How did you discover Sapienmed?

Back in 2013 I found the YT channel and he had this DNA repair video that I loved and it’s no longer available. It worked so well it would align my whole entire body. Then I started to go to the dreammagick forum around 2014. I’ve been rocking since then.


DNA repair?! :eyes: dream please remake this!


It was the year 2013, with Androstenol & Super Metabolism Boost and Weight Loss


It really was amazing. When I would listen my bones would crack and my whole body would align from head to toe like a chiropractic session. I don’t know why it was taken down but to date I haven’t had a field to have that effect again. I’m sure now they’re way more powerful with negentropy added. Maybe he will do an updated negentropic version.


Was Recommended in Subliminal Reddit. Tried Facelift Audio worked within minutes, Best looking I ever was. And Now I am here, Beautiful Forum with Beautiful People and full of Gratitude for Dream


I think this repairs dna, if im wrong, correct me.


I discovered it thanks to YouTube a while ago and I must say that at first it seemed like a simple subliminal channel but then when I got to know him better I never stop using his fields they are really good people I love them a lot✨


YouTube automatically unsubscribed me from sapien’s channel. Wtf?

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Yeah. They do that randomly to other channels too.


Discovered Sapien from the Androstenol video. At least a year and a half ago. Amazing where one click led me…


I read that as “Amazing where one chick led me”.

Damn I’m still sleepy😅


They follow me, not the other way around ;)


Mobilis in mobili? :slightly_smiling_face:


Yep. And a reference to Odin.

:sunglasses: :+1:


I don’t remember exactly when or how tbh. I think I was searching binaural beats on youtube and i found the channel.


Random comment on another site.
Grateful to have learned to pay attention when things show up, because I am constantly steered in the best direction for my growth. I just have to be willing and aware of the quiet voice and signs. :heart:


browsing something like “healing music”. A lot of cool vids with breathtaking thumnails , scroll more …saw a "weird video with the classic old sapien medicine thumbnails. Click.
my thoughts "who does this person think he is… scroll “all videos”…
me: wht is this…interesting…huh, who r u kidding, cant fool me…
Next thing i know, listening to Dreamy’s work day in day out…
I started with his Brain regeneration video. loop @night daily for around 2,3 months


This sounds dope af

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I have been into alternative healing for over 20 years. I was searching YouTube for rife and found Sapien s morphic fields, it sounding good!
Dec 2020, I was working for a cult having problems with being lied to, used. I started with Sapien breast enhancement, I never developed, crazy childhood, illnesses early on. It worked, the first ever. I also used ego dissolver, subconscious limits, wealth, etc.
I started waking up in the middle of the night crying, something really bad was going to happen I had to get out of—— my job tried to tell me it was something from my past but it never matched up, I said no something really bad is going to happen now. I got help from an organization moved to —- I knew know one, one great women gave me a place to live, helped me find my dream job, dream income, have my own place, even get to work from home now. All while listening to Sapien every day. I bought the course, went through it a few times and have been working on some old physical problems , it’s hard Sapien keeps coming out with cool fields, I even bought a few tags. All of during the pandemic has been a great time for me. I don’t think it would have turned out so good without listening to my playlists from Sapien everyday. Thank you


I was depressed and my friend linked me a video of another YouTube channel and as I was lurking and discovering this new face of YouTube (lol) that’s how I discovered Sapien Medicine