Meditation Audio Experiences

As you have asked this question, can I tag another question on this thread?

Yes? Thank you! :blush:

Can I directly meditate on epsilon brainwave avoiding the previous stages or level? I never heard of epsilon until I went to gumroad store. What can I achieve from that level?



For me work very good, better than the other braunwave audios

Yes you can, keep in mind though that epsilon its more difficult to achieve (itā€™s possible to get ā€œstuckā€ in theta/delta) and maintain.


Ditto what @akkar said.

I also use the audio in my ā€œsleepā€ stack in lieu of silence.
Makes for a peaceful rest.


since i started the course in general it helpt me with better sleep and dreams now i dream more and more that was only with energies audios bodyprimer, energy sensitivity, healer primer.

the meditation gives more some sort out of body experience when i ready to sleep like my astral body wanna detach but i stop it consciously, cause just feel my head heavy and wanna really go in deep sleep and not fooling around.


i have been looping the meditation audio along with ego dissolution on most nights and i find my sleep even more enjoyable. i enjoy when i donā€™t remember dreams as it means my physical body is rejuvenating. i also enjoy when i do dream as they are filled with beautiful meanings i write down to bring with me into the day ahead.

i feel like this audio is very important for those interested in lucid dreaming or astral projection because it trains your brain waves to have more delta and theta waves.

i feel more relaxed as the meditation takes me out of ā€˜thinkingā€™ brainwaves like beta and quiets my mind.


Iā€™m not sure where to put this but what is that spider web feeling you get when meditating or in a state of deep relaxation. I often get it around my nose, today I put acupuncture needles in that area and the feeling moved out to my jaw.


This audio helps me to make importnant realizations about my self.
In a sense It works even better in pausing egoic patterns than the ā€œego dissolutionā€ audio for me.
Old good observer awareness, rethinking situations without bias.
Cant remember last time when I was so calm and my thoughts so clear.
No more internal pressure on myself.
No more ā€œneedā€ of anything at all.
This audio alone is worth more than the whole course costs.
Think Im gonna just play around with it and enjoy calmness and clarity before moving forward with other audios/exercises in course.
Truly a gem. Hats off.


Meditation Audio: Although weā€™ve audios in relation to meditation before, this is our most complete and refined meditation audio. This audio takes you to a state between theta and delta, focused your consciousness to the present moment and dissipates the ego.

(Was looking for this)


is it a bad idea to loop this?
For instance, after the first loop we should find ourselves in theta ideally - so if the audio starts again, does it mean we would start again at alpha? Or is this field smart in this way that it would just proceed there where we are?


This audio does have some ego dissolution, I recall reading somewhere that you shouldnā€™t loop ego dissolution a lot since itā€™s itā€™s changing your brain structure to create the new outlooks.

Ofc only dream can confirm.


Bro this is getting strange. Or maybe i liked one of ur old comments that brought u back to this thread.

What ever it is. I played this and also loop EGO diss and i felt a stronger connection to my NFT.

When their is no ego i think it makes it easier to connect to the fields.

Been also doing the same method, @King_A being doing to connect to his NFTs.


Should or shouldnā€™t?

Shouldnā€™t, sorry.

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Am confused beacuse i had the same idea to that i shouldnt been looping EGO dis But for the past few days i check the original thread and the audio desc on youtube.
And some people said that they looped it for hours and its also on the dream seeds channel.

I have been looping it and am noticing major changes in me.

@Captain_Nemo @SammyG
am sorry for constaly tagging but i just wanted to ask is it safe to loop EGO Dissolution

Yeah Itā€™s safe to loop. But of course. Everything in moderation. If you feel overwhelmed, take it easy


Thank you man :+1: :raised_hands:


Im beginning another attempt to finish this course and I wanted to ask: If the Meditation audio is used passively, as in played while watching tv, doing chores etc, does it still make us better at meditation and train our minds? or it is beneficial only when actually meditating?
Thank You

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Listen to it in meditative mode for best results. Now I listen to it while focussing my mind on my mandalas.

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Im aware that its always best to focus on an audio. what Im wondering about if passive listening of this particular audio is still beneficial. if it ā€˜ā€˜simulatesā€™ā€™ meditation

I used the ego dissolution and meditation audios last night just before sleep. My dreams were on par and productive as usual. I have a very active dream life anyway, beause I use dream therapy for emotional healing. Prior to starting the course I used subliminals before falling asleep (1) (2) and (3) to release trapped, repressed emotions so I can process them more easily in my dreams and let go of any negativity Iā€™ve been holding on to.

Iā€™m new to the course and have used the meditation audio during the day a few times. My biggest difficulty is with focus. My mind wanders into random places, and bounces from here to there. Itā€™s very difficult for me to get into the deeply relaxed and intuitive state state that I really want. My primary goal is to get better connected to my inner source of divine intuition for daily guidance.

I know from experience that my meditation sessions are much more focused and productive if I use a guided meditation. My focus is 100% better and I can get much closer to the state that I want to be in, with very few distracting thoughts. This morning I played the meditation audio in the background and listened to the guided meditation by Nicky Sutton. Itā€™s easier to focus on her voice than it is to hold on to an idea in my head.

The results were good and I feel better connected to my intuitive guidance after the session. I plan on doing this routine daily for a while. I believe the practice may aslo be useful at bedtime, and will lead to intuitive revelations and devine guidance during the dream state. I hope this was helpful.