And what I believe was the culprit a multivitamin which contains methylcobalamin. Upon researching further it loooks like there are many people that have experienced panic attacks, insomnia and anxiety from methylcobalamin. Some people claim that symptoms lingered for up to 6 months
I have never experienced anything like that in my life. As soon as I started the above mentioned things I got insomnia, uncontrollable panic attacks, anxiety and depersonalisation symptoms at one point I believed I was going schizophrenic. There were days that I would lie in bed all day, do nothing and overthink all day long.
I am not sure what of the above might have caused this so I stopped everything. Things have improved by now but I still experience some symptoms and I do not feel good in general. I am still not back to my old me. I honestly don’t know if this was caused by the multivitamin or by the emotional and traumatic release from the fields. I feel like I need to clear my body and mind, but I am too scared to try and experiment once again even though that I have used sapiens stuff for years without any issues.
Methylcobalamin is b12 it’s essential for nerves. I got prescribed with this back then when I was suffering from tinnitus. I have GAD. But when I took that vitamin it really didn’t do anything to my anxiety. Are you sure it’s from this? Do you cough? Could be covid if you do cough. Covid also can worsen people that already suffering from anxiety disorder or people that have underlying issue with their mental health. Anxiety field can help. Use it twice a day with brain antioxidant. Get sunlight and exercise
Trust me when I say this, New Perspectives reversed my anxiety ngl, take some chances and listen to New Perspectives as much as you can and toss in brain regen, and the new flight to fight and you’re set
I don’t think I have covid. Since I have had these issues for quite some time. The anxiety field provides me only with a temporary relief. The thing with methylcobalamin is that some people have a genetic mutation that doea not let them break it down properly and this can results in my symptoms.
The thing is that I have never prwviously experienced these symptoms. Never had anxiety or anything like that. I looped brain regeneration while aleeping but it was of little help.
Use the brain antioxidant. The thing with anxiety you have to be consistent using the field. Even if it’s minor results. It is still working to fix that issue
As an aside: I know how uncomfortable anxiety can be. So, whilst you’re waiting for our replies, you can use the forum search engine (that little magnifying glass in the upper right corner of every page of this forum) to find the many discussions we’ve had about anxiety. I’m sure there are some wonderful solutions for you there.
All of the above suggestions are great but If you are willing to pay, the silent mind NFT killed all of my intrusive thoughts that caused my anxiety, from the first day I got it, I felt my anxiety reduce significantly. You still need to go out and do the things that give anxiety so you can rewire your brain which is a work in progress for me but it’s much easier.
I guess that also applies on social anxiety?
I’ve got the flight to fight but haven’t purchased new perspectives yet because I thought it might not be needed:thinking: