General Discussion

I think I’m ‘getting it’, but I wrote all of this so I’m going to leave the space open for expanding upon this

How would you define the ‘Logos system’, if I may?

I had thought of it as the word which defines and brings an idea into the manifest, and I had thought that it was integral to manifesting, as per the Bible. As a matter of fact…

If you call it a system, you mean that it is constrained by our vocabularies? – as means of expressing and feeding the thoughts – which is a closed system, recycling, though slowly expanding. Such as creativity and invention in themselves being a remix of the old for most people, in which case what matters is the variety of stimuli and data that one accesses, and how expanded are one’s borders.

how people come into this space, experience results (wether positive or negative), and they never stop to think how and why it all works

Even though I arrived here ‘naturally’ and it made sufficient sense by that time, it still broke my head a little bit beginning to actualize what concepts like this imply

Perhaps I’ve assumed much in thinking that other people might experience a similar kind of existential crisis / opening in putting it all together… and hence keeping mostly silent about it, yet

@Dreamweaver for the

@Alkul react if you’d like me to delete


Just as there is an uptick in energies leading up to Christmas, there is one that leads to Maha Shivratri - around 15 days before it.

If it resonates with you, use this window to accelerate your progress a bit.

This year, the night is March 8th.

At worst, leverage the energies of the night itself.

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There’s a couple of answers that come to mind for this. For one, it’s not real. It is all imagined. So source is not essentially affected because there is nothing to be affected by. It’s like playing a video game and dying over and over again. There isn’t anything actually being hurt or dying or being killed over and over again. But of course, it goes both ways… nothing is true/everything is true. So, so as long as something is being experienced, that makes it real as well.

Source is non judging. So ‘suffering’ isn’t actually suffering. It just is. It’s just an experience. It’s just an energy. The same energy as ‘love’ and bliss and unity and light is the also darkness/suffering/death. So as source, being able to percieve ‘suffering’ from this perspective of non-duality makes it not ‘suffering’. Makes the feeling illusory. Makes source not… affected.

But the bigger reason why I even mentioned oneness in the context of entities is cause of this… when you are in source state, whatever tries to attack you, immediately attacks ‘itself.’ You become a mirror and whatever sees you, sees itself in some form. It just doesn’t really work or make sense at that point.

And you really don’t even need to be in source state for this to occur in some form. The surrender to the perception of it is often enough. Entities/beings you can’t see tend to exist more in the mental realm for you. And so your perception really is everything in your interaction with them and if you are percieving something as yourself, it’s harm towards you becomes harm towards itself.

And honestly, this just becomes in general. That state of being is a state where you become like a mirror that reflects light in all the environment/collective consciousness around you. It’s that thing we’ve all spoken about quite a lot of how enlightened beings raise the vibration of the world naturally. So the more you emerge into that state, the less opposition you attract.

It’s all hard to put into words really but I hope that made some kind of sense. I’ll get back to that in my next post as I have more thoughts on all this.

Why should accepting something delete your past ‘negative’ experiences? The problem with acceptance here is keeping with the perception that something is ‘negative.’ That is a very human/dualistic way of percieving the world and continues to bound you to feeling ‘something bad happened to you’ that you reject and don’t want to ever happen to you again. That isn’t acceptance.

Accepting negative experiences or negative things in general, is to accept they exist. Accept they have their place in the universe. Accept it as energy. It just is. It isn’t negative/positive or anything. Any judgement of it makes it separate from source. And so as long as we keep categorizing certain experiences as better or higher than others, we continue to separate divinity from itself. Oneness really genuinely means… all is one, one is all. All negativity/positivity/darkness/light/ is one.

I may be wrong but from your writing, I do sense you still have quite a strong afflcition to ‘negative experiences and things’ and from what I’ve learned, so as long as we do, we are still bound to duality and will continue to swing back and forth of the pendelum of reacting ‘negatively’ or ‘positively’ to life. The goal is to dissolve the reactionary self and just ‘be.’ That way, we don’t automatically react in any way to anything and are more free to choose the way we react and behave in the world. (I’ll also talk more about this in my next post)

The thing is, there is no distinction between your younger self and your present self. You have always only been your present self. The you that you are right now is the you that you have always been. I’m sure you know that time is not linear. It does not exist. The whole spectrum of all that you are is here now. So you can give that love and acceptance to the present you that experienced those ‘past’ things and it would still be the same as if you were doing it now.

