Also uhm gonna be a Grandma here and tell u do a little within check up on what you need to let go that youve been holding onto lately and strongly…
Because believe it or not we tend to have “accidents” and hurt hands and feet when we need let go Or kick to the curve 🦶🏼🦿something or some things or someone or a concept/habit/behavior/attitude that is not longer of service or adding to our growth, instead is blocking and delaying it
Fast recovery!
If you feel like a tissue tear up u can also add amniotic membrane
Definitely. I know what it’s about. I’ve been going through a definite a purging lately ever since my Ascension tag has went back into activity mode. Thanks, Grandma.
Letting go completely of whatever needed is a must if you actually want to get to the best more pure expanded and happiest version of you…
Its hard to let go of control
Its hard to let go of the image of a future we had in mind and oh it just looks so perfect and beautiful
Its hard to believe theres more and better
Its hard to shred old skin
dark night of the soul coming up
But rest assured that once you do the reward is waiting on the other side and full of possibilities you never thought of right in front of you for you to chose!