Mleirbag's Contentment Stack

The goal of this stack is to provide user with general well being, overall sense of achievement and abundance.
This stack is to be used 2x a day, ideally before and after sleep.
This stack is 2 hours long.
Im using this stack along with Best Path In Life and Intercession fields since few months, adding new fields or swapping fields every now and then, originally it was 85 minutes stack :stuck_out_tongue:
Before adding Ascension-Naut, I had one extra repetition of contentment and resilience.
Im really satisfied with results so I decided to share it.
Beside those fields I also use healing, luck and charisma fields occasionally, when needed.

Subconscious Limits Dissolver
Energy Blockage Removal
Navagraha Homam
Exorcism Rite
Ascension-naut x2
Resilience x2
Woven Worlds - Contentment x2
The Navigator of Awe
Capital Governance
The Guided Path
Wealth Generation + +
The Financial Protector
Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance
Repel Negativity
Torus Weaved Respect x2

If you dont have Navagraha Homam, use Nullify Negative and Amplify Positive astrological fields instead.
If you dont have Ascension-naut, use Raise your Vibrational State.
Cant think of any replacement for Contentment right now.
If you dont have Navigator of Awe, use Excalibur.
If you dont have Capital Governance, add extra round or two of Guided Path.
If you dont have patreon premium, use Jealousy Reflecting Shield and Life of Magical Abundance instead of Wealth generation and Financial Protection.
If you dont have Torus Weaved Repsect, I would go with Thor Mandala.

If you have any suggestions about about order of fields, or swapping any fields with any other, please share.
I really wanted to squeeze Conceptual Realizations and Maha Ganapati Yagna in, but clock only has 24 hours on it :clock1030: :frowning:
Once I get Shielding 3.0, I will probably add few rounds of it in place of Subconscious Limits Dissolver, and Exorcism fields, since they are part of Shielding NFT already


Oh boy thatโ€™s heavy stack but i think spamming negentropic jing from time to time this stack is doable


You think its heavy :stuck_out_tongue: ? I donโ€™t think there many energetically taxing fields there, besides Ascension-Naut and maybe Contentment.
yest Negentropic Jing or classic Jing may be great additions. I had Ojas Marrowed and Shaken in my stack for 2 or 3 months too, but since I practice SR I have swapped it with other fields, to save time.


Here is my updated stack:
Shiedling 3.0 x3
Astrologically Inclined x3
Ascension-Naut x3
Overcome Any Addiction
Attention and Focus x2
Resilience x3
Contentment x3
The Navigator of Awe
Capital Governance
Guided Path
Wealth Generation
Financial Protector
Attract Wealth
Torus Weaved Respect x2