¡Mass Meditation For A Better World! 💫

This week’s fourth meditation will begin in 20 minutes and will last 1 hour.

Come and stay as long as you like or can!

Please listen to one or more of the pre-listening fields before joining the meditation if you can.



The fourth meditation has begun and will last 1 hour.

:person_in_lotus_position: :person_in_lotus_position: :person_in_lotus_position:

Join us here:

Or here:

Come and stay as long as you like or can!

Please listen to one or more of the pre-listening fields above before joining the meditation if you can.




Thank you for participating in the meditation, everyone! :pray: :100: :muscle:

Always an honour to meditate together with you for a better future for all.

Please share your experiences during the meditation in the Mass Meditations Testimonials thread if you like.

The fifth meditation will begin in 9 hours.


Thank you for participating, everyone! :pray: :dizzy: :muscle:

The sixth meditation is in progress and will last 2 hours.

:person_in_lotus_position: :person_in_lotus_position: :person_in_lotus_position:

Join us here:

Or here:

Come and stay as long as you like or can!

Please listen to one or more of the pre-listening fields above before joining the meditation if you can.




Thank you for participating in this week’s meditations, everyone! :pray: :100: :dizzy:

Always an honour to meditate with you together for a better future for all.

Please share your experiences during the meditations in the Mass Meditations Testimonials thread if you like.

See you next week!


Here are the polls for the next meditations. :mage: :muscle:

Mass Meditation 28th August

Poll for the first meditation:

Please select a preferred time.
  • 12 pm GMT
  • 1 pm GMT
  • 2 pm GMT
  • 3 pm GMT
  • 4 pm GMT
  • 5 pm GMT
  • 6 pm GMT

0 voters

Poll for the second meditation:

Please select up to 3 preferred times.
  • 7 am GMT
  • 8 am GMT
  • 9 am GMT
  • 10 am GMT
  • 11 am GMT
  • 7 pm GMT
  • 8 pm GMT
  • 9 pm GMT
  • 10 pm GMT
  • 11 pm GMT
  • 12 am GMT
  • 1 am GMT
  • 2 am GMT

0 voters

Mass Meditation 29th August

Poll for the third meditation:

Please select up to 3 preferred times.
  • 8 am GMT
  • 9 am GMT
  • 10 am GMT
  • 11 am GMT
  • 12 pm GMT
  • 1 pm GMT
  • 2 pm GMT
  • 3 pm GMT
  • 4 pm GMT
  • 5 pm GMT
  • 6 pm GMT
  • 7 pm GMT
  • 8 pm GMT
  • 9 pm GMT
  • 10 pm GMT
  • 11 pm GMT

0 voters


Nice to see the Mass med online again :pray::heart:


may we update the pinned youtube link on the home page of our forum?

i’ve been in my introverted mode for a while and i can see how it affects my relationships.

gentle reminder to make time, space, and energy for love to come flowing back into your life. it starts with you making the effort, no one else.

:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart:


Thank you, @psynergy, I’ve updated it. :slight_smile:


Thank you for participating in the poll, everyone! :pray: :100: :muscle:

Here are the schedules for this week’s meditations.

Mass Meditation 28th August

The first meditation will begin at 12 pm GMT and will last 1 hour.

A second meditation will begin at 6 pm GMT and will last 1 hour.

A third meditation will begin at 8 pm GMT and last 2 hours.

Mass Meditation 29th August

A fourth meditation will begin at 8 am GMT and last 1 hour.

A fifth meditation will begin at 7 pm GMT and last 1 hour.

A sixth meditation will begin at 11 pm GMT and last 1 hour.

Come and stay as long as you like or can! :dizzy:

Please listen to one or more fields below before joining the meditation if you can.


You can also listen to any fields which call to you personally. :slight_smile: :thumbsup:


This week’s first meditation will begin in 1 hour and will last 1 hour.

Come and stay as long as you like or can!

Please listen to one or more of the pre-listening fields before joining the meditation if you can.



This week’s first meditation has begun and will last 1 hour.

:person_in_lotus_position: :person_in_lotus_position: :person_in_lotus_position:

Come and stay as long as you like or can!

Please listen to one or more of the pre-listening fields before joining the meditation if you can.



Thank you for participating in the meditation, everyone! :pray: :100: :muscle:
Always humbling to be a small part of these meditations for a better world for all with you.

Wonderful to have you all here!

The next meditations will begin in 4 hours 30 minutes and 6 hours 30 minutes.

Please share your experiences in the Mass Meditations Testimonials thread if you like.


This week’s second meditation will begin in 15 minutes and will last 1 hour.

Come and stay as long as you like or can!

Please listen to one or more of the pre-listening fields before joining the meditation if you can.



This week’s second meditation has begun and will last 1 hour.

:person_in_lotus_position: :person_in_lotus_position: :person_in_lotus_position:

Come and stay as long as you like or can!

Please listen to one or more of the pre-listening fields before joining the meditation if you can.



Thank you for participating, everyone! :pray: :100: :dizzy:

Always wonderful to meditate together with you for a better future for all.

This week’s third meditation will begin in 10 minutes and will last 2 hours.

Come and stay as long as you like or can!

Please listen to one or more of the pre-listening fields before joining the meditation if you can.
