Mandalas [Mobile Wallpapers]

Hey, i just wanna ask a question.
When i in my bed, why i still tingling sensation from the mandala, eventhough it about 4-5 meters from me?
But i read mandala only affect 5feet.
Or maybe my nervous system have some problem lol

You donā€™t give us a lot of information to answer your question for you.

  • Is this a new thing with a new or old mandala?
  • Have you boosted your mandala?
  • Does your tingling continue at a steady state once you remove it?
  • Is your tingling a one-off occurrence? Or has it been continuing for some time? If so, how long has it been continuing for?
  • How long had you been wearing your mandala?
  • Is your tingling influenced by the length of time youā€™d been wearing/carrying your mandala that day?
  • For how long does your tingling continue?
  • Does your tingling fluctuate or ever subside?
  • Whatā€™s your experience when you put you out your mandala further away?
  • When you put your mandala further away inside a container (like a drawer or a box)?
  • When you put your container with your mandala even further away in a different room or closet?

All of those things provide you with important information in answering your question.

Because I like to choose the most empowering answer I can think of, my shoot-from-the-hip answer is because your energy and nervous systems are still processing the mandala energies that you had applied to your systems whilst you were wearing/carrying your mandala.


Guys did you maybe notice if mandala also works even if we have it on screen off on our phone? Does it emit energy in this case?

Yes it does but obviously it engages more with you if you look at if if you are not going to have it printed close to you.

Not like buried in your pics album in the phone lol

Like having is as wallpaper so even for some seconds it connects to you every time you open your phone.

But it keeps growing when off and it keep embracing you over time

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Thank you Luna for clarifying about the wallpaper I wasnā€™t sure from this thread if it would work since so many were saying print it and put it behind the phone caseā€¦ Iā€™d rather use it as wallpaper :star2:


Do the mandalas have to be fully visible(like if I have a wallpaper is it ok for the mandala to be zoomed in?)

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Itā€™s fine if you can only see part of the image, although itā€™s ideal (from a field and an aesthetic standpoint) to see as much of the whole mandala as possible.


the page looks ā€œgenuineā€

what I read on the page:

It says that it is a free audio, and in the description it mentions that they use scalar waves
The question is :
Is it safe to use scalar waves and morphic fields on the same day?
how much time between the morphic fields and this type of frequencies

Iā€™m sure many of us are asking ourselves the same question.

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3feets interesting range
Several questions come to mind:

after printing the mandalas:

  1. If, for example, I have them on the nightstand and my wife sleeps next to me, she will be being influenced by the field; how to avoid this?

  2. at some point I want to not be energized / influenced by the field where or how can store the printed mandalas?

  3. If I have 4 printed mandalas, how can I store them so that the energies do not collide with each other while they are stored?
    @SammyG @ConkerRyan


As far as them influencing other people while they are out I donā€™t know how that can be helped. You Can ask a servitor with your wifeā€™s permission for them not to affect her if she doesnā€™t want them to.

As far as storing them I keep them in a folder and I keep a sheet of paper between each. I know they are still close together, but I think itā€™s working fine

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  1. Unfortunately, even if you wear pajamas that have pockets you can put your fields into, it would still have an effect on her.
  2. not on youā€¦ just put them in your cabinet or somewhere else.
  3. The energies wonā€™t collide with eachother even if they are on top of eachother. Doesnā€™t make a difference.

thanks excellent answers
universe always bless you



Can I please know if I can use repel negative mandala and draw luck mandala together?

Yes you can!


Thankyou so much letting me know :pray:

I know there was a thread discussing more specifically about The Mental Mandala, canā€™t find it now, if someone else knows it, can be copied there. Itā€™s truly great, and itā€™s the first mandala Iā€™ve tried (saw it in my mindā€™s eyes while falling asleep to Imaginarium Divine he-he, then started using it).

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This one?


Thank you! :heart:

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Does anyone have the mandalas descriptions?

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The Sapienā€™s Instagram thread may have what youā€™re wanting.