Gainz without working out?

Thatā€™s great man! The feelings of anger ect will always be there. itā€™s the awareness we cultivate around them, how we choose to react to them, and accepting full responsibility.

And good for you! I was off it for years and got sucked back in. Itā€™s hard. I use it a lot to share music I make and stay connected with friends around the world. I do realize itā€™s causing more harm than good right now, so itā€™s time for a break.

Iā€™ve been doing Yin Yoga more and Wim Hof breathing for practices.

I am feeling better today. More like myself. Had some good conversation with a friend today and now all of you awesome people here, so Iā€™m grateful for that :slight_smile:


Yup, people on Xtrememind talked of her. She was also selling servitors created by her/her husband. I just remembered about her today after many years! Not sure where she disappeared along the way ā€¦

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Thatā€™s awesome bro! I agree. I am grateful for it too. Like sometimes it gets boring, and I am like damn, when will they find a gotdamn cure alreadyā€¦and then I just think of how blessed I am, and I feel okay againā€¦When do you estimate they are going to find a cure? Lolā€¦Yeah, when I first came home from prison, I would love Facebook. Then when I seen just how fake people are on there, I just quit getting back on. Like I really donā€™t like when people lie to me or put on a front, so I just quit getting on thereā€¦Focused more on me. I swear on my life bro, there have been old pals and females that would always try to call me(I know I am wrong for this) but I just donā€™t pick up. Or if they catch me off guard, I make up excuses. Like I am focused mainly on fixing myself right now. At first I was focused on fun, but screw that. Ainā€™t no telling whenā€™s the next time I am going to have all this free time on my hands, so I might as well use it to improve myself.

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Yeah, itā€™s a bad placeā€¦ Itā€™s not reality either. I have a hard time existing in the city at times too. I think thatā€™s why I have very few close friends. I donā€™t go to the clubs or bars, I mostly run away to the mountains to camp and climb :smiley:

Nothing wrong with that man. You gotta take care of yourself. You arenā€™t lying or hurting people deliberately, I see no harm. Iā€™ve definitely avoided people in the past due to the fact I didnā€™t know how to handle them at the time. I remember feeling a lot of shame and guilt about it. I try to be less harsh on myself about the past and try to figure out how to grow into a better person today. Thatā€™s all we can control anyways :slight_smile:

Youā€™ve inspired me to start meditating again btw


Man bro! This is the type of stuff I want to do! I am a city boy, and never have been able to do stuff like that!

Yeah, I just felt really guilty doing that. But pretty soon, theyā€™d just quit callingā€¦ :laughing: They would text, ā€œDo you have a job?ā€ , ā€œAre you asleep?ā€, ā€œAre you awake?ā€, ā€œDo want to go eat?ā€ (With that mask on, hell no!) and I would never answer. And I only gave my freaking # to a couple of people, and that shit had spread like wildfireā€¦lol

Awesome bro! Just start a little at a time. But be consistent with it. And you will notice your willpower, resilience, optimism, and patience, among other things will grow, and you will grow your chakras more and more. (And it heightens the audios and tags as well!)


My pleasure man. I see your interest have expanded at an exponential rate into many domains :slight_smile: and open to yourself for mantras tooā€¦great to see that. Dhyaanguru channel is good and has many followers.

You can also try their albums of Nandhiji mentioned here, I feel u gonna enjoy them. Only sample audios are being played in youtube videos. But he is mesmerizing even when he talksā€¦
General Discussion

Hope u enjoy them


Hahaha, yeah man. The more I meditate, the more my mind becomes open and less rigid. Itā€™s better to be open-minded about things. I just want to always do right and live good in life though. Thanks bro, I will be sure to check it out. :slightly_smiling_face:


I forgot to tell you, something that popped in my mind out of nowhere yesterday, was that my boys @anon6431808 and another member of the forum, both have the Ascension tags and boosted them many times a piece, and it hasnā€™t been nothing drastic. And also, @anon6431808ā€™s said theyā€™ve both have gotten good results, so I think it just boils down to the person. It also says in the description:

ā€œIf you are not ready, your ego will resist and you will keep running into situations pushing to change your ways of being.ā€

So yeah, definitely, if you arenā€™t ready it can be quite a ride. But if you are ready, then it should be smoother, or not as drastic. Just thought I would share.

