Overwhelmed with Life

I don’t even know what to say.

Everything has gone to shit these last 2 weeks, social life, finances, physical health, mental health.

I’m fucked.
Have no clue what to do, fields don’t even seem to work anymore.

I’m willing to do anything to get out of this rut (don’t really want to buy any new fields though)

Any advice?
Spells, Sigils, Fields, idgaf moral out the window, i’m fucked.


Hi there. First sending some healing energy

Healing Heart KY and Empress
Healing Rainbow

The really cool thing about this is that for some, this is where their journey began. The view inward, knowing it had to be better than this (whatever that might be). The other cool thing is, no matter what you’re feeling right now, the thing you are feeling and “you” are different, otherwise who is doing the feeling of the thing being felt?

We are here for you to rant to (there’s also a thread for that) and we are here just so you have someone with you. Feel what you are feeling. The faster you feel it, the faster the feelings will integrate. They persist because they aren’t really being felt. And the minute you feel them fully, you will realize they aren’t you but only a perception like any other.

Thank you for sharing what you’re going through with us. :slight_smile:


How I started here 🫡

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Meditate with Point of No return stack for 2-3 months.


  • Clear all negative energy and entity removal (patreon)
  • Unconditional you, Divine love (Energetic alchemy)
  • Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance
  • Blossom for abundance

I’ll add this general suggestion.

  • I’m not sure if we have a dedicated thread on ‘belief systems’. But I urge you to search the forum on how belief system can fk up your reality.
  • If you are feeling stuck in life and going through loops of negative patterns, I suggest you be aware of yourself from within. not just behavioral patterns, but mental awareness. The 3D-Reality you are experiencing is just effect.

To understand more of yourself, meditate to Ego dissolution and Emotional release daily.

+Please do provide us with more insights of your problem, so we can help you out accordingly.


thank you.

in terms of more insights i’ll just lay it out for you.

over the past 2-3 months i don’t even know what happened life was going so well and since then it’s been a rollercoaster especially the last month and 1/2.

i accumulated so much debt so im financially fucked.
on top of that so many dumb financial mistakes to try to get my life in order and nothing has worked out, to the point where i borrowed 10k from my mom and haven’t been able to pay it back and now she’s on the verge of finding out im unable to pay it back.
in my social life i just feel lost, not like myself at all, and I can’t just hibernate i have responsibilities im expected to complete.
physically i just feel tired, fogged, weak.
my environment is a mess, im just dragging myself through life and every chance i get at rest i just waste it laying down, opting for cheap dopamine & sleeping.
spiritually i just feel like im battling, im a christian and man since i’ve gotten into these fields and sigils idk everything has taken a turn for the worse.
everytime i go away from God my life seems to get better but a sinful life is still destructive.
then when I try to walk in communion with God everything falls apart, it feels like i’m attacked from all angles, it feels like i can’t catch a break.
situation after situation nothing works out for me.

relationships down the gutter, mentally im not even there, physically feel weak, spiritually battling for my soul.
i’m fucked dude.

i usually always get out of ruts, i don’t avoid the challenges and even if they feel overwhelming i find a way to make it work.
i usually always have an optimistic mindset but man right now and recently all that is gone.
i feel like a shell of myself, just trying to maintain the social mask when im in public.
addiction doesn’t help either, i use to take adderall and i switched to vyvanse recently in hopes of a more calm approach to overcome adhd but thats been a nightmare, so i stopped taking it.

i dont know man im all over the place, and it doesn’t help that i work everyday so i dont really have time to myself to even think myself out of this rut.

so much pressure, so many things to fix. i dont know i feel like im on the verge of a crash out.
may God help me. I love God but i think i might have to just run away from Christianity, i cannot take on this battle.

rosechalice i saw your response aswell and i thank you, i can tell you have good energy, may you be blessed for all the good you put out <3

sorry if this response is all over the place guys, idk anymore.


Your response is fine, and thank you for sharing again.

What if you told your story without labels and without judgement. These things happened but might they seem different if you allow them to be just what they were: experiences in life. Yes, there are reparations to be made, but is it easier to make them with a 1,000 pound weight on your back, or a feather?

We have read your story and we feel for you, and not just about the story because everyone has one. It’s the weight you are heaping upon yourself. Could you let that go?

I believe that the solution to your situation is at hand, and you can either determine that it has to be difficult or easy and effortless, allowing you to accept the lesson while also bathing in the awareness that there is no blame. Would you let that go?



how do i let that go?
i feel like there’s so much pressure on me

social expectation, repercussions for my financial mistakes, what will i be? what will i become? and all the empty promises i made to do this and that by a certain time (vacations, moving out, starting my business by the end of the year)

i feel like i can’t just shove this under the rug, i feel like everything has to be addressed and fixed.

