How long for item to start working?

I bought the socializer dog tag about 2 weeks ago and I know it’s still early days but just wondering how long it might take to start working as I really don’t feel anything yet? I use subconscious dissolver everyday for 2 months also.


listen to internall alchemy chi restoraations and to boost animal magnetism you can use this one right here. if your CHI is high then people are naturally drawn to you effortlessly


It may take a while, based on the complexity of the goal, your inner viewpoints on it and your actions.
You can boost it but before you do you should know that your body will have to assimilate the field again of you do.


I also have the same problem with the IPF dogtag, it’s been about a month since I have it and I have no results and no effect at the moment.yet I wear it 24/7 for a month, and I boosted it 20 times, but no physical or psychological development on my side. I frequently use the audio vibrations of creation, so I guess I don’t have an energy block, and for limiting beliefs, previously I had already used the “suppression of limiting beliefs” audio enough, currently I use several very powerful subliminal boosters to suppress bad beliefs, but of course still no effect. I plan to meditate with IPF and the epsilon field to try to improve the functioning of the IPF dog tag on me.

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bro 20 TIMES ? da fuck put it away you gonna hurt yourself bro. I did the same with one tag and im now suffering the consequences. You should never wear that thing again. Items shouldnt be boosted in the first place. it harms your energy field and you might get weird dreams where you shed your skin which is your subconscoisu telling you to stop doing that.


okay i understand, but in any case nothing is happening, neither good nor bad. after how many days or weeks have you observed these effects you are talking about ?! I had boosted it gradually in order to be able to quickly communicate with my Golem dragons :dragon:, and in parallel I listened to a lot of jing fields and chi fields to increase my capacity to support many morphine fields, to see powerful morphine fields.

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after 1 and a half months of overboosting the matchmaker (which is now) i feel irritated and highly hypocritical. I lash out on people and when something doesnt go my way i just walk away.

i have to repair my aura now and its really not funny at all. I wish somebody would of told me this earlier.


I think your body is rejecting it… 20 times is insane bro, I boosted mines once and I’m getting mild results, and it’s only been a week or so


yes that’s what i am saying to myself, my energy system must reject it because maybe too strong for me to be able to bear it … suddenly it may take longer for my energy system to get used to it (whereas I did it to speed up the results).I’m jealous of you, just a week and you already have results, congratulations is there something i can do to make my energy system accept it faster and work in harmony with the IPF dogtag ?! I mean, the audio vibrations of creation increase the vibrations (and my consciousness) and make the chakras grow at the same time, so my energy system may also be bigger stronger and can, perhaps, accept and more easily manage the IPF field boosted 20 times. maybe jing and chi can also help me, but above all maybe my Dragon Golem :dragon: can help and assist my system to quickly work in harmony with all fields, as powerful as they are …I really need IPF to work for me.



Get you one of these brother :slight_smile:

Dreamweavers card system is on sapiens Instagram, this one and as well as the attunement card expands your energy system. There’s a chakra stimulation one too if that interests you, I’d recommend starting with attunement once every hour, put a timer to activate the card every hour to get the most out of your day to expand your energy system.

Here are the instructions to all of the cards bro

How to use the cards :

After attunement , which takes about 30 mins to an hour.

(depending on your energy system)

The best recommendation is to at least wait one day after the attunement to use the cards.

Using the card would simply involve holding the card and speaking the name of the card

along with the word activate and the energy/work will begin.

for example “eviction activate” “attunement activate” etc.

To use the cards without actually having the physical card present with you,

you can use the sigils and speak the activation words.

You can also use the sigils with your radionics machines etc as well.

The attunement card directly links you and tells your subconscious and deeper mind exactly how to use the energy systems.

You will find yourself having ideas on how to use it that may be unconventional.

Even at some point using and accessing all the systems without using the cards or sigils.

Trust your intuition on this.


Use this card to get rid of entities or bad energies disturbing you

Activation creates a strong tunnel that sucks out energy from energy around

and automatically grounds it off

Activation lasts for 15 to 20 mins.

