JAAJ's Mystical Journal

This is sooooo important and truly an amazing feeling when you don’t want to be anyone but ur self.

Thank you jaaj for making me realise the importance of self love 🫡🫡


My first unofficial teacher (as in they advise but I’m not their disciple in their eyes) told me, when I said I needed a teacher, “you don’t need a teacher, you don’t want a teacher, you’ll do better without one.”

Man, I was livid. I’d just met the guy, wtf did he know? A lot apparently :astonished:

I don’t quite have your dichotomy as far as I’m aware, but I hate when the pace isn’t in the Goldilocks’ zone and I’m learning to accept when being in the Goldilocks’ zone makes me progress slower than others.

He later clarified that I’m someone that leaps and over time, cover more ground and make more progress than I would otherwise; even when that style forces me to just sit and wait.

So I can’t say I know your exact struggle, but it seems close enough that I believe I can genuinely relate.

I wish you all the best with being your perfect version of a student, it’s really interesting to see how others make their way through it all.

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“Someday sounds a lot like the thing people say when they actually mean never.”

— Dolores Abernathy, Westworld

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Self Love is the biggest shortcut on the spiritual development journey.

Self Love is the exponent factor of whatever you are doing.

You will manifest the solutions you deep down believe you deserve.

And because Self Love is an exponent, everything it touches, growths exponentially.

MORE Self Love is always the answer.

MORE Self Love is the ultimate conceptual realization.


I was talking with Aphrodite about “libations”.

She told me that those material offerings are not really needed.

The Deities have no practical use for the libations and material donations.
They are not physical and have no use for this stuff.
Besides that, they have access to infinite resources on the astral planes.

What matters to them instead is an individuals devotion and intention.

What matters is one’s good hearted will and a true and deep and honest pure desire for change and for an improvement.

A libation can show to a Deity that someone means “I am ready and I really want to work with you”, but it is not required. What is required is absolute honesty and a pure intention.

A pure intention coming from the heart.

They, the Deities, have so much compassion for us incarnated humans.
They see how we are stuck here in our 3d adventures.
How we are unable to teleport and stuck in the same place and time.
How we are unable to properly understand other’s intention and telepathically communicate with each other.
How much we struggle with our physical bodies.
How we have to sleep to recharge.
How we have to eat to survive.
How we have to use the toilet every few hours.
How we are heavily controlled by our hormones and genetic programs.
How long the path ahead of us still is.
They can see and feel our struggles and they have so much compassion and understanding for us.
At least Aphrodite, Nyx and many others do :heart:

But also, they cannot save those who choose not to be saved.
And they will not do our work completely for us.
Everyone’s will, intention and energy needs to be contributed as well.
Free Will is an absolute real thing and absolute law.

Help yourself with a truly pure and genuine decision to change, and then they will most likely help you too.

“God helps those who help themselves.”

Well, this applies to Deities as well of course!
They are Gods and Goddesess.

Aphrodite is a Goddess and there are reasons why she is a Goddess.
The level of love and compassion she has is beyond human imagination.

:relieved: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Karma and Being a Famous Incarnation

Continuing my exploration of Karma and projecting the ideas discussed above to the concept of being someone who is incarnated into a position of power (like a politication) or a position of influence (like a celebrity).

So if someone is a “world leader” or “country leader”, this person’s choices will obviously impact a lot of lives.

That means that this person will create A LOT subconscious contracts with Millions of people. Depending on this soul’s choices he/she will be loved or hated by Millions.

There are souls who are still hated and loved by many even after Thousands of years. All of these are unresolved subconscious contracts, open unsettled bills.

And in order to come clean, those famous souls have to settle these open bills will all of those Millions of other souls! That’s a lot of reconciliation work to do.

Let’s face it, most politicians on the planet right now do an awful job and do more harm than good. Most are also materialist uneducated arrogant and ignorant souls. By doing an incarnation as a politician, they are not ready for the responsibility that comes with the affecting of Millions of lives and they will simply create a lot of negative Karma for themselves.

You can bet that guys like Hitler, Stalin, Mao still have a lot of toilets to clean before they are forgiven by everyone AND have forgiven themselves for each and every single crime.

If you touch a lot of lives, make sure you touch them in a positive and negentropic way. Collect their gratitude, not their hate.

As Above. So Below.
This applies to your subconscious contracts with others as well.
And that’s what the mechanics of “Karma” is.

“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.”


Love it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Nothing matters. Everything matters.

Nothing matters.

Because It is all a game anyways.

Nothing that is real in the end.

The only real thing are the souls of the players.

The astral planes are the main game servers.
The physical universes are the servers for the advanced players.
Physical 21st Century Earth is a server for hardcore players.

With hardcore servers, more souls are watching how others are playing on them than those actually participating.

Because hardcore game mode means there is only “1 Life”.
And that every single choice has an impactful outcome.

There is also no privacy here.
Everyone reads your thoughts, emotions, intentions and energies.

Your 1000 Instagram Earthly followers do not matter because Tens of Thousands of souls are watching your incarnation like watching Twitch.
And even more will one day download it into their consciousness from the astral recording libraries.

So if everyone is watching, then everything suddenly matters?

So now you are here inside the game.
On a hardcore game server and everyone is watching.
Will you wear that red or that grey tshirt today?
It didn’t matter before but does it suddenly matter because everyone is watching?
What you wear, what you eat, what you think, what your true intentions are etc.

So suddenly the details matter, because you are on an multidimensional astral Twitch live stream!

Nothing matters because it is just a game.
And at the same time also Everything matters because you have an audience to entertain.
So be creative!



There is more joy in writing than reading.

This week, I have contiued writing on my “postnuclear soulmate romance” novel.

It is a mix of Fallout, Astral Travel stuff and Romeo & Juliet.

For this, I have rewatched the whole Fifty Shades of Grey series and looked into how the novels are written.
All in order to tap into female sexual fantasies and for finding the right expressions on how to word these for being the most triggering when someone reads them.
The more triggering, the higher the chance to elicit an emotional response from the reader.
Which makes them emotionally invested.
Which makes them want to continue to read on.

All of these, combined with stuff from neuro-marketing and other limbic brain triggers, should be able to create sufficient enough tension for the reader to experience what the story characters are experiencing and create a profound unforgettable experience.

I will also ask Aphrodite to inspire me.

Those movies (Fifty Shades) are actually very well made technically and offer many conceptual realizations. It was not a waste of time.

Also, time to get more ripped like Christian Grey. Gonna put that chocolate aside.

Also also, those Ellie Goulding lyrics are not leaving my head now lol.
Or maybe, I shouldn’t have looped this for 1 hour? :laughing:


Not proactively manifesting your personal reality is almost like TREASON with the Source itself.

"I like that boom boom pow
Them chickens jackin’ my style
They try to copy my swagger
I’m on that next shit now
I’m so 3008
You so 2000 and late
I got that boom, boom, boom
That future boom, boom, boom
Let me get it now"


"Mă întorc în timp de atâtea ori,
Când eram noi doi,
Chiar dacă știu că ai uitat de noi,
Ai uitat de noi.
Ce trist e totul fără tine,
Când nu ești aici!
În gândul meu, amintiri mă fac să zbier,
Mă fac să sper.
Mai am o singură întrebare:
Oare (oare) Oare tu știi cum doare?
Doare (doare) când te privesc mereu.
Oare (oare) ești tu sau mi se pare?
Oriunde văd chipul tău.
Te-am așteptat atâtea nopți,
Sufletul mi-e gol,
Poate nu vrei sau nu mai poți
Să te întorci acum.
Ridic privirea către cer,
Mai am un singur gând:
Să te aștept, și încă sper
Că te întorci curând.
Mai am o singură întrebare:
Oare (oare) Oare tu știi cum doare?
Doare (doare) când te privesc mereu.
Oare (oare) ești tu sau mi se pare?
Oriunde văd chipul tău."

