Gain Weight/Build Muscle Stack

Hi:) I’ve been lurking around the forum, absorbing all the precious information on Sapien fields. I’m feeling blessed and lucky to have found this amazing community.

I see @GoddessAndGodOfAll is the resident expert on all things bodybuilding:) So I kindly ask you to help me with a stack. Of course, other opinions are more than welcome:)

A bit about me:

  • I’m a 31 years old male.
  • Height - 5’4 (165cm).
  • Weight - 121 pounds (55 kg).
  • Body type - Ectomorph.
  • Diet - 90% vegetarian.Occasionally indulging in organic meat (no red meat).

I’ve kept roughly the same weight for over a decade, way before switching to a vegetarian diet.

My goal is to gain 10-15 pounds and build lean muscle. Btw, my real name is Dionysus, guess it’s time to build the Greek God physique lol. I’m not in a rush, so I’d like the process to flow naturally. I can’t go to the gym, but I can incorporate mild physical workout at home for better results.

I appreciate everyone’s time and advice. Thanks a lot:)


Mr. Biceps posted his Pre-Workout, Workout and Post-workout stacks on one of the threads. I tried to find it but could not now lol!


This depiction of Dionysus couldn’t be more accurate lol:) Yeah, I read a couple of his suggestions on other threads, hope he points me to the right stack or comes up with a custom one:)


Welcome to the family brotha! We where all lead here for a reason!

Ohhh this gave me a good laugh in the morning when I first read this haha it’s an honor!

Ofcourse I got you man! Just need to find out some more things about you :slight_smile:

Do you have a rough idea of how many g of protein you’re consuming every day?

Bro… You where destined for this!! I love you’re name man!!

10-15 lbs is a walk in the park man, just as long as you listen to the necessary fields, eat enough protein and have some sort of physical stimulus

How many days a week can you work out? What equipment do you have at home?

Are you okay with listening to hormones? What about listening to SARMS?


Ah OP. I was in the same boat as you at one point. Except I was 5’6 at around 120 lbs. So here is the thing. Do NOT use the upper body and lower body workout videos every single day. You have to give your muscles rest in order for them to grow.

I only worked out 3 times a week and I still made gains at a noticeable rate. (This was before I even found out about Sapien medicine and the world of frequencies and subliminals from other channels)


You could if you diligently use After Workout Recovery + Join Regeneration every day.


Mannnn my brain is flooding with ideas reading this

Edit nvm for some reason I started wondering if it’s possible to listen to it more than 4 times a day by looping muscle recovery lol not only that I was oblivious to the hormones that would get boosted as well


Haha, you cannot compare yourself with the poor me lol! I am just fit, nothing to close to you!

Earlier, I used to alternate workout tracks on different days, till I added Recovery+Joint Regeneration tracks. Now I don’t get sore and I listen to them 6 days a week. However, I only listen to them 2 to 3 times in a day.


Aw thank you man haha and yeah I listen to them 6 times a week too!

My schedule looks something like this

Day 1 upper body x4 core x 3
Day 2 upper body x4 core x 3
Day 3 leg day x 4 core x 3
Days 4-6 repeat
Day 7 rest

I only listen to them while working out or sometimes I make up for it on the drive home if I forget, I also listen to posture help on most days after core too (after I get out the gym)

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Thank you for reminding about that, I had completely forgotten about that…

With actual workout in the gym, I do take breaks, but somehow with the audios, 1 day break seems to be working for me as long as I use 3 recovery + 3 joint regen tracks.

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Never counted them:) But I’ve tracked my today’s intake and it’s roughly 50 grams. I’m putting two scoops of vegan protein in my morning smoothies. Dairy, vegetables, lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans, are my main sources. I can add more fish to my diet as well.

I can do three days a week. I have a pull-up bar at home, can buy some dumbbells. I enjoy non-equipment exercises. Did a full body workout in summer via an app.

I guess I’m okay with hormones. But don’t feel like going into SARMS territory lol.

Thank you for your kind advice:)


Hey man! I’ll respond later today! Sorry to keep you waiting


No need to say sorry:) Take as much time as you need. I’m not in a rush. Thanks a lot!


Quite the stack you’re preparing! Kidding :smile:


Some say he is still writing the stack til this day


Mr. Biceps’ stack is also ascending, along with him!


I’ve been in retreat hidden away in some mountain in meditation creating the greatest stack the world has ever seen… it may seem to have only been 20 days but its actually been like 4 years… I have finally finished the 39th rendition of it, I think its finally ready! Just need to make some minor drastic changes…

@kavazu I’m deeply sorry for the long wait… I promise you I’ll have the 40th rendition posted before I go to sleep tonight!

But for realsies, I’m sorry bro! I completely forgot, i have no excuses, I got you tonight!



You’re brutal dude! @GoddessAndGodOfAll :rofl:

@kavazu, check out these threads in the meantime to get some ideas as we know now his “tonight” probably means a year in our space-time :rofl:

Gainz without working out?

Cycling the SARM audios


I fell asleep while making it last night lol got you in a few hours