Let's be friends... Here's my experience

Hi @anon22855873, welcome to the forum! :smiley:

I think it’s a common misconception that boosting fields will create something which produces more power or energy in the way one imagines.

The Field Booster process results in fields undergoing something more similar to qualitative changes, rather than quantitative increases.

Put another way, rather than the quantity of energy or results increasing for you, a boosted field would be perceived by your energy system more like a change in the nature of the field which would not necessarily make it more effective.

The field’s unboosted ‘nature’ typically works cooperatively in a balanced manner with one’s energy system.

Rather than the field containing new-found power by itself or working harder on your behalf to deliver results after boosting, the boosted ‘nature’ demands you supply an increased type of response which can often become unreasonable or unbalance your system.

It is similar to the ‘nature’ of the field increasingly ignoring (and demanding you ignore) natural needs for rest or balance.

I think this was the misconception @_OM, a very experienced and knowledgeable member, was attempting to describe with the analogy below in his post ‘Why You Should Stop Boosting Fields’.

(Please correct me if I am mistaken about any of this if you would like to, @_OM!)

From the post:

Here are relevant discussions from other threads:


Rather than experiencing resistance, often one might not feel overboosted fields or experience much from them at all any more. The reason for this was discussed below as well. (Dreamweaver/Captain_Nemo is Sapien Medicine’s field creator.)

You might also consider the input from Sam (Sammyg) from the Sapien team below: