I noticed it first with Zealot of change and sister audio, Dream has introduced upbeat, fast-paced track with hypnotic vocals, that tie in so well u dont even notice until u cant get them out of ur head.
Now with this track, he made a bold move of introducing mantra chant into fast-paced track. Never before could I imagine riding a bike to Faculty in the morning, chanting OM MANI PADME HUM with the audio, COULD FEEL SO FREAKING COOL. I literally feel like Zen warrior and it is all thanks to Dream for arranging whole track so u dont feel like plain Zen monk chanting mantras for hours on end.
Disclaimer: I do not condone use of fields or meditating to them while driving/operating machinery etc. If u do it, u are the only one responsible party.
What I do suggest when using this at home, get into deep state and just effortlessly allow vibration of each mantra syllable, to reverberate through ur whole being, u will feel some resistance, but just keep intending for these reverberations to flow freely and over time u will get results.
First 2 days of using this, let me tell u, I was passive aggresive, hard to be pleased bitch, but now I am noticing things changing dramatically, for the better.
There is a new personality awakening, one that my ego is constantly rejecting, for it isnt as expressive on the outside and entertaining for the world, like my usual self, but it is the one I am meant to embody, in order to ascent to higher states.
I suggest this audio to literally everyone dealing with unpredictability of our world, basically everyone.
And big hug for Captain🤗 for he has given us an audio that will yield unprecedented results, especially if actively used instead of just looping in background.
Dont be shy, yell that mantra mentally with every molecule of ur being, results will follow.