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I does have to be addressed and fixed, but it’s not the things, it’s the feelings. It’s the difference between making a fist and holding it as tightly as you can or relaxing and letting the hand open. You get to choose how you deal with your life. The pressure is not built into the situation, it’s being added to it by you. it’s a bit of a punishment thinking you have to atone by making yourself miserable. If you were watching this event on tv or at a movie, could you view the scene without getting upset about it? Of course, because you are an observer. Now you can choose to adopt the feeling of yes I will correct this situation but I don’t have to be destroyed by it. You get to choose. You are in control. You learned a way not to do this thing and you won’t do it again, lesson learned. Now it is the beginning of a new day but you have to be the one who chooses the new way. Smile at yourself inwardly. Let yourself off the hook. Christ taught the forgiveness of sin. Go and sin no more, not go and beat yourself up about it. He befriended those that the world thought were the untouchables because he knew that what they did was not who they were. He wiped the slate clean and helped them realize that there was another way to live. By letting the heavy feelings go you will be in a better position to receive the answers of how to proceed. It will allow your inner wisdom to reach your mind so that you can see the new way in front of you.


I think this is a great analogy.
Many people live in a forceful way of life, i.e. they make an internal fist and go through life. But having this internal fist activated all the time creates a non-stop stream of pressure. It’s like an automatic stress mode activated at all times.

Open your hand. Relax. Realize that there’s a way beyond a forceful way of life. Too forceful and it feels like swimming against the stream. Too gentle and there’s no direction. At times, the fist is extremely useful. Other times, it’s very evident that an open hand is the way to go.

Realize that whether it’s a fist or an open hand, at the end of the day, it’s still the same hand. That means there’s choice, and there always will be. With hands, we create things, we can interact, sense, touch, feel, build, design, work, hold, etc, etc.

@SaintJordan try this:

  • sit down or lie down, however you want, as long as it’s comfortable
  • just stay there a moment, relax. If you need to breathe deeply, do it. If not, also ok. No rule here besides relaxing
  • say the ho’oponopono mantra (I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you) in mind. Just repeat it at the speed you deem appropriate
  • try to feel these words as you say them in mind. Feel their meaning within. This step is simply about sincerity
  • now think back to your past 2-3 months you mentioned above, and take each issue into your mind for a moment. Take an issue and repeat the mantra. If you can, try to direct the words at the issue.
  • proceed with the next issue. There’s no specific time on how long to hold the mantra for an issue.
  • you can do this on your past self too (very powerful)

Actually what this does is, ever so gently releasing the accumulated pressure on and about these issues. That’s the letting go - the release of the energies surrounding these issues. It’s like you are closing chapters in order to make space for new chapters to be created.

The above ho’oponopono process, you can also use this alongside:

It is really powerful. My recommendation is a daily routine of 10-15 minutes. One session alone can make a massive impact.

One other thing though is that it might not show immediately in the 3D. You will probably already feel the pressure release internally, but the 3D will take a moment to align with your internal world (as within, so without). It’s important to simply trust in the process. Good thing is, you can even apply ho’oponopono on your doubts about it working :infinity: (like applying a cheat code on a cheat code)

Hope it helps


Hey SaintJordan. A lot of advice has already been given. But I think my opinion will be a little different so maybe still worth adding.

I know that in times of high stress, our decision-maker doesn’t work well. The decisions I’ve made in times of high stress have been some of the worst decisions for myself. Maybe actually the worst; leading to far more stress than I had in the first place.

I’ve had breakthroughs in times like those with meditation. But it’s a kind of meditation where I’m paying attention to what is happening inside of me. It’s like sitting with the pain for a while. But then something breaks through and you find a part of yourself in yourself that isn’t twisted all up in the distortions and stresses. Once it comes through it becomes you. You become yourself again.

I’d think about trying to make things simpler. Again, just speaking of what has helped me in the past. You might try reading the Bible with again a meditative mindset like you’re just trying to get back to foundational truths or ideas. Things that are good “square-ones” to start from. Those things that are simplest and truest get lost the easiest in this world. I think the world has been designed to do that.

One preacher has said that the voice of God is always speaking into each person’s heart to lead them into life and away from destruction. But things like stress and fear make that voice hard to hear or hard to trust. I’d look for a settling down into peace.

Here I’m not saying that you are panicking but I am saying that in times like what you are describing, I have panicked. So I can say, panic is your enemy. It’s the easiest thing to do but it won’t guide you right.

Trust on the other hand. Trust, patience, and peace. Have guided me out these places and times. The steps to take become clear eventually. Ways out do show up. Believe in them before you see them and you’ll see them sooner. It might even be the only way you will see them.



Imaginarium Divine (Patreon)

Higher Self Connection

Higher Being Experience

Your inner guidance is always there.