JAAJ's Daily Self Love Stack 2024 🤍

Hi, dreamchaser!

way to make the playlist shorter?

adding Kinetic Quasi Crystal can help make fewer repeats needed


Great! Thank you for your effort!

Hi, thank you! :slight_smile:

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Baby you are welcome

Where should I add Quasi Crystal in the playlist? :slight_smile:

It was suggested that you use Kinetic Quasi Crystal: New Release.

You can play it twice at the beginning of the stack, and you can eliminate the repeats of the subsequent fields. Some people like to play their their KQC twice every hour or two through their stack, but try it at the beginning and see what it does for you.


@dreamchaser Computer or phone? There’s a way to add the same video to a playlist several times. If you’re on your computer, choose the playlist you want from the sidepanel and then choose add videos. Tadah!



Thank you, I just bought Kinetic Quasi Crystal. So, not sure if I understood correctly, if I listen to it two times before, I don’t have to repeat any of the other fields from the playlist?

Thanks, gonna try on my PC.


Great question!

There’s some matter of debate over how long the effect of KQC lasts. My suggestion is, first, decide that KQC lasts over the entire of your playlist.

If, after some time of working with your playlist, you want more of the effects of the fields at the end of your playlist, them you can replay your KQC in the middle of your playlist–maybe at the exact middle, maybe closer to the end. It depends on your experience.


I understand, thank you.

It is not a problem for me to play KQC 2 or 3 more times through the list. It’s important to me that I don’t have to listen to fields that last 10-15 minutes 3-4 times, it really takes a lot of time, and I don’t have that much time. :slight_smile:

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Ahhh, it’s good that you said this!

With no disrespect to the creator of the original stack, the Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated) tells us that we only need to spend 10 minutes with a field in a session.

I’ve taken that to mean that, when a field lasts 10 minutes (or close), I don’t need to repeat it in the ways I used to.


Hi, I think some of these fields could be replaced based on upgraded levels of self love.

I been doing

  1. Alchemical childhood revision
  2. Alchemical trauma revision
  3. Alchemical inner self love revision.
  4. Your self love
  5. Archetype of parental love
  6. Blueprint of past
  7. Amygdala healing
  8. Ego dissolution
  9. Conceptual realization

Doing these stack based on what my higher self told me :slightly_smiling_face:


Nice, compact stack!

  • Alchemical Revision of Trauma - I don’t think this is available on Patreon or for purchase and available only as a video (so I skip this one lol)
  • Do any of these fields cover Forgiveness & Gratitude? Both, IMO, are necessary for Self-Love.

Thank you very much for your feedback :muscle:


Thanks! And i don’t know if these fields mentioned in my playlist cover gratitude and forgiveness, but I do have it in a separate playlist but I just forgot to add it along with my stack :joy:

Also, if you can, also buy self love transcendence, very POWERFUL as it isn’t like any other self love audios where you passively listening to gain self love, this audio works with you actively and may be the key to unlocking the locked door we all refuse to open because of facing the truth.


My self love stack which I been listening for 3 days, have made me reevaluate all the superficial decisions I have been making. Just in three days, I had an epiphany that I’m a deeply traumatized person who is only wanting to gain physical results because I want to desperately change myself to look better and be better than everyone else so that I could not be the same person as I was in the past and feel superior to everyone else.

That superficial aspect that I was holding onto went away, my manifestations never worked out for me because I was in such a terrible place, and my mindset was working against me. Now, I’m suddenly experiencing changes that I have never seen before and now I don’t even know if I want those changes anymore because I’m feeling content with myself. I thought of like this, “it would be nice to manifest this, no problem” rather than “please I desperately need to change because I’m sick of everyone else being better than me”.

This is just day three, and I want to build this momentum for 1 year, listening nearly 16 hours, I know it sounds crazy but I listen while doing my usual activities and listen during night time.


Oh yeah, I was one of the beta testers for this field :grin:


Lucky you! :slightly_smiling_face: @Maoshan_Wanderer

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NEW – JAAJ’s Daily Self Love Stack – MULTI-STAGE :white_heart: :white_heart: :white_heart: :white_heart:

The original daily self love stack is quite long and not everyone can fit it into their daily schedules.

For this reason I have also created a multi-stage version for people who only have a few hours per day that they can use for listening to fields.

I have split the whole long stack into four stages that built upon each other and that shall be used one after another and in the exact recommended order.

The new multi-stage versions also contains some fields that were not included in the original long stack.

Use each stage stack daily for 1 week then move on to the next stage.
Once done with all four stages, restart with the first stage again.
Do in total at least 10 complete iterations of all four stages (1 week * 10 = 40 weeks).

After less than one year, you will be a completely new and changed person.
And this will be reflected by the outer reality and manifestations as your Subconscious Mind will adjust your personal reality bubble to your new level of self-esteem.

The Self Love Stages:

Stage 1 – Enablement Stage:

This stage is a cleaning and preparation stage in order to enable maximum possible results and maximum possible healing from the next stages.
I have included the fields from the original Point of No Return Stack here as well.

Stage 2 – Trauma Healing Stage:

Probably the most important stage and the pre-requisite for loving yourself is the healing of trauma as this is the biggest block for self esteem (and by this also for manifestation). Trauma = self sabotage of any further results.

Stage 3 – Increase Self Love Stage:

The stage where you will be refilled with all the love that you always deserved, wanted, needed and that has always been already hiding inside of you.

Stage 4 – Project Love Outwards Stage:

With a the new level of increased self love and self esteeem, let‘s cement the new level into stone. Let‘s make the new level a new fixed baseline and project it outwards into the worlds to manifest all the great things and treating ourselves and others better.

JAAJ‘s Daily Self Love Stack – Multi-Stage – Free Stack:

Stage 1 – Enablement Stage:

2x Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning
1x The Exorcism Rite version 2.0
1x Ego Dissolution
1x Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 2.0
6x Raise your Vibrational State
3x The Mana Circuits
3x Emotional Release
2x Angelic Intercession

Stage 2 – Trauma Healing Stage:

1x Ego Dissolution
1x Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 2.0
2x Raise your Vibrational State
2x Angelic Intercession
2x Amygdala Healing
2x All Purpose Anxiety Removal
4x Alchemical Revision of Trauma
3x Trauma Release and Healing
4x Alchemical Revision of Childhood
4x Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love
1x The Honored Ancestors
1x The Internal Alchemical Crucible
2x Grief Loss Loneliness
2x Regain your Innocence
2x The Outlook Retrainer
1x Inner self Critic to Inner Self Supporter
1x Emotional Release
2x Depression Begone

Stage 3 – Increase Self Love Stage:

1x Ego Dissolution
1x Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 2.0
2x Raise your Vibrational State
2x Positive Power Waves
4x The Archetype of Parental Love
4x Self Love and Acceptance
4x Your Self Love
2x Unconditional You
1x Unconditional Love
3x The Inner Pillar of Power
4x Become Whole
2x Extreme Self Confidence/Self Esteem Boost

Stage 4 – Project Love Outwards Stage:

1x Ego Dissolution
1x Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 2.0
6x Raise your Vibrational State
3x Mind Body Soul Graviton
1x Childlike Wonder (Revamp Excitement in Life)
2x Angelic Intercession
6x Love Gratitude and Appreciation
1x Abundance Mindset
1x Gratitude for Blessings

Furthermore @onwards has been so kind to create the stack for the free stages on YouTube:

JAAJ‘s Daily Self Love Stack – Multi-Stage – Paid Stack:

Stage 1 – Enablement Stage:

1x Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning
3x Point of No Return
1x The Exorcism Rite version 2.0
1x Vibration of Transcendence (Gumroad)
1x Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 2.0
6x Raise your Vibrational State
3x The Mana Circuits
1x Soul Core Energy Restoration (Gumroad)
1x Auric and Energy Repair (Gumroad)
3x Emotional Release
2x Angelic Intercession

Stage 2 – Trauma Healing Stage:

1x Point of No Return
1x Vibration of Transcendence (Gumroad)
1x Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 2.0
1x The Kinetic Quasi Crystal (Gumroad)
2x Raise your Vibrational State
2x Angelic Intercession
1x Amygdala Healing
1x All Purpose Anxiety Removal
4x Alchemical Revision of Trauma
2x The Crucible Of The Past (Teespring)
2x The Crucible of Stored Trauma (Gumroad)
2x Trauma Release and Healing
4x Alchemical Revision of Childhood
4x Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love
1x The Honored Ancestors
1x The Internal Alchemical Crucible
1x Grief Loss Loneliness
1x Regain your Innocence
1x New Perspectives (Gumroad)
1x Inner self Critic to Inner Self Supporter
1x Emotional Release
1x Depression Begone

Stage 3 – Increase Self Love Stage:

1x Vibration of Transcendence (Gumroad)
1x Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 2.0
2x Raise your Vibrational State
3x Positive Power Waves
1x Heart and Solar Plexus Chakra Clearing (Gumroad)
4x The Archetype of Parental Love
4x Self Love and Acceptance
4x Your Self Love
2x Unconditional You
1x Unconditional Love
2x The Inner Pillar of Power
3x Become Whole
2x Attract More Love Into Your Life (Patreon)
2x My Personal Emotional and Mental Supporter (Gumroad)
2x Extreme Self Confidence/Self Esteem Boost

Stage 4 – Project Love Outwards Stage:

1x Vibration of Transcendence (Gumroad)
6x Raise your Vibrational State
3x Mind Body Soul Graviton
1x Childlike Wonder (Revamp Excitement in Life)
2x Angelic Intercession
1x Self Respect
1x Torus Weaved Respect
6x Love Gratitude and Appreciation
1x Abundance Mindset
2x Attract More Love Into Your Life (Patreon)
1x Gratitude for Blessings
2x Conceptual Realizations (Gumroad)

:white_heart: :white_heart: :white_heart: