Vibration of Transcendence


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Damn if that ain’t the case

I’m still hung over about my ex and truth be told I held back from doing etheric cord cutters because of attached I was. Even heart restoration didn’t kill the feeling.

But your realization resonates with me for sure


i’ve never really had an ex, but i definitely had strong feelings for others that i had to accept are different now.

i had to accept that whenever i thought of them i was no longer happy and the overall energy transformed into sadness, disappointment, and frustration.

i am learning now to just let those energies be there and live with how i feel and continue to move on.

i stopped burning the bridges because whenever i do i just find myself going through the same cycles and hurting another soul along the way.

i still use soul restoration. whenever they do decide to come back, i will respond with unconditional love.

they too have their own journey. my absence in their life allows them time to find out who they are and frees them to explore their world.

the time apart allows me to transmute what i feel about them through ho’oponopono.

maybe they’ll come back, but i can’t pause my life gambling on the possibility.

there’s so much beauty and rich emotion waiting to be explored with others.

i only say this to share my experience. i know others go through their feelings differently, but i do know that love is always there ready to blossom again and again.


i looped this with ego dissolution and after a nap i woke up feeling more free.


no! I was reading your full post.

EDIT: nvm saw the new post :slight_smile:

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haha check here:


i have a new found appreciation for the non-dualistic approach.

i loop this with ego dissolution and crucible.

it feels like yin and yang.

i go through my ‘suffering’ in a more graceful and appreciative way. i’m sure others would probably see it as masochistic lol.

but now that i accept my ‘suffering’, it feels like i have more access to my peace and joy.

i think @SammyG describes this the best for me:

there was a point where i had no interest in my hobbies and there was no one to talk to because everyone was unavailable. at that point i just meditated and emotionally felt better and calmer. my energy started to feel like cool flowing water inside of me.

the deeper i went into meditation, the more friends i was attracting to message me.


I do recall you saying that a couple of months ago.

you mean all three audios VoT, Ego dis and crucible? or just VoT (since it already has Ego dis in it) and crucible?


i probably forgot the feeling and am re-remembering it! i usually forget the spiritual lessons i learn when i’m faced with new situations in my life.

just the following:

  • Ego Dissolution
  • Vibration of Transcendence
  • The Internal Alchemical Crucible

i just don’t feel inspired to use vibration of creation and divine love at the moment. i don’t have the time to add them in and they don’t really help me with silencing my ego which is my goal when i play this stack.

like i mentioned in my other post, i’d add The Devil Reversed once i can download it. it just doesn’t work if i mix my playlist with the youtube version and i don’t want to get out of my meditation just to tinker with my stack.

i like playing both ego diss and VoT because they approach my ego differently. ego diss approaches more physically while VoT approaches more energetically with added perspectives of upliftment.


i’m starting to feel joy for no reason besides just being alive!


Wow i didnt know that was an attribute only men have :face_with_monocle: the more you know…




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This forum is gold… diferent posts gives a sense of direction and inspiration to listen to a certain field.

:joy: “put down Thor’s mandala”

This one honestly made me shed a few tears.


Yes, this one is great for release.

For me it often goes like this when I listen to it: first a release and then clear guidance ( voices, visions ) on what to do if I have anything I ponder at the moment.

Otherwise I just feel a deep connection with everything. The ”all is well, regardless current circumstances” feeling.

My favorite of the vibes. :slightly_smiling_face:


Actually, going for a drive in the rain right now. Thunder and lightning over here. Feel restless… Trancendence will be my companion on the car stereo.


Do you only have this one from the Vibrations series?


I got all 3. Listen to all of them once in a while. But trancendace is my absolute favorite so usually just listen this.