We are really often only drawn to certain people because these people happen to love themselves a little more than we do love ourselves.

And so we try to leech onto their self love, hoping that we can somehow obtain this self love by transferring it to us through their validation and their attention.

However, this is a self-deception, a lie we tell ourselves.
We fool ourselves that we somehow “download love from others”.

But in truth, receiving this external validation will only numb the pain of our own lack of self love. It will NOT increase our own levels of self love.

The only way to inrease our own levels of self love is…

…to love ourselves more, duh.

Or in practical terms:

Praying and asking for validation from
[insert name of Soul, Parent, Deity, Hot Girl etc. here]
is a futile endevour.
A distraction.
An activity that will not solve the problem, will not solve the lack of self love.
Praying and asking means seeking in the external.
While the solution is to go inside and solve the problem by yourself.
The Subconscious Mind is the best friend and ally here.


"Watch me wear my crown
Don’t need a knight to guard the cave
Can’t count the dragons that I’ve slayed
You can give it all you got
Cause love is running through my veins
Oh this lion can’t be tamed
There‘s fire in my blood

  • „I have failed because I am not the next Elon Musk“
  • „I have failed because I have not yet received the sexual attention of 10,000 super models.“
  • „I have failed because I am not able to create my own morphic fields.“
  • „I have failed because I have not created a big family clan with 25 grand grand children.“
  • „I have failed because I don’t have Giga Chad’s ripped bulked body“.
  • Etc.

The desire to want to be someone else, is a lack of self love.
It is a seeking of validation in external achievements and the achievements of others.

All physical achievements in the physical universe are temporary occurrences.
They only matter while in the game.
But what matters when the game has ended, are the non-physical achievements, i.e. your own growth as a soul and the experiences that you have collected.

So does this mean we have to give up on trying to achieve the physical game achievements and focus only on things that also have value outside of the physical game?


It means you have to play the game even harder.

Because you came here into the physical by your own choice and all of the above mentioned, you already knew before coming here.

Like on all other planes of existence, the same applies in the physical:

Life is to be lived.
The game is to be played.
Remember your choices.
There is nothing else to do.
But to do God’s work and play the fucking game.


Siúil a Rúin.

Free Will


"Du bist erwacht, mit aller Kraft
Mit großer Macht, in aller Pracht
Leben wächst für dich und mich
Im Sonnenlicht
Belebende Wärme umhüllt meinen Körper
Sanfte Besinnung erblüht wieder neu

Schmetterlingsflügel, Schneeflockentanz
Lockende Winde in kleiner Distanz
Duftende Blüten in meiner Hand
Tautropfen schimmern, seidiger Glanz

Ich atme dein Verlangen ein
Lass Hoffnung rein
Tagaus tagein
Welches Glück birgst du in dir
Heut’ und hier
Ein Blick zurück, bevor du dich davonbewegst
Heimlich entschwebst
Bevor du schläfst
Dein Hauch verweht

Schmetterlingsflügel, Schneeflockentanz
Lockende Winde in kleiner Distanz
Duftende Blüten in meiner Hand
Tautropfen schimmern, seidiger Glanz

Spür’ ich noch den hellen Schein
Lösch’ dein Licht und schlafe ein
Das letzte Glimmen lischt
Vergangenes verwischt
Morgen schon wirst du neu geboren
Sanfte Besinnung erblüht wieder neu

Schmetterlingsflügel, Schneeflockentanz
Lockende Winde in kleiner Distanz
Duftende Blüten in meiner Hand
Tautropfen schimmern, seidiger Glanz

Schmetterlingsflügel, Schneeflockentanz
Duftende Blüten in meiner Hand"

Remembering About Your „Earth Trip“ Booking

“Please enter your booking number here, Sir.
And we will kindly check about your trip reservation and journey overview.”

Looking at Earth and the human homo sapiens society inside an interdimensional travel catalogue, I am considering this planet „a shithole“ and human society „a shit show“ in most cases.

I am not manifesting that into my personal reality but those are the labels which I would assign to these after a general product quality evaluation.

