Golden Keys (Energetic Alchemy album)

First Light of Dawn

My mind had kept playing this song after a while of it being off my playlist. It’s the one that it repeats most often, as if calling me to it. I have come to associate it with morning.

Just gonna leave this possible connection here…

Given the Light / 3rd Eye symbolism I’m encountering, curious what others think of it…?

Also :woman_facepalming:

Exactly like this!
First Light of Dawn after The Dark Night of The Soul, of course!

At least in my mind, I’m also associating these with Light of Savitur, and Eyes by 3.
But most of all, I ‘associate’ this field with God.

As to The Inner Warrior, I’m wondering if this is akin to a rite of passage? I think I also saw a rune associated with it somewhere…


Golden Key is the expression used to describe the main, obvious yet often unused, solution to a certain problem.

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I like these,

Inner Warrior feels like a combination of Become Whole and Unstoppable Willpower. Its energy is about making you fearless, calm, focused and determined.

Blessed Paths feels like Guided Paths meets Unexpected Gifts, Divine Love and Probability and Luck Alteration. A rounded up amalgamation of the 4.

The First Light of Dawn is very special, it feels like a mix of Subconscious Limits Removal and Ego Dissolution.

The Hope Node feels like Depression Begone combined with a Life of Magical Abundance.

Grace and Comfort feels like Childlike Wonder + Angelic Vibrations + the Emperor + the Hand of Glory.


These aren’t NFTs?

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Nope they are audio fields and they are available on YouTube and iTunes etc

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Ok, thanks!

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I get serious “Alpha Vibes” from First Light of Dawn.


That’s interesting as there’s inner warrior too.

I guess potential has a certain value to it.

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@Drift Revisiting it I find Yang being a better fit. Gathering all your scattered power and molding it into one concentrated spear tip to penetrate whatever your goals are. Untouchable, go and get it. The antidote to self doubt.


You mean Shen Yang?

Man I had theories about it but I thought I was wrong (cause I got them from fantasy stuff xD).

So I decided the principles at work were singularity of purpose and commitment to completion with some trauma sprinkled driving the whole endeavor.

But those characters always looked like they were ungounded etc…only cultivating shen.

Anyway if you meant shen, I wasn’t aware it could be used that way. Hence why I thought I was wrong.

Unstopable drive and turning your goal into an inevitable fate sounds better than “alpha” to me. Way better xD

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This album is such a joy to listen to


Still not sure what this field induces? Perhaps a path full of luck to your favor?

Anyone have any testimonials with the field, would be nice to hear!

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Not just “a path” but more like whatever path you choose it finds/brings blessings, open possibilities for you etc

I have a mini playlist i play on youtube after the regular Mp3 one i call luck/money/blessings

I play the one on youtube after the Mp3 one but not every day just like 3 times a week and it always feels enhancing my days, my chances etc

I keep trying to shorten my lists :sweat_smile: and with every new audio i feel like ahh well these ones will cover all so can just keep all in my Mp3 lists (like the new lucky flows album) those have proved to be strong and fast to work.

But no… still, this album and the Bountiful Harvest one feel different.

If i was to classify them with my own understanding it would be like

The energy of luck exists or can exist in different ways, many actually, or manifest in different ways

It can surface from love
It can manifest from the different lights streams up there in the Universe
It can come from ancient beliefs that have feed its strength (like the belief in the 4 leaves clover)
It can be triggered when an Enviroment of great health is present
It can sprout from a strong mind that creates the reality and conditions it wants
New strains can be harnessed when one or 2 or all of the ones mentioned above get in contact/intertwin/mix

And it can come from blessings of all type of forms and things that exist, it could be specific from a “deity” “entity” etc

Or the emanation and then combination of all “those” beings/forces that saturate the ether around and are then redirected or directed to us

In that order of ideas I myself feel them for instance like

The Lucky flows album = luck energies by colors lights up in the universe harnessed for that purpose

Bountiful Harvest album = the combination of the ancient collective believes about luck

Golden Keys album = blessings from the collective emanation of positivity+love of beings/universal forces directed to Us.

So to answer specifically your ? About the blessed paths i feel it as having the bless of the whole group of beings, deities, entities, the just “All” energy etc blessing my path, my days, my things


Nice! Thanks for sharing


I have had a bad week and didn’t feel like I could get out of a terribly depressed mood and after playing the first track I already feel better and reinvigorated


First Light of Dawn makes me feel like I’ve got my space suit on. Goggles, ready to go :rocket:



These are really special


I slept looping Grace and Comfort and it was a hella deep sleep. Then I looped Blessed Paths for a couple hours and I’m feeling strangely good for nearly no reason (the grace and luck showed up so I do have a reason now).


Can dream update official description for each ones? Specially for the blessed paths one? @SammyG