Hello everyone. This is my story regarding my progress, in just 2 weeks of using/listening to Sapien Medicine Audios (and bear with me, I might make mistakes in writing/expressing myself, since English is not my native/first language).
For the past 9 months I needed medication for allergies almost daily; I started years ago, taking only one pill for/every 1-2 weeks, then, as time has passed, I needed to take those pills more often, especially since/because symptomps of allergies and asthma worsened, mostly in the last 2 years.
When I have begun listening to Sapien Medicine Fields I needed to take medication for allergies daily, mostly, rarely I could skip a day, since I had this neck inflammation/constriction (usually after 24h since the last pill, sometimes the symptoms would only come after 30 hours or even more than 40 hours) and breathing was getting worse.
Now, after two weeks of listening to these amazing fields I need this medication like 2 times a week, although my inhaler is needed more often, but I can even skip a day (or even two) without it, which wasn’t the case for a long time, years to be specific.
This is a success story, as I’m not relying on medication as much as before and I feel better and better.
I tried many fields, yet there are still a lot to try/listen to, since there are so many, including for mental health, specific needs and general well-being.
I used “alternative” medicine/solutions before and the most success I had in the past was from having sessions with an energy healer, but to be honest, the effect only came with time and although it lasted, the price/cost has increased and nowadays I couldn’t afford to go to him for many/a high number of sessions. I also used autosuggestion and other methods for years and none seemed to works as fast as Sapien’s fields, nor are they that/as reliable, so I know a little bit about “alternative healing”, but none could equal what this amazing human is offering and for free as well (on youtube).
I’m also a Patron, since, I want to support Sapien with as little as I can, at least for now, since I’m sure now that my life and my finances will improve (with time, of course) and I’ll always support such a kind and awesome human being (and his associate @SammyG) and his work and this beautiful and useful forum.
Thank you @El_Capitan_Nemo for everything you are doing for us and thank you all for being here and for your support.
Some Fields that I’ve used and which I continue to use:
Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning
Energy Blockage Removal
Induced Hepatocyte Growth Factor Production. (For Anti-Allergic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects)
Sinus Drainage (Energetically Programmed Audio)
Lung Restoration and Strengthening Ver 2.0 (Morphic Field)
Lung Antioxidant Field (Inflammation Help)
Automated Cardio (Energetically Programmed Audio)
Nerve Growth factor (targeted to brain and entire nervous system) {the description mentions that it helps with histamine intolerance, so I guess it’s helping as well, since allergies are treated with anti-histamines)
Immune System Supercharger (Energetically Programmed Audio)
Bacteria Destroyer (Experimental) Energetic and Morphic Programmed Audio (some allergies or perhaps all of them can be caused by bacteria as well, since they can disrupt the immune system, there was a link that I read that info from, so I don’t know for sure)
Throat and Chords
Anti Aging (well, this doesn’t have anything to do with allergies, but I want my cells to be young and strong)