Yes. you can reduce the size. It’s doesn’t affect it an anyway.
Please don’t boost anything until you’ve played with the field for quite sometime and know why and if it needs boosting and what the potential side effects are.
The longer it stays on your phone screen, the better. You don’t need to look at it as long as you’re near or carry your phone.
Yes, you can but Sapien stressed that it’s better to use just one mandala at a time to experience faster and stronger results.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can distribute them to others after laminating them and as per Sapien, it will still work even if you just used a black and white printer.
I printed the Draw Luck mandala last year in 2.5 x 2.5 inches I.D. sized card and put it on a plastic with clip. I wear it exposed whenever I’m only at home and the results were very good, it helped me in various aspects of my life, lucky breaks, etc. I did not boost it because it’s already powerful and I did not use my Abundance/Prosperity mandala anymore which I also printed as a similar I.D. card. There was no need anymore to use the latter.
Because its more psychological. If we feel it stronger we have the feeling that it gonna help more even when it might be not necessary. Its like a dinner that looks better. Also, i didn’t said it has to be, it was a suggestion. If the user prints it and feels like it is strong enough i expect him to be smart enough to decide on his own.
You could ask why i think that a change makes the mandala weaker instead you asking me this one.
I wrote: “Every changes makes the mandala weaker but you can boost it so that’s not a problem.”
I had a one by one comparison and the edited one was a bit weaker. It was subtle, but still noticeable. For me, a changed mandala wasn’t that strong like a normal unedited one so if you boost it one time it has the regular strenght IF (!) a change causes lowering effect, which you dont assume. Maybe something else went wrong what caused the lowering effect of the mandala but again, i could feel a little difference there clearly.
Even Sammy boosted his Ascension tag one or two times, if i remember correctly. Whats wrong with boosting it once or two times? I agree with you if you boost it just 7 or 10 times without knowing how to adapt to that, isn’t the smartest thing but one or two times is really nothing extreme and should be easy to adapt.
No problem.
There is no such thing like a field is too strong. You are just too weak to handle it.
I don’t see any reason why i should follow the course routine if i have better results with my own routine!? At the end, these are just recommendation, nothing else.
I decided to just use the Draw Luck one since it gave me good results. Besides, sapien commented it would be better to focus on one at a time for better, stronger results.
Yes, you can still use both. The draw luck one is so effective just like the good luck video which I used 2 years ago. It also helps a lot in problem solving in different situations you encounter.
Everyone keeps saying, “wear the mandala”. But how do you wear it exactly? You print it out and wear it around your neck? Or you just put it in your pocket or wallet. I’m confused
So, you can print it out. Color or Black/White.
Resize it HOWEVER you want ie. pocket sized.
Old school people will laminate it and either put it in their pocket
you could use a punch hole, a necklace,
and throw it around your neck (this gets itchy)