Idunn & the Apples NFT (Scandinavian Group: Continuing the Tradition)

I agree with you. Digestion is perfect!!

Have cut all these fields from my daily or almost daily stacks because one extra fry and i see it next day showing on my body lol

The Quintessence of Marrow
Glycolisis with UCP
Enhanced fat metabolism
Lympathic + one

I eat and never have this ugh full sensation anymore

Yet i dont feel hungry in between meals

Its just perfect.

Because i also feel by having faster easier more harmonious distribution of nutrients etc all the body daily natural but also extra tasks needed to be carried through are being boosted, i feel like if i was 15 years old full of energy and everything inside working like a brand new machine.

She is so absolutely beautiful in and out, i just feel hugged, loved, nurtured, by a soft warm breeze that swirls around me and inside sweaping and transforming everything it touches on its path

I love her. :heart:


Among all the Deities NFTs, i feel Idunn is one of the most excited to get those connections with us.
She really enjoys it, as we do.
Indeed a beautiful Goddess, warmth, gracious and extremely loving.
One of my favorites so far.


True true.

She and Horus to me are like 24/7 with me full in connection without me saying asking doing thinking anything.

Happy days!!

Oh and Sekhmet


Hey how many were made?

Faster metabolism you say? Nice :100::100:


Well, today I tried to charge (from distance) a bottle of water for my sister. She has toothaches, so this water would do her a world of good. I asked her for the bottle’s photo and then with idunn’s mandala I asked her if she could charge that bottle of water.
After 10 minutes my sister tasted the water and said that it had a sweetness and acidity at the same time (she didn’t know that the water would be charged with idunn’s power) and taste delicious.

Apples ftw!


:smiley: I second that

have you Aine as well?


nope i don’t, unfortunately i missed that
I plan to eventually attempt at it :grin: :ok_hand:


the main thing is to solve the problem with :grin:


Hey guys sounds like it but this is iduns energy directly right?

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I am really impressed by Idunn!

I LOVE every single one of the audios that are for anti aging and rejuvenation.

But nothing like this one. At least in terms of speed and how it actually feels working inside. At least in my experience and all the anti aging or beauty audios to me are powerful. But still… this one. Here.

With any other field, i just see results surfacing with the passing days, but this is something extraordinary.

Tho i can notice my face looking fresh, skin soft and like healthy color looking like when you are a teen with plumpy high cheeks and a little rose color haha and im white so when i look at myself in the mirror in the morning feel like Heidy from the Prairies :face_with_hand_over_mouth: but its yet to show in full, i just notice it. Its quite obvious.

But is in the inside what i feel. That i have never felt before. It might sound strange but i really dont know how else i could express it. I feel everything inside me de-aging. Literally. De-aging. My organs, my tissues, my muscles, my blood, like if it was turning back the clock.

I think a big part is charging the water with it and the food. I ask her to do it all day.

I feel like one of these time-lapse blooming but instead from my current point going back to where it all started,


And then blooming from the reversing final point again.

And i CAN feel it!! I dont have kids, but i believe Moms feel what im feeling when they are pregnant, how life is growing and developing inside.

I physically feel that switch happening.

And she is like an Oasis in the desert ready to quench your thirst for life. It is the most regenerative tool i have tried. in all levels.

For the first time i do feel like i could reach an ageless point with her. and stay there. For ever. :apple::green_apple:


@anon51280824 you’re selling me now. I’ll see if I can try my luck in the trade section :smiling_imp: :apple:


It is worth it. For real.


This lady is fully changing my everything habits lol to turn me into the best even unimaginable self i can be.

I have zero cravings
I am eating super well
No more comfort food
Or eating things i dont need to
Or eating late at night
I am not over sleeping or lacking sleep
I dont need naps anymore
I feel a rush to exercise all the time and be on the move
My mood is so calm no matter what its OKAY… its whatever, if its something i dont like. Im like huhm shrugs and keep going with my things.
Im turning more and more minimalistic
Im giving away all kinds of stuff
Im letting go effortlessly of whatever

She is a breeze of peace and softness, inner and outer beauty provider, a giver of life

Am like…
. wanna charge my watter with so and so?

  • okay…
    Wanna clean and charge my food with whatever you want?
  • Okay!!
    Wanna charge this banana like if it was one of your apple with all the youthful goodies? :smirk:
  • okay!
    Wanna clean the water in the shower to purify my skin and nurture my hair? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
  • okay!

Etc… etc…

At first, i thought or i was expecting physical healing aspects and rejuvenation etc

But this is beyond all of that. As i mentioned in my previous review, im feeling everything in me going back in time to Optimus state.

But today pondering, smiling, relaxing in my bed i was like oh… of course she is changing my whole life. Not just physically.

Because everything is going negentropic and then building anew in a perfect manner, whatever things i collected growing up, call it (lets talk about the negative ones) bad habits, vices, traumas stuck in the body, negative mind patterns, blockages, hurts, painful memories that have changed me throughout my life, everything is leaving my body, my mind, my everything.

And thats why i am easily doing things i used to do,

Craziest part? ive felt some weird pains too here and there, some sharp short an totally unexpected that make me go like wth was THAT?? and then they eventually subside.

Those pains have been from old injuries, and even some of them i had already healed before she showed up in my life, and im like why am i feeling this pain again ouchh i dont want, in some cases the pain has been stronger, really stronger than they ever were when i had the issue!! Luckily the pain lasts like seconds, but its strong. For a couple of days the pain shows up say, 3 times a day. But then after those 2 days its gone. So the thing that this negentropy is this perfect blows my mind, it IS going back in time, therefore i must pass by that moment were the pain was caused!!! Crazy!!

She is the Star
The Temperance
The Empress
The Queen of Cups
The Queen of Pentacles

She is all fairies

I was not expecting all of this. But here i am…

And btw. Im not listening these days:

PONR, Crucible Series, etc to say maybe its them. Nope. I know is her.


btw is it possible this energy is oozing out even when im not an owner?
i just look at the picture and feel…well infatuated and energized if you know what im talking about


all energies do come off the nfts
its not cloaked or hidden.
Hence the proof is presented to the casual onlooker as well.
But it is much the same as going to a cafe and smelling the coffee brewing then believing that you too have had a cup like everyone else.


Well if possible could you arrange a date for me with Idunn at the astral café?


Lmao you always give the best comebacks to Dream.


She reported that she would be waiting for you at the yggdrasil tree on Saturday, 10 am est.


Lol :notes: