Need Lab Rats...err... Testors for Brain-Related/Psychic Abilities

ISIRB and RBM3 is really nice.

That stack is not optimal. To “stabilize” it, use plasma and HGF it should be more than is necessary. If you have the hyperbaric compression audio, use it first in the morning.

After that add nitric oxide (3x) then Brain massage between the last superhuman genius and the stimulation block (to reuse the metaphor of whoever wrote this).

As for the stimulation blocks, it’s outdated, all you need is :
Brain growth
Conceptual realization

Then as a finish touch well of creativity and imaginarium.

The rest is mental.


It’s normal, I call it the “brain pump”, it’s pretty cool (though it goes away with plasma and HGF)

It is normal after listening to brain fields, but I wonder if ISIRB-RBM3 cause that even more than the others…

Anyway, you can use some energy fields like unlimited energy tag or Hypersleep state, but you’ll still be below your maximum potential to study, think, learn. Think of an athlete resting before the big game.

Personally I give myself a two day break from superhuman genius and brain growth work. You can use the neurotransmitters, gamma brainwave and willpower for learning. Also the M-state album and some other less invasive fields

Edit: Sorry if it’s out of topic,


I love this. Thank you for sharing.

In lieu of IPF audio, would Crown Chakra (Gumroad) and Animal Telepathy (x2) suffice? Or any other alternatives? Thank you.


Damn…almost missed this.

Thank for the fast testimonial!


I’ll give it a shot, I recently got the IPF tag in the mail and have been using a brain stack for a month or so now.


Your intuition was right… :-)


Everyone read this article :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up:
Excellent Article and easy to read and understand the benefits of ISIRB.
Thanks @intent


My pleasure! Interesting stuff, indeed!


The specifics of the fields will differ, but one can always add those to a ‘psychic development’ stack.

That is just a core stack I personally use, with a few key options.

One can always add other fields or experiment. I’ve experimented with many different permutations of most all brain related fields myself.

For example there is also the new Imaginarium Divine field, and All Purpose Anxiety Removal and Tdcs and NGF are excellent daily fields for development of new neural wiring which I neglected to list in that post.


I played it everyday I overlooked the x2 times at the beginning of the stack a bit… honestly it was probably more like I didn’t think about it because the field worked so good.
It feels like a supercharger for neuron developement. Doesn’t matter when you play it. Before or after. Works good with the course fields too
Depending on eating habits more food is also a good idea as everything developes/heals faster.
Using the meditating fields with it helped me too just a tip.

Thanks for bringing it up OM I’ll use it everyday from now on


Thanks for the feedback Thomas! :100:


I think I have some progress, though I am not sure which field caused it, but I think it’s related to the brain stack.
I noticed pretty quickly, maybe 2-3 days after I added this field, that I my intuition was pretty spot on, (even) more than usual.
Then Christmas came, so I had a lot of time to meditate/practice but haven’t had a lot of contact with people outside of my close family as I have been off of work (back on Monday). I think I will see more results when I am a bit less relaxed and have more interactions with people.

I posted a couple of times about using the Sirian energy infusion field a lot, ~daily. I took a roughly 2-week break because I bought some new fields (chakras, conceptual realizations, kundalni, and some), so I wanted to concentrate on getting to know those.
Anyway, today I meditated to the sirian one again, and for the first time i could feel a communication channel open. I didnt have a lot of questions to be honest, but the way I got answers was quite interesting. It was like some conceptual answers appeared in the left side of my brain (sorry I cant explain it better). Yes/no was pretty easy to tell apart but with anything more complex it was like I could feel there was information but it didnt really translate into words, and it was more information than i could process. Like I couldnt quite unwrap the concepts so I lost part of the message.
Basically I felt like I could receive but it was not yet well configured or needed some software/hardware upgrade :slight_smile:

All of this is of course just what i “felt” so can’t guarantee it’s true or really accurate. But this was the first time I felt this. Previously I had strong sensations in my body but not this type of communication.
So… that was pretty exciting :slight_smile:

Just for information, this is my stack - my main goals are to have a clear mind, increase creativity, go back to learning some more advanced maths (for some complex option modeling I need to revise to prepare for a carreer change), and language learning:

  1. ISIRB + RBM3 2x
  2. Autism 1x
  3. Enpp6 Enzyme 2x
  4. Superhuman Genius 2x
  5. BNDF 2x
  6. tDCS and NGF 4x
  7. Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity 4x
  8. Synesthesia 2x
  9. Creativity 2x
  10. Animal Empathy / Telepathy 2x
  11. Conceptual Realizations 1-2x
  12. Nerve Growth 3x
  13. Brain regeneration 3x

This should be by and large in line with Philip’s directives… I listen to nerve growth a bunch in addition because I think it’s good where I am right now in general, not just brain-wise. Of course I use Plasma a fair bit as well.


11 posts were merged into an existing topic: Superhuman genius users read this!

Anyone Still Going with this? :slight_smile:


Yes! I will eventually write a very long review about this field, which is one of my favorites. I’m currently testing it before my psychic playlist (I play it twice).

I’m taking so long due to what Plasma Brain of Youth did to my brain. I had to ignore almost all previous data I had about the psychic testing phase of ISIRB+RBM3 because I have a different brain now, basically. I also needed to listen to my psychic playlist again for some time to create a new baseline. I also have to add some periods of both cognitive and psychic playlists without ISIRB+RMB3, to better isolate effects.

What I can say in advance is that this field is one of the best brain-related fields I’ve ever used. I can see this one easily being 60$+ by Dream’s standards


:+1: :muscle:

Looking forward to your review!


Curious as well.
Been brought back to it gracefully by Om for the monkey mind :pray:


Wanted to try it but I on other things for now and want to improve them first. I will come back to the thread when I start.


You have nice brain stack well based on Philips advice
Do you still use it
Did you notice your desired results


I stopped using it as I had to reduce the amount of field I was using :sweat_smile: