Manhattan 8K RES

Smoothie time :tropical_drink:


I think this one may help people that is autistic

No it’s nice and chill.

If anything it will make you less hyper but more in the zone.

Akin to a flow state really.

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Manhattan 8k man. :brain: :desktop_computer:

Look into Smart Relational Training. I can message more on this.

General Intelligence just boils down to the processing aspects= IQ


Manhattan 8k :exploding_head: >>>>>>> :zap:Enpp6

= :motorway: White Matter

= :gear: Processing Speed,etc.

= :nerd_face: IQ or “Intelligence”.

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So Manhattan 8k. :heavy_check_mark:
Hands down, low diff.

No question about it.
It was made for your question. :dart:


This is what 8k feels like:

I stack with Gamma before etc.

360 enhancement.


got it 3 days ago. Listned to it on 30th morning and found the music amazing…so listened to it 5 times instead of original plan of 3 and I was wide awake for 24hrs. It was as if my cycle has shifted, the energy overload was tremendous and just for context, I’m aggressively listening to healing fields since 24th, as I’m recovering from a minor surgery - so with anti-biotics/some pain killers my energy system is adjusting a lot of overload. So have been sleepy due to recovery.

Aside from super energy drive - perceptions/awareness of other fields is 10X at conscious perception level. I accidently listened to The Preceptionist and effects were 8K level and TBH my earlier attempts had very weak conscious feedback. I was at my kid’s school for an informal PTM and every adjective uttered (stood out loud) and got dropped when it reached my internal processing engine. lol

This is THE vibranium…

thanks @Dr_Manhattan & @Dreamweaver


I like listening to it 4-5 hours some days, it’s a different experience, much more membrane lipid growth compared to enzymes.


Aside from the benefits I think this is the most beautiful music I’ve ever heard from a morphic field.

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Does having this means I no longer have to listen to my 2 hour long intelligence stack?

If not then can someone edit my intelligence stack if I have this M8K (I just copied this stack to someone)

Enpp6 Enzyme x2
Superhuman Genius x2
NGF x3
Attention and Focus x2
Permanent Brain Enhancement x3
Enhanced Brain Hemisphere x3
Brain Regeneration x3

Not necessary anymore thanks to M8K

Was not necessary in the first place because of Superhuman Genius

Rest you can use the same way


I was thinking of asking about this before getting to this point :grinning:

And then i was going to ask this

Or this

My Mom is showing symptoms of early Alzheimer i was going to get the Conglomerate for myself but i think ill get this for her 1st and get her the Omega 3
as well! (Id use it myself too anyway :ok_hand:)

Thank you :pray:

Any other recommendation to go along with this approach for her case?


There is also “drops of memory” released recently.

Good luck,
let us know how it goes


Ah thank you!!
Ill read it

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Last question,

No need to play the Experimental Alzheimer one anymore or yes?

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The alzheimer audio removes amyloid build up which is common in people with Alzheimer’s.

M8K and Drops of memory boost memory, mental energy, healing.

So, Alzheimer would be like a disinfectant to a wound the rest provide healing and improvements.


Understood now thank u!!!


Is Sapien’s Alzheimer’s field the one on YouTube? Is it the experimental one from 7 years ago?
Or is there any updated one available? (paid or free)
Thank you

*Brain & Spine Antioxident


Thank you Lady !

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Check out Snapping Synapses

Some factors targeting PKA can help remove amyloid buildup in regions like Hippocampus, generally affected by diseases such as Alzheimer’s etc

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