanted things?

Hey so since being in the whole spiritual community and watching videos about “manifesting” and so on I came to the point where I fear manifesting something unwanted. Sometimes I OCD about it, paired with anxiety I dont know what to do. What is your experience about this topic? Is it even possible to manifest unwanted things or not? I sometimes dont know how to handle this fear, I even had panic attacks paired with the fear that I am manifesting something unwanted. What is your opinion on this whole topic? (PS: I already had to a certain extend anxiety before, or fears)

I already thought that its not possible to manifest from fear, I read it already somewhere. What is your experience on it?

Hi there @ThePath

Nice 2 see you again yellow tara

As a part of the process of bringing a specific something into your life, a clearance of the energies of fear and anxiety is important. There are many fields that can help you with it. Here are a few that you can choose from (just use the search function):

Point of No Return
Stress and Anxiety
Amygdala healing
Angelic Intercession
Subconscious limits removal v.3
Abundance Mindset
Mind Settings Album

There are many others, which I am sure will be suggested soon

Good luck! :slight_smile: and be sure to share with us as you heal!


I recommend you read through these threads:

And this thread starting from here:

And about this:


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It is certain you can manifest negative events from fear. To be honest, fear and anxiety alone can spiral you into an unwanted negative cycle (downward spiral). This is why people get stuck, experiencing similar patterns happening in their life. You should stop feeding your energy to fear and anxiety (my humble advice.)

Do not resist and fight the feelings you experience. The more you fight & resist, the more energy you feed to those feelings. Make your energy flow into positive things. If you can’t, at least do not resist. Just observe the feeling as they are. Do not focus any energy on that negative thought. Just observe, acknowledge and let them pass by.

Here’s a another thread you might find helpful. Resistance in the Path