The Unbreakable


(Let us know what you think.)


Its been almost 2 months since i started playing this field. Its been a beautiful journey of self empowerment, self reassurance, like literally rebuilding back the foundation within Me, you know…

over the years and through ups and down and some defeats here and there, some losses, that foundation bends, burst on some parts etc and no matter how positive, resilient and forward you might be, the damages your foundation has can hardly or completely be straightened back, then also no matter how much you keep pushing the results you are working on take much longer and not exactly as youd like.

This field fix it all of it. Little by little, stronger with the passing days, and you feel it, like if metaphorically your skeleton was that foundation im talking about and this audio turns those bones into thick iron and your feet thick hard bulks of cement, crushing that path you start walking.

And then! … as the new you is being built that promising future starts unfolding in front of you, and you see those goals you left behind every time you lost hope or thought they were too big, show up again, and all the people that youd need and want to get all you want as you walk your new path come to you as well, easily, willingly, openly, trusting you, admiring you, eagerly to be part of your journey…

I mean, i am thankful for every single field and creation Dream has made. But this field here, literally broke all that was whether i believed could work or not, and completely rebuilt a new me. Inside me, like an iron man.

This field is a most for the ones that have felt defeated, lost and tired of trying with little success and low hope left, and for those starting their professional path and that dont know yet what they want or have no idea how or that for whatever reason or blockages of any kind have no confidence in themselves.

Get your power back! :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3:


Thank you, @anon46520955, for sharing your experience.

Could you please remind us what your listening schedule with this field has been?

Thanks in advance.


Daily x 3

Then Capital Governance x 3

Then Taffeity x 3 or Rune Jera x 3

But ill post about all how ive changed the stack over the course of 2 months in the share results, later, because ive switched audios to go with this one like every 2 weeks.


Thank you.

Slightly off-topic but I really enjoy the music of this and of the Rune Jera. The music of the latter makes me smile.


To more directly contribute to this thread, as I was listening to the Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna field, I received a download that it would be a good idea to combine The Unbreakable with the Ashta Lakshmi Maha Yagna field, for those who are wanting to more fully embrace and experience their courage, confidence, empowerment and victory.


Amazing experiences LunaMoon. Just what I needed to hear.
Thank you for your encouraging words


Did She indicate Unbreakable before or afterwards?


Not explicitly but my gut (and what I am now doing) is Lakshmi first and then Unbreakable. Honoring Lakshmi first just seems more “right” to me, if that makes sense.


So happy for you, @anon46520955!! Shoot for that moon and beyond! :full_moon:

Great job and wishing you continued success. :clap: :purple_heart:


Thank you!! :heart::heart:


Thank you for another superb review, LunaMoon! :sparkling_heart:

It couldn’t have been more timely as I have been feeling pretty beat up and broken lately.

This beauty is going right back into one of my daily stacks.

:pray: :pray: :pray: and thank you Captain for this field! :pray: :pray: :pray:


Just got the field and the music is so dope I would be listening to it everyday even without any field in it


Feel the same way! (I probably overplay it because I like the music so much. Haha.)


been playing this on and off since the last 4 days.
A few surprising things have cropped up in my life. Not so good, but it’s pointing me to some long term solutions,

something is definitely going on as far as confidence.
I’ve started making notes of work that has to be done

  • in essence stopping procrastination

The main difference between this and Kinght I feel is that Knight gives you ‘‘I should’’ motivation, while this give you ‘‘I can’’ one.
Also I feel with this one solution come to mind or sometimes unnoticed before roots of problems .
I also feel this attraction part, maybe its what dream mentioned as
attract those who are willing to help or to willing to start mutually beneficial successes together
It feels similliar in some sense to Enviromental Energy Accumulator, and fields on attracting money or love, like the attracted ‘‘thing’’ comes to me in waves, or as If Im breathing it in.
So from what I have experienced from the short time of using this field, it could also be called ‘‘The Problem Solver’’ field I guess.
Oh an another comparision to the Knight mindset what I get is that Knight turns you into ‘‘SuperMan’’ type of badass and this one turns you into ‘‘Batman’’ or ‘‘Geralt of Rivia’’ type of badass, but thats purely subjective impression.


:eye: :warning:

@Captain_Nemo :handshake: :moneybag: :point_right::mage: :sunrise_over_mountains: :banjo: :notes:


This is simply a cure-all for motivation and decision; if Knight pushes these aspects indirectly, for Unbreakable it is his “core business”. Both can be used and complemented, with Knight dealing with existence more generally, but that could also be decisive in these particular periods that are being lived.


I am using KNIGHT WARRIOR MINDSET as a starting point for my new life and from there decide what audio to combine it with.

There are many interesting options: The Navigator of Awe, The Unbreakable, etc.


Yes, is a good choice, in my opinion
before deciding which other track to play alongside, if you want to do a “wake up” test of your system, you could try listening to The Mana Circuit: but be careful because it is very intense and will push any audio that follows to levels never seen before.
… a Tesla car will never accelerate like The Mana Circuit does, probably a Ferrari, yes …