How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

Androstenol for Men or Unconditional Androstenol


Become much more attractive to the opposite sex

charisma & glamour also


Thank you also wanna ask if it’s ok to combine androstenol wiith jing?

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This is super fun and powerfull Blarney Stone ( in case no one suggested yet ) if comunication skills are needed just trip on this and sing /create your own history ! :)

Pd: It makes me feel like a Bard hope you can taste this too !


Yes… Blarney Stone is like a Voice of Charisma-Light.

Obligatory Plasma Flower reference… i mean if people coming up to you and talking to you without you really having to do much is your thing :man_shrugging: :smirk:

But also need to mention “Star” (no not @Star) Star the arcana audio.

Want people straight out staring at you like you’re famous making LOTS of eye contact… then use Star.

Star + Plasma flower?


Do you have any idea how long it lasts? Would be really useful to know!

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20 hours ( plus - less 2 hours ) Its what i observed !!

Maybe can be a little different, depending on energetic weathering


Thank you!

Would this also apply generally to other kinds of similar audios like:

  • charisma and glamour
  • heart chakra
  • unconditional androstenol, etc?

I would say yes

but at certain “level” variations depends a lot on user .

To be more sure i guess the only way its experiment , observe and taking notes haha

I mean to have more “personal” information about how that its affecting you .

i think a key factor on this audios since involve interact with other people (and you of course ) ,

is the envivorement where interaction its developed .

edit : Thats why Plasma Flower can be used like a "Charm -Matchmaker 2.0 " because create

an "ideal and balanced " envivorement and alot of other amazing -deeper things .


Thank you :slight_smile:

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thanks to you man :)

dont forget to update us how things are going ! :footprints: :sunny:


In the course of trying to land better dates and vying for attraction, I’ve inadvertently rebuilt who I was for the better.

Of course I started off with Androstenol. Worked fantastically for a big and shy guy like me. Decided to counterbalance that with some Creed Pure White cologne to balance out the muskiness.

Then I decided to improve my speaking and Charisma. I naturally gravitated towards Charisma and Glamour. Made me social and quick with the responses. Probably made me write better than I’d have expected as well.

Looks, oh boy, I’d be lying if I said COVID hit me hard in the looks department. I was eating Taco Bell 3x a day for half a year before I even thought a lockdown would ever happen, I was fat, bloated, and my pants would even rip when I walked for too long. Went all out on the physical fields from Facial Symmetry, Skin Ablation, Workout fields, everything. Made Patrick Bateman look like a wake and baked stoner with how hard I went every morning, dropped most of that weight and then some.

No money and no car? Start reversing all the bad luck with Taaffeite, Abundance and Prosperity mandalas, Luck Mandalas and even got a Glory Tag to improve my finances.

Negative energy from bad life choices and mental ruts? Vibration of Creation, Divine Love and Transcendence to clean it up. Leaky energy? Soul Restoration.

I could keep going on, this could read like a long list of all the Sapien things I’ve used. I hope you’ve picked up the lesson I’ve learned already here - it’s not going to be one easy and cheap field to just pick up dates easily and seem “irresistible”. By all means, Androstenol helps out, but with the journey of all the different fields I’ve built myself into someone I’d have trouble believing I’d become a year ago.


Great post @eternal !:point_up::100::100:


Hey bro where can i find the star and plasma flower audio?


Also add The Air Revitalizer, which I believe also increases s*x energy.

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Do the OM’s star pose and suck that sucker in gives you electrified aura. :ok_hand:


I’m still a little lazy

being lazy doesnt get you nowhere, It didnt bring me anywhere, just in a hole of unanswered questions