Manifesting Dream job

Hey peeps, I created this thread because throughout the forum I’ve read a lot of people that want to manifest there dream jobs or get a job of there choice with a high salary, and right now I’m on that boat too.

My internship is about to end in December, and I graduate in December, so I need to start applying for full time jobs and realized that this is the perfect time to do so, so I can have my offer secured and I can start in December.

Maybe this thread is a good idea for people to spill in some suggestions on fields to use for getting the desired job, etc!


Using some planetary oils during particular hours of the day (Sun, Mercury, Jupiter)


Thx man

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Might you want to move this to the Ask for Advice category, where other forum friends might be looking for this same advice (and where it doesn’t get lost in the catch-all of Uncategorized)?


Agree :facepunch:t4: (Psttt… could use some help from mods :joy:🫡)

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There are no mods here, just Sammy and Cap’n. Fortunately, you can do this yourself. (I have faith in you!)

If you go up to and click on your thread title, you’ll see a little pencil icon. Click on that and you’ll see you can edit your thread title (no need to do that).

Right under that is another field box. For this thread, that box will probably be empty. (No biggie.) That box is a pull-down menu. Pull down the menu, find “Ask for Advice.” Click on that and the forum software will do the rest for you.


We did it my man, thanks bro

  • SLR
  • Cone of Power
  • The Magician
  • The Solidifier
  • Torsion
  • Mindset Album
  • Luck & Probability
  • Ol’ Reliable, Meditation + Visualization

Good luck man :handshake:


Thanks bro, appreciate it

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You could try Blueprint too, in my opinion

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I think the chosen one is really your best bet. Because WW series
You wouldn’t need to focus on the manifesting, it does it for you. If we reread its description, it itself infers how it will smoothly help one glide up the ladder (yes J meant glide, not climb- glide means inertia is already implemented).
And, ofc the NFT Solidifier. 100%
^That has no choice but to work

The prospect of achieving success however for your career sector, or at the very least, help boost you- and since you said this place is cream of the crop,
WW the Chosen One


I use The Welcomed and got a few job offers. For me, that is the best field so far that works for me.


Not to be forgotten The Power of The Blarney Stone (Cloch na Blarnan)


After the release of the manifestation potion, what is better regarding the goal of dream job and salary: Manifestation potion or WW Chosen One





Maybe Architect of Reality first?

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Not a bad idea actually, thank you for remind me of it!

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Both of them are very different. They are helping in different ways.

Depend on the level of commitment. VW is about the path, not just helpers. I am no expert on the new creations, but VW millions and Prestige and Grandeur worked very strongly for me.

But you might consider straight the Prestige and Grandeur, that has a lot of additions to it, and it’s more universal.


VW Millions is definitely in my wishlist and it’s good to know it worked for you