Field booster not working

when a field is boosted several times, the power increases by several times and can become really very / too strong for a person, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be used any more, it just means that your energy system has to relearn to accept the new power of the field, and that can take a long time.but the jing and chi fields help to support the fields more, the gamma or epsilon fields (one carries the other) helps to accept the fields more (even if their power to change).the suppression of energy blocks field (contains the growth of the chakras) helps to feel the energy (therefore to feel that the field works on us despite its power, once your system starts to accept the field despite its power, thanks to the epsilon / gamma field).

I’m not saying this to encourage people to boost fields near 10 and up, or to discourage them from boosting 10+.To date, there is enough information readily available on this forum and all other sapien sites, so that everyone can make their own choices objectively and with their Own responsibility. What I am saying is here is based on understanding my own experiences.

PS: “everything comes right to the one who knows how to wait”, over-boosted fields can become unstable, but they have the ability to repair themselves as a form of self-healing and thanks to this, continues to strengthen and become naturally Stronger.With time things always end up getting better (as long as there is no set time to get there), sometimes you have to try to be patient while doing your best in your efforts .


I’ve tried expressing that ‘more is not better’ as much as possible throughout our work because it’s something I cannot stress enough. Too much of anything is bad for you so the same will apply with energy. If you keep pouring water in a cup, it will overflow and spill. If you keep bombarding your energy system with more and more energy, it will overflow and cause imbalances. 2-3 field boosts is more than enough to be quite honest.

And I get it. For one, you may feel the energy more in the beginning and then over time you don’t feel it much so you boost it to feel it again. The thing is, if you keep your hand in cold water for enough time, it won’t feel cold anymore. It will feel normal. That is what happens with fields. Your body gets used to them and they feel normal to you.

Two, you might want to boost the effects that you were noticing in the beginning but aren’t noticing so much anymore. Fields are informational energy that push the mind, body and spirit towards a certain direction. At the end of the day, you are still to move in that direction. For example, you have the weight loss tag and want to lose weight. But you still follow the same diet that got you to where you are now. You are moving opposite to where the weight loss field is directing the body. You are going against this flow. It’s hard for energy to direct the body to burn fat when you are adding extra layers of fat day in and day out.

Same goes for fields like matchmaker. It’s hard to attract a woman or man if you aren’t making an effort to do so. You have the cognitive field but don’t notice an increase in intelligence… yet you haven’t sought to learn new things, read books or even play brain games.

Your conscious effort to change is the strongest field booster there is.


And to add to this discussion…

Fields have changed my life. They really have. Ask people who know me how I was years ago and I was a mess. But fields did not do all the work. I put in a lot of conscious effort to change my ways for the better.

And man, I had a very heavy and aggressive ego that pulled every trick in the book to keep me in the state I was in. That’s where fields helped out. The clearing of limiting beliefs, raising in abundance, shifts in attitudes, raising of vibration, ext… helped drive the conscious effort to change. It gave me horsepower to speed past the muddy waters of my past.

Honestly, part of why I love Sapienmed so much is because it helps with this process. Change is one of the hardest things to do once you’re older and is why most people end up being stuck as however they are for the rest of their lives. The subconscious is like an elastic band that will keep snapping you back when you try to change things. It seeks to maintain the patterns you have already developed.

It’s like having a force of energy pushing against you as you try to better yourself. Sapienmed is a force of energy that helps you push forward against this tide so you can rush past it and be free.

But we have even more fields than we had then to help with this process. Honestly, I think Ego Dissolution is the best field (other than the vibration fields of course but those cost lol) we’ve come up with in a while. If you listen to ego dissolution and then afterwards meditate or just relax and close your eyes… then hold onto your item and imagining it filling your entire being up with energy, your mind will be much more receptive and amplify the effects. In some cases create new neuron patterns in relation to the fields.