General Discussion


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How does the “Inner Beauty Reflected Outward” audio work? Does it make yourself and others “perceive” you as attractive without physically changing anything, like with Quadible Integrity’s Supernaturally Handsome audio?

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It reflects the unique beauty that you have to everyone around you, it doesn’t change anything physically

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As in personality/“vibe”, or visual qualities?

Neither personality/vibe nor visual qualities as such, though both can certainly be affected positively by the field.

The description of the Inner Beauty Reflected Outward dog tag item may help:

The programming in this does exactly what it says, it amplifies the best most awesome part of you, that is sometimes hidden away, then it reflects this inner beauty outwards, what this means is that everything that is beautiful about you, will be strengthened and infused within your being. The part of you inside, that you hide, maybe because you feel that you need to protect it, that inner being that feels like light and love is strengthened and protected while reflected to the outside world, You will feel more comfortable with yourself and appear a lot more beautiful. The way your truly are.


I’ve heard that energy fields from audios are usually projected in a 7-foot radius. This question might sound silly, but is the field projected from the device you’re playing it on, or the speakers that the audio comes through?

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Speakers. I know because I ran the speaker cable from my PC in another room and the field worked next to the speakers.

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so they can come through wireless earbuds when you’re more than 7 feet away from your phone?

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Yes I do it all the time. I have plenty of first hand evidence it works.

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Programmed Intention makes this statement - that his fields extend up to ~2 meters (7 feet). This also makes sense for his fields as they are silent.

But is this true for Sapien’s fields? I don’t think so. As long as one can consciously hear the audios - whether or not one is physically within 7-feet from the speaker - the field should still be effective. The sound should be able to get to your aura.


oh, so the field is embedded in the sound? okay, i thought the energy was just in the video itself.

The above thread has many great pointers on this topic.


Humming for Healing

A little while ago while listening to the Love Vibration audio I accidentally discovered that if you make a certain sound it will physically vibrate the area of your heart chakra. It’s not a hum because you need to open your mouth to do this.

Start with trying to make a sound like “Wuuuuuuuuu” It’s almost like an owl’s hoot sound but gentler. It makes a pleasant and medium high pitched sound. You’ll know you hit it when you feel some vibration in that area near the center of your chest.

This is a known thing. Sounds for healing. I can’t find it now but there was a web page that covered sounds other than Om or Aum and how they did different things. I’ll have to keep looking and post it later.

Here is this book on Amazon about making humming sounds for healing. I haven’t read it so I can’t say how specific they get; whether or not they cover specific sounds for changing specific parts of yourself.

I found this.

It says my sounds reaches kidneys and another sound is for the heart. Who knows.

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What I found sounds like the one for the spleen from your link more than anything. But “mine” is higher pitched and it physically vibrates the center of the chest. There are probably dozens of things like this we could find but who knows where or if they are already cataloged.

can you send me the link the one in patreon? i can’t find it

It’s here

Yes it does yes it does!! People wants to be around you, talk to you, smile at you, be kind to you etc. :slight_smile: i think the best part of this is the confirmation that you are indeed beautiful inside :heart:


I forget who mentioned this on here, but it bears worth repeating that the “series” audios like Restoration, Vibration, Self Realization, and the Internal Alchemy audios really do have the ability to cover way more ground in a much stronger way.

Basically you’re able to listen to far less audios because these tracks, yes expensive, but far stronger and effective.

I think it was said the single Vibration of Divine Love audio covers the whole “Alchemy of Divine Love” album.

These “Series” audios are investments worth far more than all the money in the world.


