Inner Armor Shield & Magnetic Resonance

Kinda like a personal reality bubble in a sense? I used this last night and I felt really woozy and a little loopy but not in a bad way, i kinda feel like I’m floating in a sense


Yes, in a sense this is what it feels like. You’ll feel the shielding as though it covered the place that you occupy in reality. I find that it is interesting given that it is an internal shield; but the magnetic resonance alongside this benefit also plays a part in here. Yes woozy, loopy, floating are words that describe this kind of sensation.


Just got this!! Music is hella nice!

i will probably now stick with just three shields - this one, Shielding 3.0 and Naga! Thanks Captain and Desiree!


a stack made of plasma flower x 2, plasma flower node connector x 1 and kinetic quasi crystal x1 from one device while the inner armor is on loop from other device makes a whole new level of perfection. the audio can be looped for the durtion of the above stack which is arround 52 mins. then one can go about his business. the beauty of this shield is that it rebilds from inside out and the audios above complement this also working on and with the earth and air arround you.


I’ve had my eyes on this shield only out of your reviews and experiences with it! Before this one gets released, I was absolutely considering going for it.

I have added Armor of Light and Glory with Inner Armor Shield & Magnetic resonance and the results were exceptional!

I’d think-- Naga shield matches this shield a lot.


This one is very nice , this morning I feel fresh, clear in my mind after waking up,
Is programmed to clean break all nasty stuff done to us ?


most probably




Will this help with manifesting?


If you observe manifesting as the state of increasingly having access to a better quality of life based on the individual’s resonance, will, and desire – the answer is definitely yes.

I speak of this in the description as well :arrow_down_small:

The stronger you are as an energetic being; the more you are able to pull things towards you. And it doesn’t stop here; You’re able to hold emotional and mental concepts due to both the seclusion of these parts (shielding) and the improved functions of them.

NFTs like Lucrative Attraction goes into this topic pretty seriously. the NFT The Superior Mind builds the mental and spiritual qualities necessary for Creation, and this product targets the energetic beingness of the person that brings all of this together and allows it to happen. They were meant to be released as a trio, btw :)

some upcoming products will also target the concept of having access to a better quality of life.

In my opinion – Yes, it helps with manifestation.


I find your works amazing but I am a little concerned about the “occult” part of them. Does it come from positive/loving forces? What is the source of it?


Hey adamaria! Thanks a lot for your words! the word occult here just refers to “hidden knowledge” in the used terminology. The origin is French :)

It is pure knowledge of the magnetic resonance of the body.


I am buying this!!! Thanks :sparkling_heart:


Absolutely everybody should!!! I’m listening to it now myself! :) Hope you like what you get!! :sparkling_heart:


I just bought it. On my second loop and having great exhales of relief already. Thank you!


Please enjoy!! :sparkling_heart:

Besides shielding, the Inner Armor is incredibly healing and rejuvenating for the energy bodies as well.


I tried it today, looped for an hour and got my power back :see_no_evil::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2::clap:t2:


If I need to participate in a place with huge emotions (financial trading market) every day, and the wealth I obtain is also mixed with some emotions in the flow, will this help me?

I have tried many methods. When I work, my heart chakra feels uncomfortable. When I make money, it becomes even more clogged…

Then the chest tightness and energy accumulate to a certain level, and the mentality begins to lose control. I have no confidence in making transactions and just want to leave…


hey jie!

there are a few things that come to mind as an answer to your question:

with the Inner Armor Shield & Magnetic resonance; the healing and shielding contained within extend to the 12 bodies; and this includes the emotional body. It also guards your mental gates, and doesn’t allow such chatter or mental feelings to enter your mind.

protecting the emotional and mental bodies and raising the baseline of functionality of yourself will certainly help with the negative emotions and thoughts; the doubt and the clogging will resolve and one day after another; you will feel it melting off you

however, i strongly, strongly, recommend The Financial Protector for these kind of issues as it works on the emotional relationship with money that you may have. the financial protector, along with Kubera Homa work brilliantly on these topics. The homa is made of “fire” - or is a fire ritual more accurately; so it burns these emotions and thoughts at their root cause with consistent use. Financial protector also works with the emotions almost right away (audio) and you can ask the protector himself to work on these issues as well.


Confirm. Works great for that shielding and it doesn’t act in a strong overwhelming way.