Ahhhhh, dream had a better way of putting that into words than I did as we literally had a similiar conversation recently. I did my best so sorry if I was confusing there.

The meaning of acceptance is living with these parts though. I’m a bit confused with how you percieve acceptance. Can you explain more as to how you perceive it?

The reason I say I’m a bit confused is that acceptance is feeling okay about what happened to you or what exists or anything for that matter. It is becoming neutral about it and essentially being at peace with it. So as long as you reject what’s happened, that thing becomes a wall along your path. So as long as you accept it, there is no wall and you can continue moving forward.

This goes back to source not being affected by it’s own ‘suffering.’ Whatever happens, happens and source keeps flowing. It’s like nothing happened. There is no attachment. There just is.

Anyways, if you can, please expand on your line of thought so I can better understand you. I enjoy these kinds of convos because honestly… it’s territory that never gets written about. The masters that reach oneness don’t ever write about it. They’ll show their students through just being ‘it’ and their students getting that state through being around them. Masters are the mirror to oneness.

It’s also extremely difficult for anyone to write about hence why whenever anyone experiences it, they tell you ‘you have to experience it to understand, there are no words for it.’ And honestly, there aren’t words for it but I think what I want to do along with dream is to start attempting to put it into words. It’s a challenging yet worthy endeavor.


I will answer more questions and delve deeper into this topic. Before I do, I do first feel it necessary to tell you that this is all still just me and dream’s perception of things. It is not absolute. But more than that, the path to ‘oneness’ is not completely necessary. I do think it’s what ends the human game and what ultimately evolves your consciousness but that’s just what I think.

The way Dream put it for me… was that the only free will there is to choose oneness or individuality. That is the only choice we can actually make. Individuality is to always bound to your ego/reactionary self. You don’t really ever choose to do anything as your ego is always bound to choose what you think is true/untrue/right/wrong. In source/oneness, there is no reactionary self. You are flow. But then the conundrum is, that you don’t really want anything anymore as you feel you have everything… so yeah lol.

That said, I figure I’ll give you guys a sneak preview of what we plan to teach at the retreat.

Me and Dream have been designing a spiritual path that although familiar, maps out exactly how to become the absolute best and highest version of yourself. One thing missing a lot from all the teachers that tell you dissolve your ego… is that they don’t tell you what comes next or what to do after. So we are working on something to build a new ego. One that becomes the best possible reactionary self that you can be… that achieves the goals you wish to achieve, adds to the world in a positive way and is at peace within. Then from there… we do give the option if you want to go all the way and experience… this oneness we speak of.

So in a way, it’s a spiritual path with the option to just become the best version of yourself or go all the way in ego dissolution and become the all. The safe thing though is that once you’ve built this new ego, if you go full ego dissolution, your soul will always have this well structured version of you that acts in your best interest to latch back onto.

This is all in the works but figured I give you a sneak preview since we are on the topic.



The point from 19:46 onwards will give you inspiration to express what you’re trying to say in an even more compelling way.


Why are there so many deleted posts here lol? I’m not gonna read through all that as I don’t want to be tempted to resurface all those thoughts.

Writing more and more about this, I do recognize how irrational this all sounds. If you have only ever experienced indivudality your whole life, oneness doesn’t make rational sense. So I recognize that words will typically fail at creating the realizations from within. Experience is the real way this all starts making sense and opens up intellectually to your mind. But that’s fine, this is all written so that if you do experience this… you can reread this to gain more context of what the hell you just experienced lol. I also like to answer these kinds of questions becomes it helps build more of a verbal map of the experience itself. But now, let’s continue…

Something more to the concept of free will that dream remarked was that… In ego, you are bound to samsara. Samsara is creating you. Without ego, you are creating samsara. Without ego, you identify with the allness/creator that is already within you springing reality from within your being.

Before I forget, had to share that or else it’d be a beautiful forgotten thought lol.

Of course. There would be no light without darkness. The beauty in darkness is that it gives meaning to light. ‘Evil’ gives rise to ‘Good.’ One cannot exist without the other. So the beauty is truly the whole picture. All pieces have a place in the cosmic puzzle. To deny one part of it, is essentially to deny the rest of it.

But to answer your question more directly… god doesn’t find beauty in anything. God in essence doesn’t judge.

God is also not this thing that supercedes us. God is what you are doing. What you are thinking. It really is you. And me. And the chair you are sitting on. The concept of god might confuse people so let’s just put it this way…

Everything is simply consciousness. Just pure awareness. Anything that comes after is just a reaction to that awareness.

