Listening advice for SPA Days

Is it safe to listen to the SPA Days videos three times a day? I read somewhere that organ massage should not be done on a daily basis. I’m a very anxious person and one time just doesn’t cut it for me, in fact after one listen to the playlist I end up with some pain in the neck and shoulders. But when I listen to them 3 times each I feel perfect relief. Thoughts??

Also, I’m new here. Been reading through this forum a lot and been enjoying it. Got some really cool minds here.


Hi @moonshine welcome to the Forum :grinning:

I’m not too sure if you can listen to them on a daily basis but I don’t see why not. I only listen to this album on Sundays (my detox day) together with the Politics of the Body album and some other audios. Depending on time constraints I usually listen to each audio three times.

Have you tried listening to The All Purpose Anxiety Removal audio on Patreon?

This is a super duper audio. Even though I don’t have any anxiety issues I still listen to it at least once a day. You know how when you want to tune into a radio station you would turn the dial a little to the left and then a little to the right until you picked up the station and it came through crystal clear. This audio sort of replicates that for me. It grounds me and tunes me in :wink:

Another great audio that would help you a lot is the Amygdala Healing (+ Fear Release)

:100: agree with you! We are very privileged to learn from and interact with the “best of the best!”


I’ve looped it multiple times in the past. Seems fine to me

I listen to the whole album once every night. I’m still walking so…:slightly_smiling_face:


Generally if there is any constraint, they will write it in the description e.g. use 2-3 times a day, don’t use overnight etc.
These audios don’t come with such recommendation, so you’re good to go.


Thanks Jenny

I love the way you’ve expressed the way it feels it to you, I did try the Amygdala one for quite a while but didn’t feel a difference. I’ve also tried trauma and release, automated grounding and many others but nothing seems to work. I really can’t understand what my problem is exactly.

I did feel a significant shift with the SPA videos, they don’t ground me, nothing does and the difference was not just physical either. It is something deeper that I can really understand or explain.

I want to try the All purpose anxiety removal. It is on Youtube and Spotify as well. I’ll start today. How many times do you listen to it?


My organs are already in pretty bad shape and I didn’t want to overburden them so I thought I should get more opinions. I guess I’ll continue it in the same AAABBBCCC pattern. Thanks for the quick response.

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That makes sense but the new albums don’t have any descriptions to them.

Not on YouTube, but you can find them here or for some also on patreon.
I think for this one it’s just a short description, and it doesn’t have such limitations


The description on Patreon doesn’t specify how many times. I think 2 or 3 tries should be good.

If you are finding that audios are not working you I would recommend you listen to the Point of No return stack. Also add the Subconscious Limit Removal to your daily playlist.
Another suggestion is to always start your playlist with Ego Dissolution, it makes your brain more malleable and helps the next audio to affect you more. One member also suggested playing the Anxiety audio 1st to calm your brain down, 2nd Ego Dissolution, 3rd your playlist.

You should also check out this thread Easy Ego Dissolution Meditation for Deconditioning the Mind

In the past when I used to listen to subliminals I always played a “suggestible” subliminal first.
I now view the Ego Dissolution audio as my “suggestible/booster” field. It is at the top of all my playlist.
If I don’t intend to listen to my playlist but just want to spam a certain audio I still play the Ego dissolution first then the audio.

If the automated grounding audio isn’t working for you, maybe try listening to the Root Chakra and also Schumann’s Resonance.

The Politics of the Body album has 3 great audios that would help you.
The Deep Organ Cleanse
The Gentle Internal Healing
The Enhanced Organ Functioning

I bought my album on Amazon Music


Hi @moonshine, welcome to the forum! :smiley:

Yes, the descriptions of these new albums can usually be found in the corresponding forum thread utilising the search function. :slight_smile:

Here’s the description of the album:


I have done the Point of no return and I do get results from the physical fields .I guess I just have too much trauma to work through and it’ll take some time to calm me down.

I have added The All Purpose Anxiety, Ego dissolution and Schumann’s Resonance (I felt strong sensation in my knees and feet after just a few listens) to my playlist and will soon try to incorporate Politics of the body as well.

Thank you so much, this means a lot.


Thanks a lot


If you are on Patreon, this addresses your issue efficiently and may help you:


Looping cause I’m so tired :sleepy: and need relaxation

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Ive looped spa days overnight and am fine, only thing is you get mentally fatigued and tired.