Also, he couldnā€™t have said it better. Heā€™s correct about the ā€œpalpableā€ part and the ā€œclear as dayā€ part, as far as the subtle energies you feel from psychedelics. The most extremely intensive subtle energies I had ever felt in my entire life were from psychedelics, and they are way stronger(it all depends on the strength) than any morphic fields I had ever felt. Like subtle energies that you feel from some strong K-2(or X and etc.) canā€™t even be put on the same scale with any morphic field.(as far as intensity goes) I can easily say that the feeling is 6xā€™s stronger or Iā€™m sure even more than that, depending on the strength. Like while I listen to the audios from the course, I donā€™t feel anything. But afterwards, what I feel from the audios from the course, are like heightened awareness and sensitivity, and I do seem to be in a bubbly mood too. But meditation has made me like this almost always, so I am not sure if itā€™s because of the audios.(I am planning on maybe 3 runs or more) But the only thing is, during duration of me listening to these audios, my ego tries to test me with my anger sometimes. Like itā€™s already been 2 times today, where I had to check my ego, and in an instant, it was gone. Anyways, I am just rambling on. Food for thought. Also, all the meditating with the Gamma/Epsilon brainwaves, are paying off. I am started to feel the tags ALOT stronger. Itā€™s addicting really. I will keep on. I think I will wait for the Divine Balance pendant, or wait until later to get the Ascension. I really want the Best Path and the Intercession tag right now. I hope youā€™re well.


hehe, give it time. :slight_smile: (I got a few years on them with mine)
Ascension is like the new Energy Awakening course but it doesnā€™t stop.

As long as someoneā€™s wearing it, itā€™s going to constantly push them to accept more energy whether they like it or not.

So every few months, itā€™s like all the ā€œtestimonialsā€ from this course. Good and bad starting all over again.

This was Daleā€™s way of saying you WILL encounter some tough stuff.
Everyone has ego resistance until thereā€™s no ego and the universal energies WILL find them whether oneā€™s conscious of them or not.
Especially the unconscious stuff that one doesnā€™t want to look at.

Donā€™t get me wrong. You might have misunderstood my little joke to Sammyā€¦
Iā€™m know I gave positive, glowing reviews about the field. And I know, I also gave the same warnings here (in fact, these are less ā€œscaryā€).

I have no regrets about the field.
Also realize we didnā€™t have all these ā€œalternativesā€ DW has created that do the same thing, in a much more, smoother manner.

A bunch of us asked Dale for a ā€œHigher Vibrationsā€ field and he hesistantly gave us one.

This is before there was ANY audio fields.
We didnā€™t have a mass collection of all these other fields to make the ā€œrideā€ easier.
In fact, quite a few of the DW fields exist precisely because of the experiences of the Ascension/Higher Vibes fields on those original users.


Edit: Come to think of it, I think my boy @anon6431808 can handle it. Heā€™s pretty strong minded.

Oh, I see what you mean now. Lol.


Howā€™s your progress been with your stack?

Not using it anymore, focused on other things atm.

I use anti-aging in the mornings for general physical health.

But it did work great for a while, I think the newest androgen and testosterone combined with myostatin and sestrins should do the trick


Alright miLords, new workout stack ;

-Reduce Estrogen 1x
-LGD 3033 2x
-Cardio 3-4x
-Extreme Muscle 1x

Jing in morning
Dht before bed for warlord face and to trigger venus.


Wouldnā€™t DHT before bed make you energetic

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@_OM @TheAscendingBicep

Lads, is it possible that estrogen reducer actually kills gains?

I use

Lgd 1x
Legs 2x
Upper body 2x
Muscle rec 1x

I notice that if I play estrogen reducer afterwards, I lose the bulk, and I actually lose strength aswell, like I get skinnier and its difficult to flex. Maybe lowering estrogen also lowers test , like the body compensates?

Any ideas ?


Man I gotta get ready for work so Iā€™ll have to come back on here

But real quick, hereā€™s some symptoms of low estrogen in men

  • Fatigue
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Depression
  • Forgetfulness
  • Oversleeping or sleeping too often
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Water retention
  • Bone loss
  • Fat accumulation

Maybe try out this field

Itā€™s testosterones precursor, it counteracts the effects of estrogen (possible the effects of too low estrogen too not sure)


Yupā€¦Sounds like I have low estrogen lol.

Then I wont use it anymore, unless I start feeling too feminine but that wont happen anyway cuz of lion mandala ;D

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Well yeah. My intuition said estrogen was needed in the hormone cocktail.

Maybe stick with no estrogen reducer, not so often, or use the underutilized Endrocrine audio for all purpose corrections.

lol, they look the same as symptoms for low T.


The mild reducer in the new testosterone audio is more than enough. Dream basically said not to use the other regulator unless you were taking roids or abusing the heck out of testosterone :joy:

I remember in the past using the reducer, testosterone, and dht 2x a day and I felt so fatiguedā€¦ a very noticeable difference and the opposite effect of what I wanted lol.

Good call on the Endocrine audio @_OM


I dont use the test one bro,

But yeah my legs also seem weaker after using estrogen reducer.

Just gonna stick to the above stack, I just hope legs 2x and upper body 2x wont be too much test, otherwise estrogen will rise also.