I’ve been working with energy and the subconscious mind for a few years now and found SapienMed a few months ago. Before becoming active in the community I wanted to make sure I had enough experience and effect.
My main focus for years has been releasing subconscious/energetic blocks along with programming my mind for goals by combining ideologies from people Lester Levenson, Vadim Zeland, and techniques such as Ho’oponopono (Love heals all basically).
I have the morphic fields for the chakras, VODL, along a few others. My only pendant at the moment is the Best path. Here’s what I can say from my practice:
The first thing I do when I decide to work with a tone (solfeggio in the past) or morphic field is to listen to it and let all the resistance come up. I clear them until the experience is thoughtless (thoughts = resistance). My financial project (deals with daytrading) has exploded in progress even if I’m not the only one involved. My personal growth has expanded in a way that casts a shadow on everything I’ve done in the last two years.
Point is, Morphic Fields are the meta.
My colleague is currently running the height booster and in two weeks he has most definitely grown an inch.
Here’s my question, the field booster (yes, I read the cautionary tales), the main problem with boosting is that the energy becomes too strong yes?
If I clear the resistance and become comfortable with the new found power of it, it should be fine no?
Thank you guys and it’s going to be a pleasure talking to all of you.
Resistence isnt even the problem while boosting, its just that your energy body wont handle it for to long, boosting items means that the item will affect your energy body stronger, as time goes on and the field does grow with time your energy body will be more drained because it focuses only on the strong energy from the item. Because the energy body seems to have a mechanism which defends it from being damaged it lets you/your body know “hey, I dont feel so good, remove this energy, I cant handle it” and thats why you would get headaches, get sick, feel tired and so on, but if your energy body can handle such strong energy, then its fine
So i’ve had some pretty heavy experiences such as popping off into a space of timelessness and seeing the Bindu Dot (Circumpunct) some people say it’s the first aspect of the soul we can interact with.
My point about that is that to pull that off I had to gather energy for about two weeks.
According to what you’re telling me, my main experiment should be to boost, see how I handle it, see if I can get over the resistance by gathering more energy and releasing anything that feels uncomfortable. Repeat and max 5x.
I think it’s a common misconception that boosting fields will create something which produces more power or energy in the way one imagines.
The Field Booster process results in fields undergoing something more similar to qualitative changes, rather than quantitative increases.
Put another way, rather than the quantity of energy or results increasing for you, a boosted field would be perceived by your energy system more like a change in the nature of the field which would not necessarily make it more effective.
The field’s unboosted ‘nature’ typically works cooperatively in a balanced manner with one’s energy system.
Rather than the field containing new-found power by itself or working harder on your behalf to deliver results after boosting, the boosted ‘nature’ demands you supply an increased type of response which can often become unreasonable or unbalance your system.
It is similar to the ‘nature’ of the field increasingly ignoring (and demanding you ignore) natural needs for rest or balance.
I think this was the misconception @_OM, a very experienced and knowledgeable member, was attempting to describe with the analogy below in his post ‘Why You Should Stop Boosting Fields’.
(Please correct me if I am mistaken about any of this if you would like to, @_OM!)
Rather than experiencing resistance, often one might not feel overboosted fields or experience much from them at all any more. The reason for this was discussed below as well. (Dreamweaver/Captain_Nemo is Sapien Medicine’s field creator.)
You might also consider the input from Sam (Sammyg) from the Sapien team below:
Thank you for taking the time and putting that together.
Now that I fully understand, I’ll refrain from doing so. I was coming from the mindset of a process a friend has done some of my crystals, specifically moldavite which requires a 7-day process.
By the end of the process, one can literally feel the immediate difference between a piece that did not go through the rites and one that did. If anything my next question was going to be if anyone experimented with using the field booster on crystals.
I saw that @_OM took the time to tell the history of the process of advancement from Dale to the development of DW. I’ll heed his wisdom.
My overall rhythm has been that if I have gotten over the hurdles of a tool (crystals, astrological magick pendants, and now playing with morphic fields), I should enter the next level of “difficulty” to use a gaming reference.
I’m starting to see that in this body of work, it doesn’t quite work that way.
I am ambitious but not stubborn. After @uial 's post, i’ll back off from the idea.