Be careful to not let it drain you.

You can activate it on the card and then move the card to the location you wish

or mentally choosing the location you want it placed by visualizing it while activating the card.


Use this card to perform healing for yourself or others.

Activation will pour energy programmed specifically to heal you and work with your subconscious to speed any from of healing needed.

You can use it for yourself or any person

Activation lasts for 15 to 20 mins.

You can activate it on the card and have it pour into your entire or body or a specific area or person (or area of a person ) of your choosing

Simply visualize the area where you want the energy to flow

Pain Control

Use this card to control pain for yourself or others.

Activation will pour energy programmed specifically to stop or reduce pain in any area causing you problems.

You can use it for yourself or any person

Activation lasts for 15 to 20 mins.

You can activate it on the card and have it pour into your entire or body or a specific area or person (or area of a person ) of your choosing

Simply visualize the area where you want the energy to flow

Chakra stimulator

This card compresses energy in and at the same time directly stimulates all of your chakras,

providing them with the nourishment they need to grow along with directly working on expanding and developing them.

Activation works for about 15 to 20 mins.

You can use it on a friend as well.

Aura purification

This card works on removing junk energy and negative based energy from within your entire energy system, chakras etc.

It will also work on removing minor blockages in your energy flow.

Activation cause the work to start on you and go for about 15 to 20 mins total.

You can also use this for others.


This card works with helping you to create your own garden forest, It helps plants grow and nourishes them energetically,

You can activate the card then place it next to the plant you wish to work on or drawing the sigil in the dirt next to the plant then activating the energy.

This energy works on strengthening the plant’s own energy system, recovery and regeneration as well as directly telling it to grow stronger and healthier.

The works on the plant for 15 to 20 mins.


Activating this card cause energy that is programmed to keep pushing you to complete a task at hand or give you the extra willpower you need to survive or go on.

It helps to reset the mental fatigue and give you renewed energy and will to complete whatever needs to be done.

The energy will work directly on you for a set period of time 15 - 20 mins but the effects will continue for quite a while after.


Activation of this card causes a strong dense oval shield to surround your entire body and energy system,

The shield will keep densifying and reinforcing itself for about 15 mins. This shield will stay with you and gradually erode depending on the natural wear it receives such as interaction with other energy systems (people), attacks or just getting by in general life.

You can use this for yourself or other persons as well.

Energy Expansion

Upon activation, this card work directly on strengthening and growing your energy sensing abilities and your nervous system. It will also grow and strengthen your aura/energy body.

It will continue to directly work on you for about 15 to 20 mins.

You can also use this for other people as well.

Lucid Dreaming

This card when activated, will work on you to activate and stimulate the portions of your brain that maintain awareness,

it will keep these areas stimulated while you are sleeping, to help you maintain awareness in and of your dreams.

Dreams should become more vivid and memorable as well.

Again this card can used for yourself or another person you choose.


This card is used to help with meditation, it progressively tries to get you into a deeper and deeper mental state

from you base level or brain functioning and deeper progressively beta - alpha - theta - delta etc.

The energies will start working when activated and throughout your meditation.


The attunement card works on upgrading your existing energy level and functioning along with directly telling your subconscious how to use all the cards and energies in this system.

You will find that you have ideas and concepts about how to use them and unique creative ways to manipulate and work with with the energies.

It allows you to access and work with the cards and system eventually as in extension of yourself.


After a couple of days of attunement once an hour switch over to energy expansion on a timer for every 20 minutes, that’s what I’m kind of doing right now


thank you for this information :+1:


Np brother :slight_smile:


How long after first Attunement card activation , is it okay if I activate in the evening and use it the next afternoon?what do you do in those 20 mins ? meditate ?

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This was posted in the video description.

‘We Do Not Practice Black Magic or WitchCraft. Our formulas consists of a different type of work.’ :thinking:

Do you or anyone else know what type of work they use?

Is the booster something on Patreon?

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Where do you find these cards?

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Here you go brother


Hey. So every time I want to do healing. I should say the activated word? Or simply once you done it. It set for life?