I have hatred for others

Hi there, Im looking for healings that will work directly on hatred for others.

Ive been holding on to hatred for others for some time. Ive had a dark life so a part
of me hates others that have had it so easy (of course ‘easy’ is in almost all cases just
an assumption im making). Id like something to work directly on the hatred I feel for others, the part of me that DOES wish harm on other people for whatever reason.
Hopefully Im not alone in this. I know its not conscious or awakened but the truth is I
have hatred for others, and Im looking to resolve that.

Im afraid Ive become quite selfish and unattuned over my life, and can sometimes even
tell when Im psychically attacking others for no reason when for example im walking past them on the street. Id really prefer to learn to love everyone and let others live freely so that im not causing harm to anyone. Ive developed a ‘spiritual ego’ which really hates hearing or noticing when other people ARE actually more awake or loving than me, or when Im doing something wrong, which is obviously a huge problem considering my energy is sometimes actually jealous, selfish, hateful.

Any help on this is greatly, greatly appreciated.

Thanks friends.


What you want to do to others, you secretly want to do to yourself.

Hence, you need to start with Self Love.

Check out JAAJ’s Self Love Stack.


As within, so without
Your hatred for others indicates a hatred you hold to yourself.

The first field that pops in my mind is New Perspectives, but you gotta stay consistent.

And then try to slowly bring in gratefulness into your daily life, saying thank you more often, appreciating the little details


Also its important to take actions, like meditate journel why u have this hate, Dont try to blame others and look on areas u can improve,

Think of somone u hate, Picture them in ur mind and say, U wish them well and just keep saying it

u could also try alchemy of gris which is free.


Thanks guys for the responses.


i would like to leave a detailed answer, but some other time. You have received some good insight, but I would like to add: Forgiveness.

Really, forgive your past, forgive yourself, forgive the circumstances, forgive everything that you are… Forgive everything that you want to be.

I don’t recommend adding pure love fields for the moment, to be honest.

But I highly suggest 4 fields, 2 of them are free, and the other 2 are paid. If you are able to buy only one of them, that would be the Alchemical Blueprint of the Past

So my recommendation to you is to focus on forgiveness,

Two more things that come to mind now is-- see where this feeling of hatred resides in you and clear the energy in that place. Use the corresponding chakra audio, focus on it with Energy Blockage Removal… Listen to the Breathe of belly :slight_smile:

Actually, I highly recommend the above.

**Forgiveness and Release + Forgiveness Meditation… They are different to me.
**Guided Meditation of Full Potential - Sapien Medicine
**Breathe of the Belly + Become Whole + Tracking the energy and listening to the corresponding chakra audio (ie, Root and Sacral)
**Creation of the Universe (optional- highly recommended)
**Alchemical Blueprint of the Past (paid- highly recommended)

I almost forgot we have two powerful releases available on Youtube for alchemy and transformation of the mind and its past :)

Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love
The Alchemical Revision of Trauma

And then it doesn’t hurt to go back a little bit :)

The Alchemical Revision of Childhood

It gets better :) and I hope it continues to get all the better for you.


Which one is this? Is it the hum of the universe?


Oh I apologize!

Vibration of Creation … I was looking through my phone I think that’s the name it comes in

Another favorite!!! :)


I can definitely relate to this. :neutral_face:


Try Pietersite energy from Dreamseeds


And I just want to add that the fact that you are doing something about this IS conscious and awakened.


I can understand your feelings. I felt jealousy towards other people a lot, too, especially young people in their prime and arrogant phase of life (18-23) when they seem to have everything (beauty, fun, friendships, a seemingly bright future, fear for nothing) while at their age, I was a suicidal ugly duckling and even now, I have a lot of problems at my own. And some of them are not kind or sympathetic as well, since they have everything so easily.

I am using “The Alchemical Revision of the Past” and practicing gratefulness as well. They can’t change the fact that I did not or do not have what others have easily, but they help me to look at my past and present in a more positive view.

I found “Self Love Transcendance” particularly helpful because it got me thinking about the aspects of my past and myself that I did not see before. For example, the people I hate are the mirror of my shadow self that I did not acknowledge. Or my past helps me to be able to appreciate everything I have at the moment because I did not have a lot to begin with. And I start to wonder why this or that personality of mine cannot be valued and loved.

And “Shatachandi Yagna” is my supporting field, because I also feel Chandi’s love for who I am, no matter what I do and she is like a big mother who is willing to protect and be on my side. It helps a lot with jealousy and hateful emotions since many of these emotions derive from the lack of acceptance and love from other people.

