No Results.Help?

I would at first take a complete break from fields altogether for a week roughly, or at least 72 hours. Let everything normalize.

Keep in mind that the more frustration you have simply indicates that your subconscious is still working against you.

You know that infamous iceberg picture, your subconsciousness is the stuff underwater, and your conscious awareness above surface. Picture that but times a million.

Hence your conscious awareness might be one part that wants to see quick results, but up to 999999 other parts aren’t in line with this desire yet.

Here the SLR tag really really helps, and it is almost certain you’ll think it doesn’t give results either, but the changes are so small and nuanced, only after a couple of months you’ll notice you aren’t quite who you were before → mindset shifted.

The most important is you being detached from the outcome, meaning getting out of your ego way and into this knowing state of success. This cannot be forced, as this would reignite frustration. Rather, it’s a kind of natural confidence, very effortless, feels very smooth.

And you don’t need to be a meditation master to do this. Just become very aware of your thoughts and emotions, and try to shift out of them and into what you want.

This is way easier said than done, because you’ll fall into old patterns. That’s totally expected and you have to look forward to this. Then you can shift again and again into the new ideal. Eventually this becomes automatic.

The fields should better be regarded as supplements. Don’t just listen and arrogantly presume this is all you need to do. There’s always work to be done on the mind to be successful.

The whole process, try to view it as a game, you have to let all the seriousness be removed, and view it all in a fun way. Bring humour into everything. These are very light energies and you’ll overall feel better.

The best and quickest results i had was when i was completely at ease with what would happen, enjoying the moment with a fun point of view, not resisting anything and just letting myself be absorbed and immersed.

Don’t make listening to fields a daily chore otherwise you’ll slowly lose the fun. Keep this innocent, open and experimental mind.

Keep working on it. Literally the work you do now impacts the entire rest of your life. Read that sentence again. I just did and a smile crept along my face


Wish that was the case but as I mentioned it has been 1.5 years since the start and I have individually stuck to just sapien too for a few months but still no results.What is the PONR stack tho?

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I understand what you’re trying to say but I have taken breaks for weeks altogether from everything but still there were no results.Although you may be right regarding the mindset path.Regardless I think I may need to work on my mindset and myself.Any tips for getting in the right mindset and to become energy sensitive?

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point of no return stack, its mentioned everywhere on the forum, there has been an original and then it got updated as more fields were released, until it was released as a single field on gumroad (with additions):


i have a feeling your mindset is already pretty good. I did an experiment months ago, only looping the Knight Mindset 24/7 for 3 days. Here: Knight. Mindset shifts in general require more time as you have to stay vigilant, imo.

Sensitive to energy i would say in general, some people are simply more, and others less. You can get results while being 0% sensitive to energy, i would say, because you dont need the sensitivity to achieve results.

In general, spend more time in contemplation, try to push away the distractions of the world. Try the vibration series to raise your vibration whilst removing stored energy junk in the body. Also try the energy awakening course, and especially the exercises within.

What i like to do in the morning, after waking up, just doing a couple minutes of body imaging (i think thats what its called). its like you completely relax, and then picture the energy swirling for instance in your feet and toes, then move to your calves , knees, etc. Go through the whole body and see if you can not only sense but move the energies around.

Many people also swear on the star exercise here. i have personally been really inconsistent with it though, so i cant comment much on it.

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Nice2knowu is giving you gold. Absolutely. To add, I found that really everything including fields began to work for me more when I started studying Neville Goddard and Florence Scovel Shinn.

The fields are helping you, but you must work with the fields. It’s a cocreation :grinning: Sammy created a post on visualization recently it should be searchable in the search bar, but that’s what I’m getting at -

Also- very important. Make the things you want to achieve not vital to your happiness. When I want to manifest something I first make sure that I can be loose about it. Otherwise I’ll be white knuckling it the whole time and there’s too much pressure on it.

Ask yourself, before there’s a goal, can I live without this? And explore why not if the answer is no until you can live without it. Then start visualizing about it. :heart:

But stay loose! My favorite display of what the attitude should be while manifesting and it is eye rolling stuff let me tell you but bear with me-

Go to YouTube and find the scene from gossip girl of all things where Blair dances for Chuck at his dads burlesque club. LOL

So basically Blair is you. Chuck is your desire. You want to be Blair the whole time you just want to be like, you are down there and I am up here, baby! I do not need you I’ve got my own thing going on! In that moment she is not chasing Chuck she is all about herself. And what does Chuck (the desire) do? Well, he gets up he comes closer.

This is simplified but that’s why I think it’s a great analogy. You want to be on your stage having a good time, or as good of a time as you can, and your desire is over there you see it, but you’re not yearning for it. After all, you’re on the stage and it’s watching you. YOU are on the pedestal, not your desire.

Hope that helps!

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Just boost yourself. Print out the Destinus sigil on 12 or 16 pieces of paper and carefully tape them together just right. End up with a 3 by 3 foot or larger sigil, Scotch tape it carefully onto a large card board box you get from the store but don’t unfold.

Sit in the middle of it with no fielded objects on your person. Say “DESTINUS”. Wait there cross legged within the circle for about an hour. When a spirit says to you “That’s enough”, you’re done.

Do that one time. No more than once in your life time. After that, you’re good. You’ll get lots and lots of effect from every single field you use after that.


That’s awesome


Thanks. I think we forget that we are morphic fields. The original morphic fields are living beings. According to the originator of the whole idea, Rupert Sheldrake.

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Just for the logistics here, how does one print something that large? Is there a software you need or something?

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That’s all you need.


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Ah I have Mac. I’ll figure it out maybe I can send it to staples or something lol

“Hey guys! Do you have my 3ft printout? Don’t worry about it”

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Cool thanks!

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You’ll need some patience too. : ) Don’t get frustrated with taking the time to line everything up and get the tape just right. Just using little pieces of tape on the corners of each page while having them lined up perfectly ended up working better for me than my original idea of trying to run a single piece of tape along the entire line between each page.

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I do a lot of crafting and little projects like that, so this just seems like a lot of fun to me, the “doing” itself hehe. Do you live with anyone? What was their reaction to this I’m curious. In my house everyone knows me and my antics by now lol

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Oh I kept this weirdness of mine very private. Lol. Not the kind of thing most people outside of this forum could find sensible.


Do it at a Starbucks

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:rofl: If I decide to do it a second time, you bet. But for some reason I took that voice very seriously. It only said “that’s enough” but I knew what it meant, don’t do this again. A warning or word of caution almost.


What if you just sat on a regular-sized one? I think that would work too, yes?


It might. But I really liked the idea of being inside of the circle. Just an old school way of looking at things. It’s called a “circle of protection”. And I don’t shirk anything that has to do with safety.