The Astral Travel Catalogue says:

„Come to Physical Earth and take a bath in unfair challenges, trauma, pain, anger and frustration.
But once you are done, you will be so grateful and happy with the experience that you will think to yourself, this is the most crazy, in-depth and out of mind thing I have ever done. I learned so much from this!“

Since you are reading this, means you have definitely booked this trip and are right in the middle of it :stuck_out_tongue:

Now one of the keys about actually enjoying the trip more, is to remember the conditions under which you personally have booked this trip in the first place.

It is also a major key to Forgiveness and Detachment:

The key to Absolute Forgiveness and Absolute Detachment for whatever happens to you here on this physical plane, is to take the helicopter perspective on your whole physical incarnation and then take on the point of view that you had before you entered the physical plane and got born.

That view is:

„This is a very harsh, adverse and negative environment down there. So by going to physically incarnate down there for a 100 years, I am aware that I will experience a lot of shit, pain and trauma. And that a lot of shit will be thrown in my face during this time.“

The key is to remember this particualr perspective that you had before incarnating.

Because knowing in advance that „you are temporarily entering a place where you will experience shit being thrown in your face“, helps to completely detach from this physical place and for everything that happens here.

Like deciding to take a cold shower :cold_face: :shower: :
You know in advance that it will be unpleasant.
You know it advance that it will be temporary.
And so you enter the cold shower for the sake of the experience, because you never ever before experienced what cold water is.

Remembering, that you have entered the cold shower by your own choice, means you can no longer be angry at the cold shower.
The shower just is what it is.
No need to emotionally attach yourself to it.
No need to be angry at it.
No need trying to fix it.
No need to be resentful at yourself that you took a cold shower in the first place.

You knew in advance that you will walk a rough painful path and you knew in advance that you won’t to make it out “alive” from here.

So with that realization, whatever happens, there is no need to be angry, resentful or even detached to anything of it at all.

You knew all of these negative things would likely happen BEFORE you came here.

Since you are here, means you accepted to pay this price back then when you made the decision to incarnate. It was you, who booked the trip.

Being angry at the shit show means being in cognitive dissonance.
It means acting as if „it was not your decision to enter the shit show in the first place“.
Which is obviously a lie to oneself.

And of course, venting often helps.
Helps to breathe, when shit clogs your nose.

But the main message is:

The Higher Perspective is always the solution to the pain experienced on your current level.


"In the morning cold and rain
When everything is still untouched
Courage don’t fail me
For now I’m learning"


"yes boss, i’m on the mic
i’ll try to give you what you like
i can be soft, i can be hard
let me do the b-part
please, please"

The Bird in the Tree

Most people have less self love and a lower sense of self worth than a bird on a tree.

Every single morning, when the sun goes up, the bird simply starts singing.

It does not ask for permission from anyone whether it is okay to sing.

Neither does it care whether others like its singing in the first place.

It simply and freely expresses its natural behavior.

But how many people feel free to express themselves and simply sing loudly along a song they like?

Or simply dance to a song they like?

How many people do really feel free to express themselves freely?

How many people have been brainwashed into believing that it is not okay to sing and dance if their singing and dancing is not already on a superstar level?

How many people feel guilty and ashamed for expressing themselves?
Even for trying or thinking about it?

Waiting for external permission and approval is self sobotage.
A lack of self love.

Anyone who is still waiting for permission from “JOI” on “what to do”, is giving away their power and externalizing that which should come from within.

Are you a “Good Joe”?

Or are you a free bird?



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The Nature of Stress

Why do humans crave “emotional security”, “safety”, “comforting” and “solace”?

And what is “emotional security” in the first place?

What does being hugged and receiving a spike of Oxytocin and other hormones and neurotransmitters really mean?

It means a feeling of “Everything is fine now” or “Everything will be fine”.

“Everything will be fine” is an emotional concept that consists of 2 main components:

a) The fact that Love is present
b) The fact that Stress is absent

Love is negentropic. Love and Life are eventually the same thing.

Stress is the emotion that occurs when love (life) fights against entropy.

People have a need to feel safe and be hugged, because they want to reduce stress (reduce entropy) and increase the presence of love (negentropy).

The deeper the dimension that one is currently at, the more entropy one has to overcome. This is per game design.

The physical plane is the most dense, and thus the entropy levels here are at maximum. In the physical universe, entropy is dialed to the max, which means overcoming this entropy comes with the biggest amounts of stress.

Maximum entropy levels = maximum fighting against those entropy is necessary to sustain life (sustain negentropic order) = maximum levels of stress

The experienced stress is the emotion that occurs when life fights against entropy.

“Everything will be fine” = Love (order and negetropy) is present, while stress (the fight against entropy) is absent.

While being incarnated, in the physical universe, I don’t think it is possible to be completely stress free. Because even if you are the most relaxed Buddha sitting under a tree, your physical body that consists of physical cells, still experiences a minimal baseline of stress at all times. The cells are still working hard to survive and replicate. The immune system is working non-stop to fight off parasitic organisms etc. The physical body is always at a minimum stress level – regardless of your chill and enlightenment levels.

That means, ultimate peace is not to be found while being physically incarnated.

Here, physical life forms, be it cells or whole bodies, are in a constant fight for survival, fight against entropy.

Because of this, physical life forms, the more sentient they are, the more susceptible they are to stress coping mechanisms.

Facing and dealing with this stress, IS the challenge.

And the only way to find real temporary peace, is to consciously astral project out of the physical plane.


On The Nature of Beauty

Beauty is the result of order and negentropy.

When we find something beautiful, it is because this something is in alignment with order and negentropy.

The more order, the more beautiful something is.

Source is always beautiful.
At the Source level, there is absolute order and negentropy, and therefore, absolute beauty. While the deeper down we go away from the Source level and into the physical, the more entropic and ugly things become.

Some would say, that there is also “Beauty in Chaos”.
But I am saying, this is just one single specialized concept.
Yes, one can see the beauty in chaos.
But this is an exception. Not the rule.
The rule says, that everything that chaotic and entropic is not beautiful at all.

Physical earth, in most cases, is a dull and ugly place.
Because life, which is negentropic, barely survives on this planet.
Most humans barely survive.
The trauma is everywhere.
Beauty is almost always absent here.

And this absence of beauty is also represented in how most humans live their lives.
Dirty cities, dirty homes, ugly art, shitty movies, boring books, bad memes etc.
Entropy is almost always winning here.

But with technological advancements, humanity will be able to express more and more of divine negentropic beauty.
Technological development is a symptom of consciousness development.
And consciousness development will sooner or later lead to more negentropy, and thus to more beauty.

People can realize their own state of consciousness, whether it is entropic or negentropic, by their current sense for beauty. Whatever you are doing, if you are doing it with a sense of beauty, you will automatically infuse it with order and negentropy.

As within, so without.

  • A messy apartment = entropy = no order = no sense for beauty
  • A non-cropped screenshot = mindless state of being = entropy = no sense for beauty
  • Scrolling through a TikTok feed = mindless trash consumption = no sense for beauty
  • Becoming overweight = no self love = no sense for beauty

  • Cleaning your home = negentropy = making it more beautiful = sense for beauty
  • Going to the gym = desire for a beautiful body = sense for beauty
  • Eating healthy = desire for a beautiful body = sense for beauty


People surround themselves with beauty object and decorational items, because it helps them to remind themselves about the nature of order and negentropy.

When we look at beautiful things, or hear beatiful music, our consciousness is reminded about order and negentropy.

So the more you surround yourself with beauty, the more your help your own mental and energetic system to come into order themselves.

Be beautiful my friends.

“Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. The disarray. I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days, a purpose.”

— Dolores Abernathy, Westworld


I kind of still disagree, my friend.
But anyway, Peace. :v::grin:

Someday I’m gonna read this whole thread.
It IS Amazing.
Anyway, gotta go.

Edit: i know the thread is always expanding, so I need to visit it more often.