There are many ways to answer this. I’ve always simply answered it as forgiveness being something done for yourself rather than the other person. Without forgiving, the energy stays stuck inside you and you end up in a endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. It’s the only way to neutralize that energy within you.

But to go deeper into it and intellectualize it more within the context of this conversation… The understanding that someone who harms another does not know they are essentially harming themselves can make it easier to have compassion. In a sense, they are acting out pure impulses and really know not what they do. What they inflict on you, they’ve inflicted on themselves and will have to pay the price and learn from it along their path. Heck, it might even be that what they did to you, you did to them in another life.

So if that’s the case, isn’t there some individuality to this? Yeah. We’re all the same self, split into many different selves, individually growing to become universes. Eternity reflecting upon itself in a infinite pathway of mirrors.

Now, one cool thing I’ve found about this perspective, is that even if we were delusional, the perception only naturally makes us treat others the way we would treat ourselves. We would only want what’s best for ourselves. You become very harmonious by just being.


I’ll give it a watch when I get the chance. I’m a big fan of Grant Morrison. Me and Dream both loved 'The Invisibles lol.

But yeah, as for all of you reading… I’m open to more questions. Challenge these ideas. I actually want that. Hence why I was dissapointed to see so many deleted posts. I’m not gonna get mad if you disagree with these ideas or ask what you think mighta been a ‘dumb question.’


Well, in my case, I just don’t want to rattle a hornet’s nest … it is a public forum after all, which I am sure is closely monitored. Rather keep things very surface level.

Ah, it was an argument or something of the sort. Fair enough.

i appreciate the acknowledement of what i spoke of…

i explored that concept before…if God is all that exists…it reminds me i had that thought randomly while in high school, what if we had to take turns reincarnating into everyone that ever existed…if God is all that exists, then that’s what God did, living the lives of all…all the good and all the bad…so God did all that evil as well as the good…

i can see the concept of forgiving others is forgiving myself because God did that evil too if we are all God together…

the thing is…my anger didn’t come from something that was done to me…it was done to others close to me…like how could someone do that to kids…

long story short, i got guided away from doing revenge on behalf of others that were wronged when they were young kids…i got struck with a vision that they been thru the same as a kid and he was just continuing the cycle…

that cycle was passed down by a similar story all around the world of the higher power invading the tribal people…the brain attacking the heart…we’re doing it to ourselves…

years go i seen that concept briefly, the hungover morning after a night of drunk angry tears plotting revenge…but for that brief moment, i felt i didn’t feel like doing revenge because of that compassionate vision…

it didn’t last though…i would feel the peaceful moments by avoiding it…but it would come back…even after avoiding revenge on that person, God got rid of him in the end…but even if he passed…people like that still exist…

i confronted it again while writing in the Journey thread…it’s the closest i been to experiencing it head on, confronting my anger in a peaceful way…i feel it helps…but it’s just a gradual process…

i thought of those concepts you spoke of before years ago…my brain gets it…it’s these itchy knuckles that needs convincing though lol…

i achieved moments of peace…i meditate and exercise daily…including your guided pranayama guided meditation which i’m very grateful for btw…do that at least twice a day…plus dream’s fields…

it’s still a challenge in prolonging that peace knowing that specific type of evil exists…

reminds me of what you wrote of in another post saying it’s too easy for an enlightened person to remain enlightened while living in nature…it’s more of a challenge to maintain that Divine state of peace while in the city…

i relate to that heavily because i was born and raised in the city and somehow explored later in life to find the beauty of the countryside with some of the oldest trees in the world providing the freshest ancient knowledge enriched oxygen…

but i’m now back in the city…and it’s actually around the same time i discovered Sapien so it was Divinely timed…but that challenge to remain in that peaceful state is greater…

that’s why i’m still in seclusion…

the healing audios, meditation, exercise, writing helps greatly…and the concept of forgiveness because they are a part of God too just like we all are…my brain catches that no problem…it’s these stubborn itchy knuckles that need to learn that concept lol

Alchemical revision of Childhood and Alchemical revision of Trauma have helped greatly…but i’m still trying to learn how to prolong that peaceful state…

and just to be clear i haven’t fought since high school…but the urge is there…people in my life know me as being peaceful…it’s just a struggle to maintain…

i’m grateful for you and Dream and everyone else here that provides positive healing energy just by everyone’s presense…

i just have a lot to learn in how to prolong this peace…


Thesis: Individuality

Antithesis: Oneness


There are others trying versions of this that are far less promising in terms of creators and goals. I 'm glad you guys on it.


