How to be irresistibly sexy to other sex?

OK, now I understand. It’s like having extra security patches :grinning:


I remember the reviews it had. Many people had positive results. I hope it comes back in the future. I got rejected by 317 girls in a row. Getting a GF is pretty hard LOL

How on Earth did you manage to get rejected by 317 girls in a row?! Tinder? I’m confused man.

Except yours
 has a 3 in front of it.


Rad song!!

Lol no. I approached them and started a conversation with them face-to-face. An “approach” is when you actually talk to them in real life LOL


The Unbreakable :muscle: :grin:

-I believe there is an option that could suit to your situation

And already other awesome posts on forum , says that an “alternative to matchmaker” its plasma flower , making conversations smooth , rapport , comfort and other multiple bennefit effects.

Making a special envivorement where the participants of the interaction feels comfortable gonna
add :star: :star: :star: :star: to your meetings for sure a nice tool to level up your efforts!


I don’t understand what Plasma Flower does tbh
I just read description. Pretty confused

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You either seriously have blocks in your chakra system and/or have negative beliefs about getting women OR you went for the same type of girl. All 317 of them (Although I am 99% sure this isn’t the case)

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it’s probably a negative belief about women, reprogram your mind with loving feelings about women, it will involve them with your love

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Ok so
 I don’t know you or the exact situation of course.

Where did you approach them? What were they doing? And what country do you live in?

Maybe you should reconsider your strategy, think about what went wrong in each case and try a bit different next time. If you try something 200 times and it doesn’t work, it’s possible that 201 will be different, but likely not :sweat_smile:
Also Sammy had some good posts, I think either in this topic or the why male enhancement won’t work one about this general topic

If it’s really just random girls - you don’t know if they’re open to talk. You don’t know if they have a boyfriend. You don’t know if you’re bothering them when you approach them.
Try to have eye contact/smile etc. first and if they don’t look/smile back (or signal friendliness in other way), just don’t approach them.

Also - I live somewhere where there is a good sized expat/immigrant community but overall it’s a small place. There are some guys who are just “known”.
We know them from tinder, we know them because they seem to be everywhere, at every event, trying it on with every girl.
So obviously, even if they’re nice, there is no way any of us would go for it, there is just a sort of desperation around them.


So in summary, the way to go about being irresistibly sexy to other sex is using:

  • Plasma Flower
  • Soul Restoration Series
  • Vibration Series
  • Negentropic Jing/Qi/Shen
  • Androstenol
  • Internal Alchemy Series
  • Charisma & Glamour
  • Blarney Stone
  • Inner Beauty Reflected Outwards
  • Oxytocin

and initiating conversation with the opposite sex???

If this is correct, and assuming one has all of these fields


How does one find time to listen to all of this in a single day?

And what’s the best order to do so?


Consider what he wrote to you, it’s the key to avoid closed doors or no chance.

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And Ojas! :)

I actually see the difference now that I interact more with people again because of easing restrictions.
Its like suddenly I’m everyone’s favourite person, people just seek out my company, come for a talk, message me to meet up spontaneously, and there is a lot of kindness.
I’m not sure it’s the “irresistibly sexy” thing, because I think that is meant to be more sexual/primal desire, but in terms of bringing balance and good vibes where people seek out your company (and then you can make a move to take it to the next level) it’s a great list :wink:


Do you mean Ojas Refined and Defined or Ojas Marrowed not Stirred?

I don’t have the marrowed and stirred one, I meant the free ojas field (1-2x a day, consistently).


got it. what’s your listening schedule with all the fields I mentioned earlier?

Please elaborate. What exactly do you mean by “hard work”?

Passion is sexy.


I don’t use all of them especially not androstenol since I’m a girl :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
But I use neg Jing, vibes, ojas, blueprint, blarney stone

I’ll write an update in the morning/nightly stacks topic and tag you in the evening.

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