Field booster not working

Hello, I boosted a tag 6 or 7 times but I think it didn’t work because I didn’t feel a difference. Could it be because the print of the booster I got isn’t the best quality. It is not a solid color as in the pdf. It has white dots.

Yeah I know about the point of no return article, but I suspect that my dog tag can’t be boosted because the field booster isn’t a solid color like in the pdf and it isn’t the best quality print.

I will try that thanks!

It’s possible you might not feel the difference immediately if the energy was already subtle.

Sapien has also mentioned that boosting items more than 3 times has the potential to really cause imbalances in your energy system long term.

I think it’s also possible your energy system might reject the energy more if the item is boosted too much for your system to handle, as it could become overwhelming for you to assimilate.

I’ve experienced this before with just one boost of tags. After boosting the tag, the morphic field became much stronger and more difficult for me to assimilate.

Even though I had always experienced noticeable effects from the tag before the boost, immediately after the boost, I stopped feeling the effects very much until I became accustomed to the stronger field. It took time for my system to assimilate the morphic field once again, and the field was more difficult to assimilate than it had been before the tag had been boosted. I imagine it could be much harder after 6 to 7 boosts.

Perhaps give it some time. Your system may still be in the process of assimilating the morphic field.

If you’re boosting a tag because you weren’t feeling the effects from it, it’s important to keep in mind that it can take some time to assimilate a morphic field into your personal energy system. Also, you might not always feel a tag as it’s working, but that does not mean it’s not working.

From a discussion in this thread with sammyg:


I forgot to mention that the night after boosting the dog tag I left it under my pillow and I woke up tired. I don’t know if this is a sign it is working but I guess your description and my experience last night confirm that. Thank for the help I won’t boost it more and see how I feel in the next couple weeks!


I’m glad I only boosted my tags about 2-3 times lol.
I think Sapien should add that boosting a tag means the system has to start the whole process of assimilation all over again and that one should boost only a few times and why.


Keep in mind that the assimilation process might not work that way for everyone, as that’s only been my personal experience with it, and everyone has different expriences.

My personal experience has been that each boost of an item seems to have a very powerful effect on the morphic field.

If the boosted tag didn’t feel so much stronger to my energy system, or if my energy system were different, I imagine it might have been easier to assimilate the changes.

Also, I should clarify that my system still recognised elements of the field. It didn’t feel like I was starting over entirely anew. I typically adjust to new morphic fields in tags fairly quickly to begin with, so I primarily noticed more ‘friction’ between the field and my energy system, feeling the unfamiliarity of the boosted field and a longer adjustment period to incorporate the changes than I’m accustomed to with tags which haven’t been boosted.

I agree that it would be great to hear more thoughts from Sam or Dream about boosting tags if they wish to add any, though. It would be interesting to learn more about it!


Is this the one on Patreon?

Yes there is only one booster


Has anyone tried boosting multiple dog tags at the same time?


Thank you! Currently, during lockdown, I could not print, so I am using my tablet with this sigil open and screen kept in always on mode! I have only tried one field at a time and seems to be working very well! I boosted Eternity thrice now and got an overload… Stopped at that point!


I remember reading on one of these threads not to boost a field more than like 5 times. Not sure if it was from @uial or @shawn492


Ok, this was the thread!

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dont do it you can damage your aura. Dont boost at all. It is silly that i ever spread the field booster in the forums around. Many people are now overdoing it. Thats not good.


be careful with your fields don’t make experiments you never now when they go bankrupt over at teespring you might not be able to ever get your hands on these as well. They’d be worth millions if there was limited supply and they stopped making them

Making me nervous…@lilac4gooseberries I know you said 10 boosts shouldn’t break the items but I am wondering again. Makes me rethink the boosting.

Another thing that can balance this out is by limiting the exposure to the tag; I just asked about this in another thread. (1 hour a day? 1 hour every other day?)

the items are useless after 10 boosts i had to throw one away had a back up. you can destroy your aura with 10 blows

On Thu 18. Jun 2020 at 07:26, Morphic via Medicine <> d

How did you verify any of this?

And a related question…@Captain_Nemo @SammyG have you guys considered making a “Reverse field booster” which would reverse the effects of the field booster each time it is used? E.g. move a boosted field from 5x down to 3x with 2 uses of the reverse field booster.

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i asked the exact same thing in an email and he wrote me that i cannot undo the boosting and that my field is extremely strong and i should be fine as long as i feel good.

well last week i suffered the consequences of wearing the field. I often had dreams where i shed my skin like a snake :snake: which was my body telling me to stop.

i think everybody needs to experience this on their own so they get more respect toward energy :upside_down_face:


also the effects were gone when i wore the boosted field or it would have weird effects and sting like crazy on my body

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