We should have a zoom webinar about this topic, where everybody chimes in

Brother, you’re on the right path. Just keep on keeping on and don’t worry about ‘getting this stuff’ too much. I think you understand it conceptually but there are some things in the way. And that’s perfectly normal!

You will come to understand it on a more deeper level and perhaps integrate in a transformative way. What’s amazing about you is that you are already very aware of these things in the way and that awareness will take you far. So as long as you stay on the path, you will naturally dissolve these limiting beliefs/memories and come to find that peace you seek within yourself. Heck, I’m still on the path and am still learning of things in my way as well.

For example, Dream helped me become aware of something that has stuck with me strongly. I still have masculine rigidity and that is a limiting aspect to me. Also, that my expectations from interactions are also a limitation. It came from me asking him why I come off as intimidating to people.

For years, I often come off as intimidating to people and their first impression of me is all too often that I’m unapproachable. Of course, when I start to talk to people, that changes quickly cause I’m very kind and accepting but me being nice is something that always surprises them lol. I asked him about this and he noted that I’m still stuck on the concept of masculinity and what it means to be a man and also expecting things to go a certain way with people. It really clicked something in me.

Growing up in a hostile environment, made me naturally build a very big shield and a kind of mental pattern that is like ‘if you test me, I’m ready to go to war with you.’ And that just came from how showing any sort of weakness would get you picked on or robbed around here. Also, hanging out with the guys, it was always a game of ‘being a man’ and all that programming has just become a part of me.

What was interesting to me is how I couldn’t even see it til he mentioned it. Yet after hearing it, it was so damn clear to me. I have random thought patterns of ‘if this person says or does this to me, I’ll respond with this’ or ‘I’m gonna stand my ground and be a man about this.’ So as long as I have that level of expectation and rigidity, I am not mentally free and will rebound to ‘rules’ that limit the full capacity of my consciousness. My ego started fighting this concept and was like ‘I still live in this hostile place and I can’t be in this open state or I leave myself vulnerable.’

And it was only a few days after that I came to realize that… the level of light and strength that comes from oneness makes you practically impenetrable. Nothing is really in opposition to itself so to speak. Oneness is probably the most gangster level of consciousness there is lol. It essentially means you take on all the universe at once and nothing can break you.

Anyways I got a bit off topic but I tell you this story because we all have so many of these sorts of mental limits in our mind that are so deeply a part of our egos, that we just think it’s the natural way of being. I also see that society creates so many of these rules that we naturally just believe and follow blindly.

Brother, I think the worthy challenge of all lifetimes… is to find the oneness within samsara. Within the chaos of the world. That is something I personally believe the allness is trying to accomplish through many of our human lifetimes. It is extremely hard and so easy to fall back into ego but I think it’s certainly possible. Most if not all humans that reach that state have done so isolated from the world… or the ones that did within samsara fell into one ego trap or another.

Still, the knowledge is all there. I think it’s possible to build a map to navigate that way of being within the game itself. I personally think that’s the endgame. It’s a worthy pursuit I believe.

But this is all me thinking out loud really. In the end, oneness isn’t something you should even really be thinking about til you find peace within yourself. You’re on the right path my friend. In fact, I’m sure most of you are. Focus on yourself and all that limits you. Focus on accepting yourself. Focus on becoming the best you can be.

And… start saving up so you can come to our retreat :smiley:


Is that really true though?

There are many states of consciousness where one doesn’t have an ego but isn’t also in a state of non-duality.

Getting rid of the ego isn’t enough to reach high/God levels of consciousness.

Also, I don’t think oneness/non-duality consciousness is the same as God consciousness. To realize how everything is interconnected and is essentially the same thing / “made out of” the same thing doesn’t necessarily awaken the realization that you are God and the entire universe, that you created th universe, and you have always existed, etc etc

There are several ways in which people identify themselves to a certain way of being.

Some people are fully identified with ego and that is the case of many mental illnesses such as madness.

Neurosis and perversion are characterized for a partial identification to the ego, which allows movement between identifications.

Nah, you’re right. Should have been more specific. I mean the full ego dissolution + identification of oneness that emerges from being very far along the path. Pretty much what I’ve been talking about. Casue yeah, there are many different ego deaths.

That isn’t what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about just the realization of it. I am speaking about the experience of it.

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I don’t understand, what’s the difference?