Food Charger and Enhancer

How to use this?


Play it next to food, low volume is fine

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How many times?

One should be fine, dont think there is a limit however

If you have more foods or are together at a table with several people, will it also load those of other people?

its a morphic field that works a few metres, keep the device as close to the food as possible

Up to how many meters away from the audio source can it act?

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Have you played with this?

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Where is it, Food Charger? I didn’t find it on Patreon, thanks.

Search for “food” and you´ll find it 4 posts down.

Sorry, I haven’t found any link to Patreon

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Many thanks!

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you play this and cut your phone into tiny pieces, then you mix your phone with a salat you want to have in your food and eat

maybe add your phone charger to be true to the name of the field and you would have a nice feast!



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I love this underrated field… :rose:


I think all refrigerators ought to have one. I am trying to figure out how to a fix an MP3 player with this loaded to my frige

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I tried it and eating food makes me feel so happy!