And I think it’s ok to accept myself having those ugly feelings. It’s a part of my whole self, which is not perfect or saint, and even if I repress these emotions, they would show out in one way or another. So I let myself curse others, get angry, say ‘I hate others’ names’ to myself, do whatever I want. I think it’s also a practice of accepting my shadow side, that I am mean, selfish, and greedy. At some points, I do not care about ethics, moral standards, fair, karma, or consequences… but what I feel. And then it turns out that I could escape and reduce these emotions very fast in that way. Maybe my inner self just needs acknowledgment and support from myself.

Sorry for ranting, your post just resonates greatly with recent events in my life. I hope you can find some help in it despite all of my nonsense, lol.


What @JAAJ said + Exorcism 2.0 + Energy blockage removal + Raise your vibrational State


are you a schizoid? @schizojudelaw


Anger management

Become kinder and more patient

Alchemical revision of self love

Divine spark in others

All you need imo


I wouldn’t beat yourself up over this. I think the place you’re in is more common than most would admit. Try some intercession audios. It’s good to know powerful forces still like you and have your back. Maybe they can bring you some good fortune, as well.


I am here because there is no refuge,
Finally, from myself,
Until I confront myself in the eyes
And hearts of others, I am running.
Until I suffer them to share my secrets,
I have no safety from them.
Afraid to be known, I can know neither myself
Nor any others; I will be alone.
Where else but on this common ground,
Can I find such a mirror?
Here, together, I can at last appear
Clearly to myself,
Not as the giant of my dreams,
Not the dwarf of my fears,
But as a person, part of a whole,
With my share in its purpose.
In this ground, I can take root and grow.
Not alone anymore, as in death,
But alive, to my self and to others.

If I may,
Blueprint of the Past followed by **Entwining Worlds of Beauty and Joy. This is enough.
You will crack. You may resent and relent. Yet a gentle reminder; these wounds are where the light enters. This is the only way

We hate when we close. These will open you

**= this is part two of the surgical healing phase; not to be mistaken with post-recovery .
Entwining worlds = Forgiveness. Gravity defying remolding. Inevitable balancing of yin and yang. But its very potent. Which is why I suggest BoPast as it’s a lot of…stuff.
Stuff I don’t think I’d be at liberty to share but lots of…stuff lol.

You need to become a fresh cookie; right now you are a wee bit lopsided (s’okay 99% of us are, too)-
So we have to get you fresh dough (BoPast) and then remodel your cookie shape.

Also in regards to Beauty and Joy, it’s something that comes naturally with further continuation of one’s spiritual progress; but here, straight up, anyone can have access to that; all laymen.
Meaning to say, the results from that can be profound in remolding one’s lack into an ever flowing gravity defying torus of love


i recommend to go to therapy and work with your heart chakra, inner child, maybe someone hurt us in the past, and since we didn’t know how to deal with all that emotions, we began to accumulate resentment, anger and that is later triggered by the minimum of things or a lot of things.
all jealousy has to do with the heart chakra, our inner child, so I highly recommend that you work with this energy consciously, with therapy and the help of some fields wich can be used as complements.

The fields that I recommend are:
-New perspectives
-Pure Magnetic Heart coherence
-Death(tarot card)
-The devil reverse(tarot card)

to start transforming that energy.

don’t try to use fields to get rid of that energy (hate and everything else), try to make yourself more aware of that energy, feeling it consciously, giving them their due space.

try to establish a relationship again with all those parts that lost confidence in life. (in you)
and all this can be done with therapy my friend. because in the long run they can become strengths.
and you would start to forgive yourself for having unconsciously manifested all those shitty experiences, but that are leading you up to now. you are not alone my friend @schizojudelaw

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depths of your soul and uplift yourself too.
Actually just start off with those, it feels like a better way to start off. No need to go into the more overly complicated fields first. Important to learn how to tread the waters before diving at the deep end


o lala; I just got a notification for this comment; coincidence, I think not.

this isn’t my poem btw lol.
it’s written by a very kind older gentleman I once knew (rest in peace).
I used to scoff at this so much; he knew, yet continued to have me recite it.
safe to say years later it finally makes sense and I’ve made solace with it.

I am a believer that supportive environments, people with no hidden agenda, those who can comfort you and allow you to grow,
but aren’t afraid to call you out especially when others won’t, these are integral to healing; it’s food for the soul. It’s the care and love and concern that connects us; but we have to allow it in order to fully relish it

anyways I hope you are doing better @schizojudelaw