General Discussion

Life is like an mmorpg.

Take advantage of the npc’s, the online players are yet to come, in massive numbers.

In a few decades we’re not gonna be special anymore, we won’t be able to cheat trough life etc.

So I say enjoy it, who cares what they do, they’re not even real at this point, their souls probably gave up on them or they never had any to begin with.

We grew up with the exact programming as them, why are we not affected then?

I know why for me, do you?


Not even in your lucid dreams ;DD

But srsly, in a few decades with SapienMed?

We’ll probably be jumping dimensions like its nothing, will be financially free, and just chill with magic and help the earth etc.


Meh, at that point its gonna be boring lol.

Imagine everyone knowing magic and is psychic, RIP left hand path LOL.

I know its gonna be either that or self-destruction, which is why I enjoy being OP while I can ;D

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Perhaps try these fields:


Which of these aura cleansing audios are morst effective? (From personal experience)

If someone looking for powerful chants, I would like to suggest Nandhiji chantings (a tapasvi, ascetic). Scientifically His chanting have been noted to calibrate at very high level of vibrations. You can hear the sample here in the background and his beautiful speech , Hope you enjoy the bliss!

If you like you can buy in their website @


Several years ago I listened to all these Siddhas for over half a year, but I still did not understand the effect of them other than entering the of trance, deeper spirituality and purification. What effects did you get from these audios? What should people expect from regularly listening to these products?
As I understand it, these are sacred ancient yogic chants for entering an altered state of consciousness, for the development of supernatural forces. Have you personally developed any wonderful abilities with these audios?
If you know the some answers to my questions, please tell us more about the Siddhas and the effects we can expect from it, if we listen to them every day.

Good question !
Actually you already mentioned all the best effects from the audios - entering the of trance, deeper spirituality and purification. :slight_smile: Personally I feel unexplainable intense joy which cant be compared to anything. I forget the time when I listen to them and I love them! These chants are to transcend from lower to higher states of consciousness, Super natural abilities are quite natural by products, but depends on the individual beliefs etc. and it depends on many other things.
As I know these audios can fill the listeners with Joy, Love, acceptance and Gratitude.
Siddhas by name meaning Perfection which mean Whole, the one who sees Whole always! Getting the grace and blessings of divine beings is the only thing that we can expect from any chants.

From the use of these audios a quick entry into theta - trance state. But when I listened to these audio, the ultimate goal was to develop my supernatural abilities, perhaps then I developed them and just did not really understand which ones and how it is expressed, but I could not answer it and stopped listening.
Most likely, I could not answer this question, because I immediately use a lot of tools every day, and it is very difficult to determine what works and how.

Actually the funda is these act like a meditation music, listening to music, chantings are powerful in real. No doubt the more we listen we get resonate after a while we develop abilities too. Now comes bridging the conscious and subconscious mind understanding , making them a part of us!

Do you know any other sacred chants for getting into trance and developing abilities who work well and with whom you have had great success from other creators and authors?

The authentic ones till now I follow are from this channel - ‘The Ghanapati’. They are scholars , priests who do chantings through out their life starting from age 4 in the same style meaning absolutely exact same pitch, tone, pause etc. passed on from generations . They have now for various purposes released - abundance, peace, clearing, good mood etc. but didn’t see anything for super natural abilities.
and the other one is

If u don’t mind may I know what abilities you are looking for ? :)


Many years ago, when I listened to these audio, I needed psychic abilities associated with the gift of influencing people, the gift of healing, clairvoyance, mind reading and others.


I would highly recommend Sri Anandi Ma:


I see, keep going :slight_smile: I think It takes perseverance …

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yes, unfortunately that’s an effect, its a rainmaker also.


We can use some rain in California with fires raging. I will play this for sure!!


Its a good website to get to know your personality . Good to know a little about us and other personality types even though everyone is unique in a way.


Thanks for reminding the good memories I have about this site: One of my therapy classes was full of mindmates lol and we used to spend a lot of time on this site during coffee breaks, doing extra role playings according to the results we had.

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Yeah, they has best categorization out of many personality tests I tried back then. Their detailed explanation gives more insights into us. It’s interesting to see how all of the forum members fall under which category. Maybe most of us fall under few categories because of our traits, not sure but its good to analyse though. 2 years back I was ENFJ-A and now it is INFP-A.

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