Aura and Energy Body Repair

Thank you, @Captain_Nemo and @SammyG! I’m amazed by this field. :pray:

Listening to this felt like negative energy being swept out from my body and staying out. I felt stronger, less exhausted, and less irritable which showed me that my aura had leakages in it. This is a must if you are around toxic negative people or situations.

I love the soothing harp music, @Captain_Nemo! More like this, please. :heart_eyes:


Nothing is lost man, what does not kills us makes us stronger. We are blessed by having such tools and such community, We can still be best versions of ourselves! Stay stong brother we got this!


This looks like a major tool in our spiritual recovery! Thank you brother! Yes we do!


Will this help the body against EMF WIFI 5g…? I’ve been using shungite and orgonite and while they are helpful i find they requiere maintenance and smudging, and It gives me all sort of issues.


Hi Ger, welcome to the forum.

I personally think yes, if we keep strong and “thick” our aura it can help repeal those effects

Maybe someone else can confirm


Look below

The Plasma Flower

Welcome to the forum!


@Captain_Nemo is there already energy in the picture?
I want to print it out and hang it in my room , it resonates with me so much :)

Nope, the picture does not have the energy. It’s all in the audio.


my dog likes this.

i came back from my shower and usually he moves away from the computer to go into his room when i enter and start moving around.

he’s been laying by the speaker even as i type this.

my dog is the type to be super jumpy and alert. he’s really chill right now and just stares at me. i like it!


This has got to be my new favorite among all Captain Dream has created. Not an easy thing to say with the hundreds of creations available. This is what I really came here for years ago; this track. This is a track that I tried to substitute for with many other audios before this one existed.

What am I noticing so far? Today I enjoyed looking at a color, I felt a sensation of physical pleasure in my brain while looking at a pleasant color. This is something I feel must have been normal for me as a child.

Similarly, my ability to enjoy music has gone up.

Taking things personally is not happening. I clearly perceive people’s actions to be about them. This is a right mindset I had many years ago but the bumps in the road along the way did some harm to that mindset.

My desires or wishes no longer have a feeling of “need” embedded in them. I didn’t even notice “need” was there before. But now that it’s gone, I notice.

With that last mentioned change in place, decisions that were complicated before are simple now. I can see exactly what each choice has to offer and make a simple decision based on that. Before, each choice had attached to it not only what it truly can offer but what I wished it would offer and what I felt it should have to offer. That sense of “need” surely had something to do with my mind skewing the details.

Similarly, when it’s time to do some simple task like change lanes, I notice that now I feel and think that I simply “want” to change lanes. Before, I was thinking and feeling in terms of “I need to get over now”.

I see people in more reasonable terms. I see them doing the best they feel they can to meet their needs. A driver riding up my ass isn’t necessarily an asshole; they simply want to go faster. A person glaring at me on a bike as I drive past isn’t necessarily full of malice, they simply want to look tough. Understandable.

No one is making demands of me anymore. The same actions I interpreted as “demands” before, I now see them as “requests” or “wishes”.

I perceive people’s energy in passing. But it no longer enters me. It’s not imposed upon me. I sense their energy, I see who and what they are, and what they have to offer. But it doesn’t change me. It’s just information that is there like an offer made to me and I can do anything I wish with that information, or nothing at all.


It has been a while since I saw a post of yours @Atreides.
As usual, not disappointed :wink:

Thanks for the great testimonial. Keep that aura full, protected and vibrant.


Beautiful testimony ! Makes me more aware of what I have to look for after listening to it :)


Good to see you still around :wink:


I’m having troubles on Teespring. My order for this keeps getting declined and canceled every time I try to order. It isn’t because I don’t have enough money, since I checked my account and saw I had more than enough before trying to order

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Try using different payment options. If you’re using paypal try with your credit card instead and vice versa

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*results may be as varied as wounds to the aura can be

Aura Advantage by Cynthia Sue Larson


I want to buy an audio but I am undecided.

“Aura Clearing” (Divine Tools) or “Aura and Energy Repair” (Dreanweaver)?..


Dreamweaver any day!


did i forget something? :thinking:


Dream has both. Clear to get rid of bad. Repair to keep bad out. Sapien Med Aura Clearing is free or on patron for 4.50