JAAJ's Mystical Journal

The speedrun through the “matrix” simulation game is not a speedrun back to the Source. It is not about “returning back to the Source” and “become one with it again” as fast as possible.

It is a speedrun to become like the Source – a fully conscious sovereign proactiver manifestor and creator.

The question that still remains is whether boredom was invented by the Source itself or whether Source is a victim of boredom and there is nothing else to do but to create?


You are not here to prove yourself worthy in some type of „incarnation challenge“.

Being a consciousness fragment of the whole you are already worthy for everything that you decide that you are.

You are here to master playing the game of existence and proactive manifestation.

A part of this game is to first forget completely about the rules of the game, and then through listening to your intuition be guided to re-discovering them again.

Why forgetting about the rules in the first place?
Because this way you are less pre-occupied about how reality is supposed to function and you go onto a discovery journey starting with a “blank page”.

You are also left in an environment full of opposite and distractive information, were your only compass for the “best path” is your intuition from your Higher Self. This way you become much more self-reflective and seeking the answers within.

You will also believe that the simulation is the only real reality and take it “serious”.

You will take it serious, until you re-discover that it is a simulation and a game and nothing is “real” except other souls.

One of the mile stones of the game is learning to have fun like a child while playing the game.

Until then, everything will appear as a serious challenge and super hard work.

“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Jesus


Arcturian Sorceress

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Speed Running means knowing all the tricks and shortcuts of the game…

…but it doesn’t mean that it is always a pleasant process.

…Earth can simply not compete.

The concept of having a „harem“ is a limited human concept and not the final stage of intimate pleasures. Most of it is just superficial sexual variety, but without a deep connection.

The same goes for the concept of „soulmates“ where the intimacy is limited to just 2 persons. While the intimacy is deep, there is no sexual variation and it is also a „we against the world“ mindset type of thing.

But how about combining the intimacy of the typical 2-people-soulmate connection and expanding it to your whole species?

There are alien societies out there that operate as a Group Consciousness, where everyone, while still having their individuality, is telepathically and soul-wise so much connected and interconnected, that there is zero perceived separation between the members.

Everyone loves and adores everyone.
Everyone has sex with everyone and is intimate with each other.
It becomes all a major melting pot of exchange of energies.
Like a network of neurons firing all together and getting off with each other.
Imagine experiencing true deep connection and intimacy whereever you go.
There is no competition for females by males and vice versa.
No one is left out with unfullfilled needs.
Everyone is always there for everyone else.
You experience deep connection and intimacy whereever you go and whomever you meet.

Additionally, everyone sees the other‘s beauty not just from their physical body, but also from their energy body.

Then of course, with their advanced genetic tech, everyone‘s bodies look like Chad‘s and Stacy‘s anyways, so it is impossible to not desire each other even on a pure physical level.

Everyone is beautiful in body, energy, soul and mind.
And all of this beauty is interconnected into a constant state of bliss and belonging.

Earth has nothing to offer like this and there is truly nothing to miss or FOMO here on this planet.

There are much more profound experiences out there!


I first encountered the idea of the “Group Consciousness” when I watched the Rick & Morty episode about [Unity] (Unity | Rick and Morty Wiki | Fandom) almost a decade ago.

While in the show “Unity” acts as a consciousness virus taking over other’s bodies and turning everyone into its vessels where ONE soul shares many bodies, in real life alien group consciousness societies it is MANY souls sharing MANY bodies at the SAME TIME.

The basic human mind cannot understand this fully because it is completely based on the experience of occupying one single body at a time and being separate from other souls.

However, there are civilications out there who live like this (Group Consciousness) and experience ultimate collective bliss and belonging at all times.

This is what the Arcturians showed me with regards of what type of love setups are actually possible.

Is there a way for us humans to have such experience? Through astral travel, perhaps?

I want what they have. Our love here is so conditioned.

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What is this web-like structure?

Probably through this option and an adjustment of one’s astral body to a particular race that lives in such a group consciousness.

I don’t think this is possible with the genetics of an earthly homo sapiens body.
But it will for sure work via incarnation in one of such group consciousness societies.

Also no worries and no FOMO, since most physical incarnations on earth do not last longer than 100 years, and so you are free to do whatever you like when going back to the astral planes (“the afterlife”) once you are finished here.

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Nooo I am not crying, totally not… Crying… 🥲

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Wow, thank you for sharing… This is relieving to know that.

It’s hard to exist in a state of decay, loss, destruction… Like we, as humans, biologically do

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I think the problem is primarily people’s mindset of defeatism and accepting the idea of “death”.

Once people accept “that everything is finite and futile”, most become highly depressed and slowed down from the meaningful lives they could actually live.

I highly recommend you check this out – liberation of the mind comes from knowledge and experience about eternity of life:

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Thank you so much. I will read it.

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other sounds nice and lovely except this… :fearful: :face_vomiting:

Why is that?

wdym why is that?

has sex with everyone
don’t you see that? this is unacceptable :confounded:

And I am asking to explain your point of view.
I don’t see why this is “unacceptable”.

wdym? the answer is very obvious
i don’t think i need to explain the reason why this is unacceptable

has sex with everyone bro
do i really need to explain why this is gross and disgusting and unacceptable ?

would you have sex with everyone you saw on the street? and your family, your friends,your teacher ,your neighbor,your coworker,your boss? and everyone in this website?

the answer is no of course

how you don’t see?

pm me if you really want to discuss this with me, this thread is about JAAJ’s note
hope she/he won’t mind