Welcome Muse!
For your creative work you might like to include New Release - The Well of Creativity .
For your business and sales, maybe Kuberas Blessing (the god of wealth). For your investments and financial planning I’d look into capital governance . Then throw in some abundance and luck and you should be good to go:
[Probability Alteration and Luck]
From Album 3 (See links below for Spotify/Apple etc links)
What this does is draw the concepts of abundance and luck to you and also place you into the flow of luck. "the flow of luck’ is a state of being where everything seems to just flow into place,
this happen at the right time in an almost coincidental way.
This will also alter probability to help get the best outcomes of situations for you.
The problem a lot of people may have is that; so…
First, I want to give credits and to thanks @dexserbia @Ramsey123 for making this possible, providing us with whole description, sigil and activation word of this field, and for making efforts in search for old Dreamweavers tools, and especially thanks Dreamweaver for creating this many many years ago.
Who wouldn’t want to be lucky in life?
Sometimes you wonder how can some people be so lucky while you have to work so hard and nothing sems to work …
Hope this helps :)