Need Help Please❤

Perfect thank you :blush:

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Hi @LeoEngulfedInFlames, welcome to the forum! :pray:

I’m so sorry to hear of your struggles.

For your situation, I feel these two fields will actually be amongst the most helpful to begin with and should be in your beginning playlist:

Blood Purifier + will help prime your system for the healing processes and hopefully clear some of the inflammation and pain away, whilst supporting your organs and systemic functions.

It can be added at the beginning of your playlists, after Torsion and Plasma.

I feel Auto Immune Reversal will also be able to reduce many of the systemic issues and inflammation rather quickly and should be in your beginning stack.

We want to support and clean your internal environment to support the healing processes and reduce the waste product buildup currently in your system so it can begin to heal.

It is a bit like clearing the blockages in the pipes and ensure they remain clearer before attempting to pour a larger quantity of fluids through them.

The DNA Repair field can place a heavier burden on the system for some, so I would actually recommend first playing these fields and the other fields for perhaps one or two weeks (at least) before beginning it, then perhaps playing it only once at first and seeing how you go with it.

It can lead to some significant detox otherwise.

As well, I would recommend keeping Blood Purifier + and Lymphatic Effusion in your playlists as the healing processes from many of these fields and your body’s general healing will result in more detoxification and some extra burden on your body’s detoxification organs and pathways as a result.

These will help. :slight_smile: :muscle:

Also, please ensure you are drinking more fluids as your body will require them for the healing process and waste drainage.
(if possible for you of course)

You can charge all fluids and food with Infrared and Plasma Drink Charger (for your fluids and food) and Food Charger for your food.

Some who have intolerances and allergies find these fields and Enhanced Cellular Nutrient Absorption can help them better digest and tolerate foods.

So you may find these can help your system with the nutrients it needs to heal.

Finally, the instructions for the Pain Control card set are here.

The Attunement card will need to be activated first before using the system.

Please let us know how you are going with these fields so we can help you with your healing process and troubleshoot anything unusual you experience.

We’re here for you. Best of wishes to you for a full healing. :pray: